I'm just here to be a funny little crow-guy!

The real beauty of this deck is that, by playing it, I have already acknowledged that I will lose BUT I am absolutely gonna affect the ding-dong state of the game while I'm around!

As such: I cannot be threatened! It doesn't matter what you wave in my face, you cannot change the fact that my deck is a bunch of funny little guys and some of the dumbest-yet-most-potent one-two punchs Dimir has ever seen!


Siphon Insight + Tunnel Vision = That's a nice library you got there... be a shame if something happened to it.

Doomsday + Sudden Substitution = That's a nice library you got there, AND I'm "borrowing" your commander!

Eternal Dominion + Mnemonic Deluge = Your decks are my deck!

Platinum Emperion + Lightning Greaves = We're in it for the long haul!

There's plenty of surveilling to hopefully find that one piece you need to ruin someone's day, some discard to slow the other folks down, and of course, plenty of crows!




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93% Casual


Date added 11 months
Last updated 1 month

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

16 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.92
Tokens Bird 1/1 B, Bird 1/1 U, Bird 1/1 U w/ High Flying, Bird Illusion 1/1 U, Storm Crow 1/2 U, Treasure
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