
A psuedo-pauper EDH deck made from cards I had on hand. Probably should order specific ones to fill out the deck, but this is my first time making a deck from scratch so I'll see where I go from here. Most of these cards are gained through random boosters (yay gambling) or bought for cheap in a chaff box I originally intended for proxying. Except for the commander which was a gift from a friend.

The deck is built mainly by just grabbing whatever blue/red cards I had and then picking out the ones with card draw. Eventually I also started grabbing potshot snipers and other things which deal direct damage to stuff. Combined with the commander, there's a lot of ways of dealing damage to face or single creatures.

Some problems I expect the deck will have: 1. Lack of ramp / mana generation 2. Split focus creating unreliability / no real strength (card draw, creatures, enchantments, counter spells, slap damage) 3. Being unwilling to remove cards I think are/look cool (pygmy pyrosaur I'm looking at you)

Todo: 1. More generic or split colour generating lands / things. Play test got one red mana after like 8 turns 2. Removing dowsing device because I thought the transform wasn't just ETB trigger

This deck is probably missing a lot of red/blue staples, so I can just google those, but what other cards do you think would fit?


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91% Casual


Date added 4 months
Last updated 4 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

59 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.33
Tokens City's Blessing
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