cube colorwheel

The Casually Casual Peasantly Peasant Cubical Cube

By alkymyst

Score: 1

Draft this Cube Open pack Create Sealed Copy


This is a peasant cube meant to be drafted with three packs of sixteen a person in a pod of eight or when with four people in a format of 6 packs per person where you pick one card and remove a card every pick. Or pick two cards a pack and build two decks, whatever suits your fancy. Some themes: Azorius Blink Jeskai Noncreature Spells Dimir Controlly Nonsense Jund Aristocrats Gruul Ramp Naya +1/+1 Counters Selesnya Go Wide Orzhov Lifegain Izzet Tempo Boros Aggro Simic Morphs Sultai Midrange

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Cards 384
Date added 3 years
Last updated 3 years