Pheres-Band Warchief

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Pheres-Band Warchief

Creature — Centaur Warrior

Vigilance, trample

Other Centaur creatures you control get +1/+1 and have vigilance and trample.

bootsworthy on Modern Centaurs

5 years ago

Hi JessT! It looks like Armadillo Cloak isn't modern legal!

I might consider consolidating some of your creatures and instead of having two of a bunch of different creatures, choose a few that you'd really like to see come out in a game and give yourself 3 or 4 of them.

I might also think about adding some more cards with a CMC, so that you have a better chance of being able to throw something out there on your first turn.

A cool thing you could possibly do with Pheres-Band Raiders and Pheres-Band Tromper is use cards like Beacon Hawk, Act of Heroism, Aim High, Djeru's Resolve, Gift of Growth, Ornamental Courage, or Prepare to untap them after they've attacked and activate their abilities.

I'm also worried about Pheres-Band Warchief being in there, because if it's out on the battlefield, cards like Pheres-Band Raiders and Pheres-Band Tromper will have vigilance, and thus not tap when they attack and not be able to activate their untap abilities.

I hope some of this is useful!

ZendikariWol on ETB "Tribal" Tribal

5 years ago

This is... pretty fantastic. May need more Dromoka, the Eternal (easily the second most devastating Dragonlord, in my opinion) and possibly Utvara Hellkite, Heirloom Blade, and absolutely Drogskol Captain, maybe Stromkirk Captain. Urza's Incubator, Obelisk of Urd, maybe Captivating Vampire, Battletide Alchemist, a Banneret (ie Bosk Banneret), Knight Exemplar, Gilt-Leaf Archdruid (which may not seem that great but at very least it's an additional Kindred Discovery), the mercenaries (ie Cateran Brute, Moggcatcher, Rathi Assassin) Pheres-Band Warchief, the harbingers (ie Flamekin Harbinger, Treefolk Harbinger).

Snickles@EDH_only on A Sliver Deck With No Slivers?!!

5 years ago

Minor alteration you might enjoy - Horde of Notions for a general - you can't tutor out cards from play, but it lets you run any changling for , and cast them from graveyard as well.

another odd option is Reaper King for destruction of permanents

odd "lords" that might fit well -

Admiral Beckett Brass and or Captivating Vampire - Steal their stuff!

Bramblewood Paragon & the their tribal parallels - give a static bonus even after the card leaves

Death Baron - pairs well with first / double strike. kill stuff dead. good alternitive to Zombie Master

Drogskol Captain - another lord of the unreal, effectively. plus it steroids

Scion of Oona - see above, but shroud. can't target it, but has flash

Field Marshal and / or Stromkirk Captain - pairs well with deathtouch

Seshiro the Anointed - big buffs + card draw = win

Midnight Entourage - Gives a mini Phyrexian Arena effect when one dies

Myr Galvanizer - untapping is amazing. do stuff more!

Pheres-Band Warchief - because tribal centaurs are apparently a thing

Timber Protector & Crested Sunmare - because indistructable is amazing

Unnatural Selection - because more messing with stuff is more better

AEther Shockwave & Whelming Wave - lockout effects

Crux of Fate - because it is now viable in a non-dragon tribal

Goblin Chieftain - an alternitive to goblin king - not a fan of landwalk, personally. to circumstantial

TheVectornaut on Centaur deck that favors Enchantments

6 years ago

Pheres-Band Warchief and Stonehoof Chieftain seem like strong inclusions in general. The latter is high CMC, but my suggestion is that you take this deck in a ramp direction anyway.

Step 1: Add Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and swap some creatures around to improve devotion. Ex: Swap Centaur Courser for Swordwise Centaur, Pharika's Disciple for Seton, Krosan Protector, Pheres-Band Tromper for Jolrael's Centaur. This also makes Nylea's Disciple more effective.

Step 2: Add enchantments that help you tap forests for additional mana like Fertile Ground, Overgrowth, Utopia Sprawl, and Vernal Bloom. These gain the benefits from Herald of the Pantheon and Dowsing Shaman and provide incredible acceleration.

Step 3: Find something to do with the mana. The easy answer would be to draw with Harmonize and play more centaurs. But I think the more interesting answer is to go for broke with Genesis Wave or Primal Surge (after removing Fruition). Play all (or most) of your deck, gain a ton of life, throw in Concordant Crossroads for haste, and swing with an indestructible, trampling centaur army.

That's how I'd do it at least, though I must admit I am a sucker for flashy plays.

Firebones675 on Trostani's Growth

7 years ago

Just wanted to clarify something i said earlier. I'd look for around 36-38 lands total. This would include the nonbasics you have already. The amount of basics varies from deck to deck with 5 color decks only having a handful where 1-2 color decks tend to have more

You'll still need to make other cuts too but here are some that come to mind.

Attended Knight: you have a lot of ways to make tokens already, this is one of the weaker ones so i'd start here.

Centaur Healer yes it gains a bit of life but it's still only a 3 mana 3/3 with no abilities once in play.

Emmara Tandris if this said it made them indestructable insead then maybe but as it is for 7 mana i'd want more than this

Ephemeral Shields cute combat trick don't get me wrong but i think you can do without it

Savage Surge: if you're using this as a a pump spell/ a way to eat an attacker Spidery Grasp is probably better. If the intent was for your commander, i'd much rather run Thousand-Year Elixir.

Divine Favor is too inefficient

Pheres-Band Warchief with only 7ish other ways to get centaurs out it's a bit questionable

Siege Wurm: not a bad card by any stretch especially if you can get it down quickly but it is a bit outclassed by some of the other creatures already in the deck

Trostani's Judgment yes it populates but it's slow and expensive

Rootborn Defenses I know a lot of people that like this card but personally i'm not a huge fan. When it's good, it's great but otherwise do you really want to hold up 3 mana for the rest of the game just in case you need to cast it? I suppose you might be doing that anyways with your commander but the point is that it's a bit more situational than i would like.

Selesnya Guildmage It's a mana dump late game but that's about it. not very efficient.

Selesnya Evangel: too slow

Kazandu Tuskcaller. Can be great if your opponents let it live but having only 1 toughness and the need to invest 6 mana into it before it has any ability is a bit awkward. Most times i've played with it people let you spend your turn leveling it up and then kill it before you get much in the way of tokens.

As i said you'll still have plenty of cuts but these are the one's i'd start with.

zephyr_chang on Naya Centaurs

7 years ago

First of all, great idea and great tribe! I have looked at this for a while and thought of another angle but it's not necessarily a better build, merely a different one. Here are my random thoughts that led to it:

We don't have many two drop Centaurs, since they are an expensive tribe. A possible two drop is Herald of the Pantheon but we would have to play some enchantments for that card to make sense. Thankfully, this is not too difficult because Centaurs has some minor enchantment synergy due to most of them coming in the Theros block.

Since we are dedicated to playing some enchantments, I thought of another synergy that a Green/White deck can exploit - tokens. We already have Centaur's Herald and Call of the Conclave that produces tokens, why not expand on that? After examining all other Centaur token producing cards, I thought the next best one was Fated Intervention. Now, 12 token-producing cards is obviously not enough; thankfully we have enchantments such as Parallel Lives and Growing Ranks and Doubling Season and Intangible Virtue that are good with a tokens gameplan (there are many other options out there). Incidentally, this also incentivises us to play enchantment-based removal.

With all these in mind, here is a very tentative proposed list:

Some pre-testing notes: Enchantments are usually harder to remove than creatures (unless you are playing a Nahiri deck), although tokens are quite easily wrecked by bounce spells and some artifacts. There is quite a bit of lifegain with Courser (which is also an enchantment!) and Herald combined. Our one and only lord is still very fragile as it is within Bolt range. This is firmly a midrange deck and might have some game against other midrange attrition decks like Jund but will probably lose badly G1 to combo decks and have a slightly disfavored matchup against aggro decks.

I'm using this as a starting point to fine tune. Will try to see how it goes.

Eiti3 on Time for a new deck …

7 years ago

Here's way too long of a list of suggestions now that I know you're interested in Changeling Scarecrows.

Stuff That Works Well With Reaper King Show

If you have any more questions, I should have eaten my supper by then. Best of luck!

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