Leave in the Dust

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Leave in the Dust


Return target nonland permanent to its owner's hand.

Draw a card.

keizerbuns on Unstoppable Oil Drip

1 month ago

Interesting deck, it looks like fun!

I'm curious though, what is the purpose of Pilfered Plans in your deck? It doesn't seem like your deck has any synergies with milling your opponent. If the goal is just to draw some cards then you could achieve that for a lower cost using something like Chart a Course.

I do also have some other suggestions for you if you want to use them.

Blink of an Eye is a strictly better version of Leave in the Dust and it lowers your mana curve. Serum Snare is also a good replacement since it synergizes better with your poison counter game plan.

Prophetic Prism is an alright card for more card draw, but it doesn't help you mana ramp, and is more for color fixing, which is something your deck doesn't seem like it needs. Instead, you could use something like Mind Stone as a cheap way to mana ramp while also giving you the option to draw a card later if you need it.

And Slither Blade is a strictly better version of both Triton Shorestalker and Mist-Cloaked Herald, I would suggest putting Slither up to a full set of 4 and cutting one copy of either of the other two.

TheVectornaut on Fatal push with dimir Aqueduct

5 years ago

Yes, a land is a permanent and returning to hand counts as leaving the battlefield. This satisfies the requirements for revolt.

From Gatherer: "Revolt abilities don’t care why the permanent left the battlefield, who caused it to move, or where it moved to. They’re equally satisfied by an artifact you sacrificed to pay a cost, a creature you controlled that was destroyed by Murder , or an enchantment you returned to your hand with Leave in the Dust ."

Deadpoo111 on $10 Fistful of Dollars

5 years ago

Okay so I've got some time, let's get into this...

1) I think Shu-Yun is an interesting choice for a budget commander because he relies on killing opponents quickly, but with budget decks, you're going to be winning much later in the game. He's also interesting because he focuses on quick combat instead of really building up a boardstate. I think the first thing to do would be to abolish the idea of a turn 4-6 win, decks like ours are going to try and grind out the game with cheap removal and synergy, waiting for the right time to strike. Maybe the problem is that the deck wants to win too fast and the budget can't compensate for that, just my idea.

2)You should probably cut the uncommons, things like Invert/Invent, Jace's Ingenuity , Rush of Blood (even though this card is super cool and I'm going to put in one of my other decks), Concentrate , Rise from the Tides , Butcher's Cleaver , Hero's Blade , Inquisitor's Flail , Vessel of Endless Rest , Illusory Ambusher , Smelt-Ward Minotaur , and Whirler Rogue . While these cards are awesome in the deck, they're a huge deficit to your budget and cutting them is 12 less cards. I've found that with a budget like this, it's best to cut to $0.15 commons. Will it be as fast? No. Will it be $10 or under? Yes.

3)Have you considered building from the bottom up? Instead of adjusting my previous commanders, I usually just pull out a fresh sheet of paper and start from there. I feel that it opens up more gateways for deckbuilding and instead of having to cut expensive cards, you can decide which cards to add one at a time. Cutting is also just kind of negative and personally I feel a lot happier seeing: "this card is so sweet for $0.15!" Instead of: "Ugh I can't run this card because it's over budget." This could just be me of course.

4) As for specific cuts, here's what I'd take out(excluding the uncommons I pointed out earlier): Artificer's Epiphany : There are better draw spells out there; Contradict : Again, there are better spells; Depths of Desire : Generally, I dislike bounce, even in Red/Blue but this spell just isn't good, especially when you want to cast Shu Yun on turn 3; Enhanced Awareness : Way too expensive for the effect; Leave in the Dust : From your comments, it seems like you want to win faster, so I would cut these mana-intensive bounce spells so you can run cantrips, also Unsummon is $0.15 on SCG; Prying Eyes : yeah this card is just objectively bad in my opinion, even for a $10 deck; Repulse : Same thing I said before about bounce spells, the card draw isn't worth paying more mana; Scatter Arc : I feel like a lot of the bounce/counterspells are in this deck because they say "Draw a card" paying 2 more mana for a negate that draws you a card is not with it, you could do more with that two extra mana. Sweep Away : Yeah this is way too conditional to actually work out; Aether Tunnel : Yes I know you said you wanted to keep this, but playing it makes Shu Yun a huge target and it's budget intensive. Skygames : This enchantment is okay, but It's definitely not great, especially when compared to your other auras; Highland Lake and Izzet Boilerworks : Yes I know it's important to have mana, but running basics gives you more choices. That's pretty much all I've got for now on cuts.

I wish you the best of luck, but I'm about to pass out so goodnight, I hope this made sense!

PlagueRats on Tempest Djinn and Time of Ice — $15 — avg.cmc=2.0

5 years ago

@toastySmorc, I haven’t really considered adding any other creatures because that would just dilute the decks strategy. There’s no benefit to doing a little more player damage, you’ll do enough with a single Tempest Djinn or you won’t. This deck is simply going to lose against certain decks and I don’t think it’s worth the sideboard spots to make it a little less likely. Against lots of ETB triggers or decks that go really wide really quick you’ll just have to get real lucky.

I don’t like counterspells in this deck, beyond Negate in the sideboard. It’s better here to bounce a creature and draw a card then to counter it with Essence Scatter because the opponent will always have more creatures in their hand, you can’t really ever get ahead.

I’m still not satisfied with the sideboard, but have some new ideas. Basically I’m thinking I want a Mill strategy against Control and in any other bad matchup I just want to be able to do my thing even more reliably, so a couple Mirror Image and I’m thinking I’ll try Leave in the Dust.

AllhydeNoJekyll on Chancellor Palpatine

6 years ago

Themes Blue/White Good Stuff UWgud Stax Your things cost less, theirs cost more. ETB Mill Pillowfort

Cards to cut or just don't do enough Slow Motion, Stormscape Familiar, Select for Inspection (too Specific), Etherium Sculptor (Not justifiable), Mindshrieker, Burnished Hart (Look, we all love this stupid Elk, but he sits at a slot where you need to have around that much mana up for counter spells. You really only want to be spending that type of mana to reduce your costs or increase opponents costs or stop them from attacking you. Else, counterspells. Two mana ramp is what you are looking for, ideally, not six spread over two turns), Jace's Archivist(I like this card a lot, and I think it's great with things like Thousand-Year Elixir, but realistically you want to be sculpting the perfect control hand all game rather than tossing it away.), Rhystic Study(Great card, but not $8 great. Mostly priced based on popularity. Budget choice for you, you don't need it). Temple Bell (Fun card, but too beneficial for your opponents. Don't spend mana to speed other's race, that's the opposite goal of the deck.), Cataclysm (I don't see why you have this other than as a combo with As Foretold.), Entrapment Maneuver, Hindering Touch, Leave in the Dust, Sleep(Only beneficial against creature decks), Psychic Spiral(You have to devote yourself to wheel for this card to work well, and wheel arguably doesn't help your deck.), Sunder(This combos only with As Foretold), Isperia, Supreme Judge (Costs six, his only creature decks, they don't have to attack you, there is better card draw.), Sphinx of Magosi, Silent Sentinel (Requires attack and arguably not enough enchantments).

You have a pretty decent Stax and 'Don't touch me there' package going on here, but not a whole lot of direction other than that. Some mill, some land destruction, but no real win-cons. If you want to have a serious mill win con, you can take out a little of your protection package and focus it on ETB effects and pair with a card like Altar of the Brood. Is that enough justification? I don't know, but ETB effects can be very strong and already seem like a small sub-theme. You would have to make more serious cuts for it. You definitely need to upgrade your mill-win con to be more flexible if you intend on winning that way. Sitting down at the average CMDR table of at least sum(4) means that you have hundreds of cards to whittle away. Some suggestions:Aforementioned Altar of the Brood, only for considerationSands of Delirium, Memory Erosion, Jace's Erasure, Sphinx's Tutelage, Increasing Confusion, Hinder/Spell Crumple + Tunnel Vision is a particular jank combo favorite of mine. Really you want stuff that hits early and doesn't require any further effort so you can pillowfort yourself, or are huge sinks for the late game push.

If you are looking to remove some pillowfort and upgrade your stax package, check out Brago, King Eternal, Paradox Engine, Static Orb, Tangle Wire, Torpor Orb, Smokestack, Trinisphere, Thorn of Amethyst, Meekstone, Clock of Omens (This is especially useful), Dovin Baan, Inspiring Statuary.

Also, you should take out all land destruction since you don't have a real way to take advantage of it. Even with a couple of your reductions, the green player/ Mizzix player will get on board faster and annihilate you out of spite.

Also, the deck only has mill as its win-con thus far, which is tenuous at best even in the most refined EDH decks. I suggest you put some of the not-so-flashy-feels-bad-win-cons in this deck such as Approach of the Second Sun, Azor's Elocutors, Laboratory Maniac, etc.

Also, after above edits, you only have three board clears by my count. Even if I'm off, you want around 7-10 for a deck of this style that covers a multitude of fronts. Most board-wipes are just creature based, but you should include ones like Akroma's Vengeance, Consulate Crackdown, Planar Cleansing, Nevinyrral's Disk. Things that can be instant speed are also great like Rout and Evacuation.

This deck really wants to hold up its mana for counterspells, so Vedalken Orrery is a must have to avoid wasting mana, also BoNkErS with As Foretold. Consider Quicken as well.

Your land base needs a pretty big update as well. You should really only be running 10 or less of each basic for a dual colored deck, though not as important for three and up decks. But, you have quite a few double-symbol costs that your cost reduction can't affect.Fixing lands Coastal Tower, Meandering River, Evolving Wilds, Terramorphic Expanse, Azorius Guildgate, Sejiri Refuge, Tranquil Cove, Prairie Stream, Exotic Orchard.

Utility lands Tolaria West, Halimar Depths, Arcane Lighthouse, Command Beacon, Homeward Path, Myriad Landscape, Buried Ruin, Terrain Generator, Mirrorpool, Mage-Ring Network, Encroaching Wastes.

Hope this helps! :)

Pygmyrhino990 on The Rise of Zombies and Wizards!

7 years ago

Perhaps instead of Leave in the Dust you could use Disperse or Sweep Away, but otherwise this is a really good deck

Despionnage on Tezzeret Modified

7 years ago

I do like the idea of replacing Leave in the Dust with Unsubstantiate, however, I've gotten a lot of use out of my Ice Over and I think Fatal Push is fine in the sideboard. I'll see if I can find a way to squeeze Noxious Gearhulk in, it's definitely not replacing Herald of Anguish. Whir of Invention has been on my mind but it seems as though it would be much cheaper in the long run to cast Tezzeret, Master of Metal and use his +1 ability. I'm not a huge fan of Scrapheap Scrounger, I understand that it might be a good attacker but there's other cards that are more useful to me at the moment. Aethersphere Harvester just doesn't fit my deck a whole lot. If I'm honest Battle at the Bridge and Inventors' Fair have done a good job at health regeneration. However, I am happy to hear more ideas for your suggestions because I may be missing something.

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