Scatter Arc

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Scatter Arc


Counter target noncreature spell. Draw a card.

multimedia on Niv mizzet my problem

4 years ago

Hey, good budget version of Niv.

Ophidian Eye is another combo enchantment to enchant Niv with. Consider cutting Curse of the Bloody Tome for Eye? With the difficult color casting cost of Niv and the less than ideal color fixing in the manabase consider Chromatic Lantern? To stay within the budget consider cutting That Which Was Taken for Lantern?

To help with color fixing in the manabase there's some budget lands to consider adding. Sulfur Falls, Shivan Reef, Wandering Fumarole, Ash Barrens, Grixis Panorama. These lands can help game play a lot more than $9 Caged Sun can. To stay within budget consider cutting Sun for these lands?

Evolve is not a very good mechanic in Commander because you want to consistently cast an Evolve creature early game to evolve as you cast other creatures. Consistently you're not going to have an Evolve creature to cast early and playing one mid/late game is not doing much. Evolve is a mechanic that benefits much with having 4x of same creatures in a deck which is not Commander. Consider cutting some creatures for a few more draw spells? Brainstorm, Opt, Frantic Search, Faithless Looting are budget good draw spells. Consider cutting Cloudfin Raptor, Simic Fluxmage, Petrahydrox, Ral's Staticaster for these draw spells?

Izzet colors at a budget are at a disadvantage for tutors, but there's some good cards that can copy an opponents tutor when cast letting you also tutor. Expansion / Explosion, Reverberate, Dualcaster Mage. These spells could also copy your own spell when you cast it. Consider cutting Wave of Indifference, Sundering Stroke and Reckless Air Strike for these copy spells? Talisman of Creativity and Izzet Signet are good budget two drop mana rocks. They could replace Heraldic Banner and Spinning Wheel.

In Commander you have access to good budget counterspells that don't have a restriction: Counterspell, Wizard's Retort, Arcane Denial. These counterspells could replace Scatter Arc, No Escape, Mystical Dispute.

I offer more advice. Good luck with your deck.

Sheld on Izzet a pun?

4 years ago

Hi ScionsStillLive, thanks for the suggestion.

I agree that Counterspell is almost strictly better than Scatter Arc (and some other counterspells I run). However, I like to run a bit more interesting cards and leave out "boring" cards like Counterspell when possible. I just like the art and flavor of Scatter Arc and that it has synergy with Mizzix by having only one colored mana in its mana cost.

If I were to make this deck as powerful as possible, Counterspell would be a no-brainer, but I like to make my decks flavorful and it is usually not an issue as I play in a casual environment.

ScionsStillLive on Izzet a pun?

4 years ago

Maybe use the Counterspell instead of Scatter Arc ?

Deadpoo111 on $10 Fistful of Dollars

5 years ago

Okay so I've got some time, let's get into this...

1) I think Shu-Yun is an interesting choice for a budget commander because he relies on killing opponents quickly, but with budget decks, you're going to be winning much later in the game. He's also interesting because he focuses on quick combat instead of really building up a boardstate. I think the first thing to do would be to abolish the idea of a turn 4-6 win, decks like ours are going to try and grind out the game with cheap removal and synergy, waiting for the right time to strike. Maybe the problem is that the deck wants to win too fast and the budget can't compensate for that, just my idea.

2)You should probably cut the uncommons, things like Invert/Invent, Jace's Ingenuity , Rush of Blood (even though this card is super cool and I'm going to put in one of my other decks), Concentrate , Rise from the Tides , Butcher's Cleaver , Hero's Blade , Inquisitor's Flail , Vessel of Endless Rest , Illusory Ambusher , Smelt-Ward Minotaur , and Whirler Rogue . While these cards are awesome in the deck, they're a huge deficit to your budget and cutting them is 12 less cards. I've found that with a budget like this, it's best to cut to $0.15 commons. Will it be as fast? No. Will it be $10 or under? Yes.

3)Have you considered building from the bottom up? Instead of adjusting my previous commanders, I usually just pull out a fresh sheet of paper and start from there. I feel that it opens up more gateways for deckbuilding and instead of having to cut expensive cards, you can decide which cards to add one at a time. Cutting is also just kind of negative and personally I feel a lot happier seeing: "this card is so sweet for $0.15!" Instead of: "Ugh I can't run this card because it's over budget." This could just be me of course.

4) As for specific cuts, here's what I'd take out(excluding the uncommons I pointed out earlier): Artificer's Epiphany : There are better draw spells out there; Contradict : Again, there are better spells; Depths of Desire : Generally, I dislike bounce, even in Red/Blue but this spell just isn't good, especially when you want to cast Shu Yun on turn 3; Enhanced Awareness : Way too expensive for the effect; Leave in the Dust : From your comments, it seems like you want to win faster, so I would cut these mana-intensive bounce spells so you can run cantrips, also Unsummon is $0.15 on SCG; Prying Eyes : yeah this card is just objectively bad in my opinion, even for a $10 deck; Repulse : Same thing I said before about bounce spells, the card draw isn't worth paying more mana; Scatter Arc : I feel like a lot of the bounce/counterspells are in this deck because they say "Draw a card" paying 2 more mana for a negate that draws you a card is not with it, you could do more with that two extra mana. Sweep Away : Yeah this is way too conditional to actually work out; Aether Tunnel : Yes I know you said you wanted to keep this, but playing it makes Shu Yun a huge target and it's budget intensive. Skygames : This enchantment is okay, but It's definitely not great, especially when compared to your other auras; Highland Lake and Izzet Boilerworks : Yes I know it's important to have mana, but running basics gives you more choices. That's pretty much all I've got for now on cuts.

I wish you the best of luck, but I'm about to pass out so goodnight, I hope this made sense!

Pieguy396 on Stormy Horizons

6 years ago

Hello there! I don't see anything huge you're missing (other than lands), but I definitely think you should at least consider Sol Ring, Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, Eternal Witness, Mystical Tutor, Plasm Capture, Counterspell, and probably Blue Sun's Zenith and Stroke of Genius as well. If you're looking for cards to cut to make room for lands, I would start with the following. A lot of those cards are for what appears to be an Edric subtheme; I'd stick to just one plan, making a lot of mana and killing your opponents with it.

In any case, good luck! Feel free to let me know if you want some more suggestions!

Alcarin on Melek, Izzet Voltron

7 years ago

Very creative deck! I love Izzet, and this seems like an unexpected way to run it. The downside I think would be that everyone would probably gun for you right from the start. Do you find that?

Really like your idea of Djinn Illuminatus and Prescient Chimera.

Here are a few suggestions:

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