Tatsunari and his evolving Pokemon team of nothing but frogs. I wanted to give a Sultai Enchantress theme a try and wanted to go for a fairly budget-friendly build. This deck is going to make use of mutating Ikoria creatures to be on top of the many Keimi-spawning enchantments to work around the Legendary rule by keeping the names of each token different from each other. By doing so, you can stack the "Keimi" triggers over and over with the occasional mutate trigger to make your opponents discard, search for a basic land, or draw a card among other effects. I've decided to incorporate some of the old transmute mechanic to help tutor for your winning combo pieces but also keep the budget down. Transmuting will limit you to looking for other cards with the same mana value as what was transmuted, primarily to look for either Sanctum Weaver or other ramp/disruption enchantments in the case of the 2 mana value transmuters, Freed from the Real and mutate fodder for the 3 and 5 mana value transmuters. The deck also features some spot removal and disruption for the sake of keeping some kind of control on-board, but is also able to play a role with playing with Keimi's and other constellation abilities.

I wanted to get a little bit more lean when it came to the land base here. Hear me out: we have access to "smoothers" and (ahem) dual-faced modal lands which aren't immediately counted as lands, but can most definitely be played as lands if desperate for mana. Bala Ged Recovery   is so useful to get anything back that you really need to recur or add to the engine. Beyeen Veil   and Jwari Disruption   are around as extra pieces of control, but also, blue mana is very important to the late game for this deck. Really, this deck is running 33 lands, which is still pretty lean, but you can also tutor to get Bala Ged Recovery or even use Scheming Symmetry if you're that low on mana.

To save a couple hundred bucks, I've decided to use some limited, outdated, conveniently-colored tutors from Ravnica, during a time of peace and.....bloodshed and politics...

Muddle the Mixture and Shred Memory are your 2 mana value transmuters to get Sanctum Weaver to generate your mana to recur Shimmering Wings and Whip Silk for Keimi triggers, Cream of the Crop to help stack the deck, a mana rock or land enchantment if you're struggling with ramping, or the land enchantments like Blight or Contaminated Ground to shut down Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth or Gaea's Cradle if someone is looking to get a little spicy with their ramp and land types.

Dimir Machinations and Perplex are both useful for fixing the top of your library and as a counterspell respectively, but are in to primarily fetch out a Freed from the Real to generate infinite mana with Sanctum Weaver, Cloudstone Curio to let your 1 mana value enchantments bounce with every drop of mana you have, Viridian Revel and Insight for budget stax and card draw as well as the obvious Enchantress's Presence to help with card draw, and Sea-Dasher Octopus as the sole 3 mana value mutate creature.

Brainspoil is a 5 mana value transmute that can remove threats on the battlefield in a pinch, but is going to be able to tutor out a mutate or a Kindred Discovery for even more card draw when Keimi keeps popping out.

If it can happen, I suggest getting Tatsunari out asap, which is the main reason I have Dark Ritual in the deck at all--it can just get Tatsunari out right away unless you can see a way to quickly ramp. The green land enchantments are going to be your main forms of ramp alongside the basic mana rock package. If you have Tatsunari out already, simply ramping with Abundant Growth, Utopia Sprawl, and Wild Growth will immediately advance your board state, getting Keimi out or even dealing damage to the table.

Once you get to the next couple of turns, you can play the Enchantress game: Eidolon of Blossoms and Grim Guardian will draw you cards and dealing extra damage respectively for slinging cantrips and low value enchantments like the aforementioned ramp cards and the recurring Shimmering Wings and Whip Silk. Those will be your main engine components for both growing the frog sanctuary and dealing damage with the flying frog brigade before even going to combat.

Sanctum Weaver and Pemmin's Aura or Freed from the Real go infinite with either of the recurring auras on the field by tapping for blue mana to activate the untap abilities from either of the former auras to allow the Weaver to untap and tap for the corresponding color to be able to bounce the recurring auras and then cast it again. With even a single Keimi on the field, you will continuously deal damage to everyone at the table. Even without the untapping auras, having a good deal of other auras on the battlefield will still function well enough to deal damage, gain life, draw cards, and even populate the board if you can keep the Keimi engine going with mutate.

I was trying to keep to a fairly arbitrary goal of "low budget" but that really has a different meaning depending on whom you talk to. I think the current TCGPlayer average price is a comfortable price for me and doesn't make me feel like I've got a huge hole in my bank account. I'm happy with the construction and performance of this deck and I feel as though I can comfortably sling this deck and not feel like I'm underperforming and definitely not overpowered at all.


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91% Casual


Date added 10 months
Last updated 2 weeks

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

34 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

31 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.44
Tokens Keimi
Folders edh
Ignored suggestions
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