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One Man's Trash (Dogmeat Pre-con Upgrade)

Commander / EDH Enchant Equip RGW (Naya) Tokens Voltron




It has been a while since I have gone through and assembled a magic deck, so what other better way is there to make a fun deck than by starting with a pre-con and making it your own? The Fallout cards intrigued me with their themes, and I have never really tried to craft an equippable deck. Dogmeat is my favorite character from Fallout, so the stars aligned, much like a recent total eclipse, and now I am back trying to make this deck consistent and fun.

The sideboard features cards included in the pre-con which I have cut to make room for more synergistic or impactful cards while the maybeboard features other ideas you could try that I decided against due to pricing, lack of space, or personal taste.

The name of the pre-con, Scrappy Survivors, is what I am sticking to by heart with the upgrade. Keep the deck budget worthy, while getting creative with the auras, equipment, and the creatures who use them while swinging with wacky modifications. The main focus is keeping your field populated while assembling your Voltrons, playing cheap and powerful auras and equipment, while fighting using whatever we can scrounge up whether we exiled it rummaging through junk or it is already sitting in the grave. We also have cards which will reward us from actually using our junk well. In my testing, I really enjoy the feeling of figuring out how to throw the pieces together to make a junk fueled Voltron machine and rolling with what you are given.

Dogmeat, Ever Loyal is still the fuel for this deck, as he is a consistent source of Junk. Milling some cards and getting an aura or equipment back to your hand is nice as well, but pair it up with more ways to get auras and equipment from the discard and outright play them with Danitha, New Benalia's Light is a pretty fun deal. Graveyard hate obviously hurts this gameplan, but there are plenty of other spells where they came from. Dogmeat might also earn you some little guy points as he doesn't pose a real threat to anyone until people realize the true power of your field after it is already too late and he has done his job.

test test 123

Agility Bobblehead & Perception Bobblehead These were the easiest cards to cut as they do not contribute a whole lot to the overall theme, and do not get good value unless you are running way more bobbleheads. Commander limits them to one copy each, so I cannot keep these in this deck. The ramp is nice, but the secondary effects are not too viable.

Vault 21: House Gambit As the name states, this is very much just a gambit. It does not bring anything interesting to this deck with auras or enchantments even if the effect is neat.

Squirrel Nest Not a bad card by any means, just doesn't mesh the best with the theme. Requires the use of a land when we can just bring a much better card, like Bear Umbra, which can actually be used on our creatures.

Ian the Reckless Ian is a little too reckless as he nets us no value at all due to us getting recoil equal to the damage dealt to an opponent. There are much better creatures which utilize modified bonuses.

Fireshrieker Outclassed by Lizard Blades and other cards which can grant us the double strike effect.

Megaton's Fate Not a bad card whatsoever, but the cost of entry for the artifact removal or risky nuclear option isn't my cup of tea. Swapping it for Winds of Rath seems like a much better deal.

Duchess, Wayward Tavernkeep & Moira Brown, Guide Author I like these cards, but quest counters seem to be a lot of work, even if it pays off. Quest counters may modify creatures, but they are slow and not considered artifacts. Paying to remove a counter for a single junk token isn't too crazy either. These being only 2 cards in the 100 which really care for the counters dissuade me from using them. I feel these can be replaced easily by cards which offer more payoff and consistency. May test the pre-con more to really see if I think they belong or not.

Veronica, Dissident Scribe During playtesting, I find myself not playing this card often due to better 3 cost options. I always prefer to cast Dogmeat when I get the mana, and I feel replacing Veronica with card draw is much better.

Bighorner Rancher This is a card which seems explosive, but won't be consistent, and is slow. On paper, the potential mana gain and emergency health sounds awesome, but 5 mana for a card which already needs a great boardstate is hard to reliably use.

Brass Knuckles Expensive for two double strike effects which we can source out elsewise. for two equipment on the spot isn't too crazy either with the amount of good equipment that only cost 1 or 2 mana.

Commander Sofia Daguerre While a neat little card, having this effect which can only target legendary permanents attached to a creature isn't too crazy. I would rather a dedicated instant which gives me more options in case a non-legendary threat appears.

Wild Growth I would probably of kept this card if it did not specifically only add green. Enchanting a land is nice and plays with Preston Garvey, Minuteman, but he can do the same thing on his own repeatedly, and Buried in the Garden does the same thing but for any color and exiles a nonland permanent with it.

Abundant Growth Unlike Wild Growth this card does not even offer ramp. While a single land aura plus going card neutral isn't too bad, we do not need too many of these for a situational play with Preston Garvey. If he was the commander, then this would be a different story.

Ash Barrens, Junktown, & Temple of the False God Replacing these lands with Battlefield Forge, Brushland, & Karplusan Forest as diverse land is more valuable to consistently cast our commander rather than some meh effects.

1 Forest & 1 Mountain Fixing up the manabase to better reflect the mana pie.

Danitha, New Benalia's Light Danitha gives us great versatility with the ability to play a discarded aura or equipment once per turn.

Danitha Capashen, Paragon Danitha is so good that we have her twice in the deck. What if we could cast the heart of our deck for cheaper? Danitha has us covered for that.

Bear Umbra A staple green enchantment. Works fantastically in the theme.

Forge Anew Another newer, arguably staple, white equipment enchantment. This lets us move equipment at instant speed and move one for free. Turns equipment into permanent instants.

Glowcap Lantern Do you think using a Junk token is too risky? What if I told you that you could see the card you would be sending to the exile before you did it? This greatly opens up the top of your deck to being a permanent extra card in hand when supplied with Junk tokens. We also have a chance to add lands to our hand, and if not, add more +1/+1 counters to your Voltron.

Pia Nalaar, Consul of Revival While we are casting cards from exile from the junk theme, why not get some bonuses when we do that? Better yet, rewarded with a modified artifact creature?

Rose, Cutthroat Raider Why not also get mana for using our junk as well as another source for them? Rose is also capable on their own and a nice politic piece for attacking people because you "just want value". Simply a very nice fit for the overall theme.

The War Doctor As our list of benefits for using junk grows, how about we get some funny little counters which threaten the destruction of someone else's creature? Said destroyed creature is exiled which makes this a slow, but gigantic threat.

Nettlecyst While our junk piles up faster than we can use it, this funny fella grows stronger and stronger based on our artifacts. Very valuable and flexible.

Koll, the Forgemaster Koll lets us scoop any non-token creatures we equipped back into our hand when they die. This is a really cool form of protection which lets us attack more often without worry and also combos nicely with Cass, Hand of Vengeance as their previous equips will remain on the board.

Regrowth Dogmeat may sometimes mill a card that we would of rather wished we had. Other cards may end up destroyed as well. Maybe we want one of those cool instants or sorceries we used back in our hand. This card gives us a slight safety net if we do end up drawing it just in case we need that one combo piece.

Kellan, the Fae-Blooded Speaking of cool sorceries, how about a tutor for equipment and aura? He also comes with a nice little effect if we wish to use it.

Open the Armory This is another great tutor to get more equippables out.

Sram, Senior Edificer Even with all of the junk, we may want the potential for card draw and Sram accomplishes this greatly.

Kor Spiritdancer While Puresteel Paladin only gives us draws for playing equipment, this card will give us draws for auras as well.

Chishiro, the Shattered Blade This funny little snake samurai allows us to generate some extra attackers with menace and buff our modified creatures with counters. Not a bad deal at all and allows us to snowball if not dealt with.

Buried in the Garden While enchanting lands isn't the main gameplan, this card fulfills so many purposes that it is hard not to include it. Compared to the other ramping land auras, getting an exile on top of everything is pretty nice.

Battlefield Forge, Brushland, & Karplusan Forest Changing some less useful lands for more diverse colors which help keep us on track for casting our commander early. These lands are not too expensive either and can be moved to other decks if you so decide later.

Any and all suggestions are appreciated. I'm sure one of the cards I kept are not that good and there are some sleepers out there.

Still messing with most of the whole deck trying to find any cards that are worth swapping to better fit the theme. Will update this description as I have the time.


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93% Casual


Revision 3 See all

(2 months ago)

+1 Buried in the Garden main
+1 Dispatch maybe
Date added 2 months
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

54 - 6 Rares

23 - 9 Uncommons

9 - 3 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.75
Tokens Copy Clone, Food, Human Soldier 1/1 W, Junk, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B, Radiation, Settlement, Spirit 2/2 R, Squirrel 1/1 G, Thopter 1/1 C, Treasure, Wasteland Survival Guide
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