Welcom to Battlethopter. Have a little Hope...Then tie a stick to it.

-Commander: Hope of Ghirapur -Alt Commander:Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter

Game Plan: Turn 1: Cast Hope. Turn 2 to ?: cast equipments and equip Hope to beat face.

Look the deck isnt the strongest or the most resilient. I have all the "swords of" for a while and wanted to build around it for a while and this is what i came up with. There are some powerful combos in the deck but the deck was built to be fun and a personal challenge to build. The deck isnt optimized yet. Sideboard will include cards that will make it in, when i get them.

1.Commander Damage

Hope of Ghirapur is the commander for the very fact that it is a 1 drop. You should be casting it T1 every game. Get in and be agressive. Even tho it only deals 1 damage on it own, it will add up. When you are able to get swords out and equip them do so. The swords will protect/strengthen Hope while netting ok to great benefits. It will be a dice roll if the sword you draw into is effective against the decks you are up against, but thus is the curse of colorless edh. There isnt much in the way of tutoring for answers.

2.Infinate Mana Combos

If you cant win by a thopter with sticks tied to it, go for one of these. Infinite mana is pretty easy to come by in the deck and should win you the game in most cases.

-Forsaken Monument+Basalt Monolith

Monument will alow Basalt Monolith to tap for 4 mana, use 3 mana to untap it (netting 1 mana). Repeat. This is the easiest method to pull off. An alternate method is..

-Karn, Silver Golem+Voltaic Construct + mana rock that taps for 3 mana

Old school combo. Tap any mana rock that taps for 3 mana. Use 1 mana to activate Karns ability, making the mana rock an artifact creature. Use the remaining 2 mana to untap the rock with Voltaic Construct. Then just cycle tapping the rock for mana and untapping it with V.C. Use the mana you produce from either combo to activate Sands of Delirium or Whetwheel for a mill win con, Golem Artisan for a combat damage 1 shot, or if you used the karn method Staff of Nin to deal unlimited damage to players.


Not really a focus here but it can be a sneaky kill. Plague Myr is just a mana dork but if you need a creature to equip to he is there. With the equipments in the deck you can get him big enough to swing for lethal on a whim with protection.

* Control

Because you are usually stacking your equipments onto Hope and swinging with one creature you are usually going to get hurt by decks that can go wide easilly. Cards like Silent Arbiter/Crawlspace will limit creature agression. Lodestone Golem will slow the tempo of various other decks. Engineered Explosives/Ratchet Bomb will help with token based decks or low CC problem cards.

There is room for more control ish cards. I am testing the likes of Pithing Needle/Phyrexian Revoker to help combat commanders like Lathril, Blade of the Elves. Defense Grid is another possible card here.


Card advantage is hard in colorless but not impossible. Howling Mine/Mikokoro, Center of the Sea is required draw for the deck as well as slight group hug. Give them cards buy yourself a turn(maybe). Mana ramp into a Staff of Nin and draw an extra card every turn. War Room/Bonders' Enclave are more land base card draw. The Mana Rig/Mystic Forge/Planar Bridge are your prefered advantage cards. Bridge puts cards from your library into play. Forge lets you cast from the top of your deck. Mana rig with enough mana lets you find your combo pieces very easily.

-Equipment +1

Aditional equips include Basilisk Collar/Nettlecyst as simple boosts. Batterskull/Kaldra Compleat livin weapons to help round out the decks creature count and can be later equiped to a creature for value. Commander's Plate is particulary strong here. Our commander is colorless so the plate grants protection from all colors to what ever it equips allowing you to punch through someones defences or stop a rather nasty atack. The +1 here is Eldrazi Conscription. Eldrazi thopter of doom...need i say more.

-The deck is colorless artifact. There is allot of hate for a deck like this. Go into it knowing this or you will be frustrated more often than not. If artifact hate is heavy in your play group plan around it. Darksteel Forge/Darksteel Plate can be played here to great effect. My group has agreed not to run Shatterstorm in a trade off for me not to run Indestructible effects on top of protection.

-Void Mirror IS THE WORST CARD AGAINST THIS DECK. It can and will drop turn 1 if your opponent wants to be rude. Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth/Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth is the only real answer to this card. They dont inately tap for a color so they are legal includes for the deck as far as I am aware.

This deck is not in the most optimal form because of limitations i put on the deck. I wanted to keep the overall power of the deck low because of the enviroment i play in. Here were my rules:

  • Artifact only as much as possible. There are exceptions out of neccesity. All Is Dust and Introduction to Annihilation are the best removal I have availibl. The planeswalkers are in for the same reason for the most part.

-No colored mana producing cards. There are plenty of better mana rocks than what i included but they produce a color. I want to avoid this as much a possible. But after a bad week of Void Mirror match ups this rule has fallen to the wayside a bit. I still opt for no color mana as much as possible.

If you have recomendations for the deck, send them. Just check them against the 2 rules first please.


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97% Casual


Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 0 Mythic Rares

51 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.55
Tokens Construct 0/0 C, Copy Clone, Gemini Engine Construct */* C, Morph 2/2 C, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B, Powerstone, Spirit 2/2 C, Wolf 2/2 G, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Deathtouch, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Lifelink
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