Adun Oakenshield
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Adun Oakenshield

Legendary Creature — Human Knight

{{B,R,G}}, Tap: Return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Bartel Runeaxe
Caldera Kavu
Possessed Barbarian
Roc of Kher Ridges
Homura's Essence
Henchfiend of Ukor

vasarto77 on Random New Deck

2 years ago

Got a fun idea! Three steps to this game!

Step 1: Go here and whatever commander you get first is your next commander deck you have to build Exception: Select again if you have already built a deck around them. No cheating and keep cycling through until you get something super powerful or just because you didn't like your "bands with other legends" legendary creature from whatever set that guy is.

Random Commander.

Step 2: Build the Deck

Step 3: Post who you got here and discuss what direction you think you might go with it. Post the deck later on sometime and show it off. Maybe get suggestions on what to build it out of.

  1. Edit Another requirement, add two random cards of your commander's color identity and that is your subtheme. if you get a very uncommon or casual ranked commander you don't nessisserily have to, but this prevents you from just making a copy deck if you happen to roll Thrasios, Kennrith or any of the top 50ish or 20ish most popular / powerful commanders.

I got Adun Oakenshield. He's a reanimator and I don't really have the powerful reanimate cards for him. I am thinking going creature and tutor heavy. Having lots of red draw and discard spells and those spells form the last ravnica set that dumps stuff into your graveyard from your library and using the commander and other spells to cheat big monsters onto the field. Elvish Piper or other stuff that just drags them out from the graveyard to play or makes playing them free from my hand.

I also see this as being a K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth deck that is now golgari instead of monoblack and just using this commander to open up the colors and add extra recursion.

RambIe on What are some ways to …

2 years ago

not related to Adun Oakenshield
but Yurlok of Scorch Thrash + Nyxbloom Ancient + Aggravated Assault is a neat way to get infinite mana in jund
It just has a minor side effect of ending the game.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on What are some ways to …

2 years ago

Love what Ramble said. Also, I knew there to be a combo somewhere:

You'd need Adun Oakenshield, Tormod, the Desecrator/Desecrated Tomb, any free sac-outlet and Thornbite Staff.

Have Adun equipped with Staff. Tap him to recurr sth. Tormod/Tomb triggers, giving you a zombie. Sac it to e.g. Altar of Dementia, mill a card. Staff untaps Adun, rinse and repeat.

Your sac outlet could be Wild Cantor. Infinite zombies or bats seems pretty ok. Without Tormod/Tomb, you'd still get infinite ETBs and LTBs.

Idoneity on The Pragmatist's Pet

2 years ago

Peoyogon - I stray towards the asininity of the old as athwart to the efficacy of the new. Adun Oakenshield leads my Jund aristocrats list over Korvold , despite the fact of the dragon's innate power level, but I enjoy the deck far more due to the fact.

mauricio49b on Legends by Plane

3 years ago

The Vorthos in me loves DemonDragonJ's commander by home plane, so I wanted to expand that to all eligible commanders and legends. Don't nitpick me, but I am also including Planeswalkers and some unofficial commanders in this list due to them being notable figures in magic lore, and some casual circles use them as commanders. Placements are made due to lore reasons and my best judgement. Several planes have pretext to explain some categorization choices. I'll update this list over time of course. Currently Updated to Innistrad, Crimson Vow (VOW, 2021).

Alara Show

Bablovia Show

Dominaria Show

Dominia Show

Innistrad Show

Kamigawa Show

Muraganda Show

New Phyrexia Show

Ravnica Show

Shadowmoor Show

Theros Show

Zendikar Show

Unknown Show

Special Show

Universes Beyond Show

Worth noting that most of the earlier unknown origins (especially LEG) can be assumed to be Dominaria, but there's not official confirmation and for all pre-mending sets, having a spark wasn't required for planar travel. If the set takes place on multiple planes, and there isn't explicit confirmation of which plane they reside, they go in unknown. Post Mending (Post Future Sight), creatures are assumed to be from the setting of the current plane, unless otherwise stated.

If this isn't enough vorthos for you, check out

Idoneity on Lurid Revival

3 years ago

X-Factor11105 - Holy heavens. I thought my comments were long, yet here you are putting me to shame.

Two notes here as to preface a looming response:

  1. I have been considering Haunting Voyage for the build, as I prefer abstaining from running the same game-ending spells across decks. ( Living Death is in Adun Oakenshield and Patriarch's Bidding is in Sliver Overlord .) This being said, I have not played nor editted slivers in several months ('tis a giant mess I intend to fix), thus I am fine with relocating the Bidding to this list.

  2. It would be absolutely lovely to confer over Discord. I am an experienced deck builder, but reanimation-style strategies have never been an area of expertise. I am more of a draw-until-everyone-concedes kind of player. I can give you my username and other information via direct messaging on this site.

If the Discord thing does not go as I hope, I may need some time to go over all of these suggestions, for I have a terrible habit of growing close to cards I should not.

Thank you very much otherwise!

Idoneity on Beseeming Perfection

3 years ago

Reznorboy - Good day to you!

I am not really sure what benefit there is to playing Instants and Sorceries over creatures to produce tokens. I could see playing Saproling Migration over Emmara, but the effect is more or less the same.

One of the things I attempt to do with my decks is have them each possess a different game plan. I see the appeal of abusing enchantments, though I already have an Enchantress Deck in Karametra and, as for Bastion of Remembrance, an Aristocrats Deck in Adun Oakenshield. I am an aggressive player at heart, and this deck was meant to embody that. These game plans are fun, but the aggro style is distinct.

Now, however aggressive I like to be, I love secondary game plans. Carnival of Souls is a card I have wanted to abuse, though never got around to experimenting. It works well with the deck, given the horrendous number of tokens it spews, yet I do not have many solid cards in here with which I may spend all that mana. I am open to suggestions on that part.

Daxos seems rather fine, thereupon I may put it in the list, but I do prefer Gisela in this slot, merely due to her being an awesome card.

Yes, tutors. I own multiple Demonic Tutors, so perhaps I should add one...

Thank you very much, and I would love further guidance with Carnival of Souls. Black is more of a splash in this list, so I may need to rework most of it.

Have a lovely day.

3n3rgy2 on Old School EDH Old Border Only

3 years ago

I have been working crazy long hours recently so my play time at my LGS has taken a hit! However, the only 'main' problem I can see so far is that this deck is pretty mana hungry for making cheeky plays. As far as leaving up mana for Consumptive Goo or Rod of Ruin plays in tandem with Puppet Strings, Jandor's Saddlebags and Vhati, it can get costly. It is obvious that, with this being inspired by the B/G/x rock decks of old, we are very comfortable in the mid- late game. That is of course not to suggest we are bad in the early game either, we just do more as the games go on. Playing a criminally underrated Commander helps us as we are certainly NEVER the main focus at any table.

Notably (to probably, literally nobodies surprise) Seedborn Muse is the best play for this deck as fast as possible and is quite literally napalm stapled to a 2/4 body! Centaur Glade with Seedborn Muse and Kamahl, Fist of Krosa was pretty degenerate. Most of the decks I end up running into have a Taxes or Control type shell. Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite does not hurt this deck as bad as you'd think and access to green lets us power thru most Thalia, Guardian of Thraben or Grand Arbiter Augustin IV effects.

Again the high toughness value to a majority of our creature base lets the wumpus rampage away and lets us use Noxious Field and Pestilence to our advantage in most multi use per turn scenarios.

As for an upcoming 'Pre-Modern" styled deck, I am really intrigued by playing a 'Bleed Out' style deck with Ankh of Mishra, Manabarbs, Spellshock, Citadel of Pain and Sulfuric Vortex style jund deck. Commanders in the running's are Xira Arien or Adun Oakenshield to lead this idea! It's in the works :)

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