Winota, Joiner of Forces
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Winota, Joiner of Forces

Legendary Creature — Human Warrior

Recommendations View more recommendations

Frantic Scapegoat
High Noon
Fallaji Vanguard
Brutal Cathar
Daybreak Combatants
Servo Exhibition

Crow_Umbra on Murders at Karlov Manor

6 months ago

I haven't read the recent MtG storied beyond some of the TL;DR summaries. I know that some of the Guilds got hit pretty hard by the Phyrexian invasion, particularly the Simic, Golgari, and Gruul (?). The new 3-color precons definitely make it seem like Simic survivors got absorbed by the Azorius, and their combined forces are now a more investigative body. Also likely why a Simic mutant would now be Bant aligned. At face value it seems like Selesnya absorbed some of the Gruul clans.

"Disguise" definitely sounds like it could be Morph-esque. I don't think it would be a DFC mechanic, as I think MaRo has stated in the past that there are print-cost apprehensions to having DFCs in precons. The only other thing I could think of as a "disguise" would be the type of aggro effects we've seen on stuff like Ilharg, the Raze-Boar, Winota, Joiner of Forces, and Fireflux Squad. So maybe like an aggro "Creature Cascade", especially since Discover is currently in Standard.

DawnsRayofLight on Jetmir's Myriad Debauchery

1 year ago

seems strong, running stax for some control and using jetmir as a buff to win.

given the mana curve, you could manage a bit more with 32-33 lands and run more 1 drop mana guys.

Removal will be helpful, Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, Generous Gift, Beast Within, Winds of Abandon, Fateful Absence,

with the creature count, Winota, Joiner of Forces could help give some gas, though you may need to add more humans to make her work better: Adeline, Resplendent Cathar, Myrel, Shield of Argive, Brutal Cathar  Flip, Loyal Apprentice, Sanctum Prelate, Caves of Chaos Adventurer, Seasoned Dungeoneer (I have been loving the initiative creatures), Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, Ranger-Captain of Eos

some X token spells like Finale of Glory, Pest Infestation, Grand Crescendo, White Sun's Twilight, Martial Coup, Awaken the Woods can also help restore your board state

KBK7101 on Isshin, Two Heavens As One - Eiganjo Uprising v1.3

1 year ago

Yeah! Myriad is a super cool mechanic. On top of that, it works incredibly well with Isshin and various ETB damage dealers (Impact Tremors etc)! It's exactly the kind of thing that I'm looking for in this deck.

I knew Baldur's Gate had a good handful of Myriad creatures but I completely forgot about Elturel Survivors! It's definitely going in the deck in the next update. Thanks!!

Was just doing some playtesting with the current build with all the updates. I think the stupidest turn I had was Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin attacking with one +1/+1 counter and Isshin and Fervent Charge. Krenko went from 2 power to 7 power with his new counter and double Charge trigger, making seven goblins and his second counter buffing him to 8 power, making another eight goblins. I think Impact Tremors was on the board as well. Another crazy turn (without Impact Tremors, sadly) was Winota, Joiner of Forces hitting Thalisse, Reverent Medium after a huge Kaya, Geist Hunter turn where I made an amount of tokens that I didn't even bother counting. Hahahaha!

PrismMTG on Soulless Winotas' Army

1 year ago

Alright, I'm going to try to do my best to split this in half, one half as more casual suggestions/overall sweeping changes to help the deck run better/more consistent and the other half more focused on specific cards, along with an explanation of my thought process behind the points that I'm making. I'll adjust the kinds of suggestions I make based on what constraints you have/want you want out of the deck, for instance, budget, playgroup, power level, etc.

The first thing I would look at, creature balance. Casual: You have a lot of humans to hit off of Winona's ability, but you only have 13 total cards that are non-humans. It may seem like a lot, but thats not all that many, especially when 5 of them are tied to other creatures triggering some kind of effect, thing etb, death trigger, etc. Winona, Joiner of Forces needs you to attack with a non-human creature in order for her to trigger, you have so many things to put onto the battlefield, but not very many creatures to trigger the effect in the first place. Focused: A few of your human creatures seem to be duds, for instance Snare Tactician, you don't have any cards with cycle in your list, so it effectively behaves as a vanilla 2/3. Or take Fearless Halberdier, another vanilla creature. Vanilla creatures usually aren't as good compared to creatures with effects, especially when those effects fit in a theme. So maybe consider, instead of Snare Tactician and Fearless Halberdier, what do you think about Loyal Apprentice and Goldnight Commander? Loyal Apprentice is both a human and will consistently make non humans, and Goldnight Commander seems to fit your theme well.

The next thing I would look at is perhaps creature upgrades. Casual: I would look for creatures that do thing better than what you currently have, whether it be a lesser mana cost, more useful ability, or just finding a theme and finding creatures that seem to fit into that plan you have. Focused: A few of your creatures have drawbacks that hamper them and stop them from reaching their full potential. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the cost for them to reach their full price needs to be worth it. Cards like Wojek Bodyguard, Novice Knight and Ghitu Lavarunner all have hoops to jump through before they can reach their full strength. Legion Warboss is the same CMC as Wojek Bodyguard, also has mentor, but while Bodyguard has another effect that holds it back, Warboss has another effect that gives you even more value. Instead of Novice Knight, a creature with a very useful ability that can easily catch your opponents off guard is Village Bell-Ringer. Ghitu Lavarunner is a fine card in the right deck, but you don't have very many instants/sorceries in your deck, which makes it hard to get to that 2/2 haste creature. Have you seen Ardoz, Cobbler of War? She is slightly more expensive, but she comes with haste automatically and has 2 abilities, one that buffs your creatures and the other makes a creature to trigger Winota, Joiner of Forces.

I'm going to stop there because I've already put down a lot, no need for me to write an entire essay yet.

Eager to hear your thoughts not just on the card suggestions, but also on the format of said suggestions

Slashdance on Endless Assault

2 years ago

Removed Combat Calligrapher and replaced with Winota, Joiner of Forces.

The power of Winota is obvious, and when doubled is even better!

We didn't like Combat Calligrapher as much because the tokens it creates for our opponents, while not being able to attack us, can still block us. We prefer to give no advantage to opponents where possible.

AstroAA on Help With Kaalia

2 years ago

Hello everyone! I come before the collective hivemind in search of help. I am building Kaalia of the Vast with a prison shell. I'm building Kaalia of the Vast over Winota, Joiner of Forces due to my desire to play big dumb angels.

In particular, I'm looking for assistance in regards to card draw and additional stax/prison cards. I'm trying to have a subtheme of cheating things into play through Kaalia herself, or through methods like Sneak Attack and Quicksilver Amulet to get around effects like Eidolon of Rhetoric. In addition, I'm also trying to get around effects like Spirit of the Labyrinth through cards like Scroll Rack and Necropotence. I know my list is missing things like Wheel of Fortune, but I don't particularly want to spend $350 on a copy or proxy one. Plus, I'd rather try and deny my opponents cards, rather than helping them cycle through their decks - albeit I know this can be stopped with Alms Collector.

My list can be found here:

[EDH] Kaalia Prison

Commander / EDH* AstroAA


Appreciate it!

magicbike on Isshin, Two Heavens as One

2 years ago

Winota, Joiner of Forces when a non-human attacks look ad the top six cards of your library i do have a lot of humans so wil it trigger many times hmm

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