Static Orb

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Static Orb


As long as Static Orb is untapped, players can't untap more than two permanents during their untap steps.

jarncards on WALL STALL

6 months ago

If you're dead set on Celestial Convergence, Axis of Mortality, Mirror Universe, or the much worse Soul Conduit are probably entirely essential to your gameplan. They are also searchable with your signature spell

Moat, Magus of the Moat, and Blazing Archon, Mystic Barrier and Ensnaring Bridge are also good ideas for your pillow fort. Ghostly Prison is nice, but these effects are always better when multiplied. Windborn Muse and Norn's Annex are also good ones.

Cosmic Intervention and similar spells are probably good ideas too.

Relic Barrier and Icy Manipulator are best friends with Winter Orb and Static Orb

Solemnity instakills


Nyx-Fleece Ram is better than some of your walls, Daxos, Blessed by the Sun probably is too.

Dusk / Dawn is your best board wipe in my opinion. Also reanimates almost every card in your deck.

Renounce and Zuran Orb are good ideas to dodge mass removal or suddenly gain the life you need to win.

Add Reprieve. it is temporary, but it will allow you to dodge a counter, or you could use it to bounce your own about-to-be-countered spell back to your hand before the counter resolves.

Elixir of Immortality? might help against mill. not great though.

The One Ring costs life if you need it to draw, but pro everything is probably more than worth it, and the extra cards are likely to be as well.

DreadKhan on The Dirty Dozen II

8 months ago

I'm not sure if it's really amenable to what you're already doing, but I remember a Sisay deck (I think I found it via ComedIan, it was actually a cEDH list), it used 5C Sisay to dig out a combo to win, and the combo was Planeswalker based. It used Aminatou, the Fateshifter, Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God, and Oath of Teferi to more or less win on the spot, the way it works is you use Oath to get 2 activations each time a Planeswalker ETBs, Aminatou and a copy can juggle one another, and with the other activation you get to do something to impact the board, Bolas can force opponents to exile permanents for example, but iirc this does eventually deck you. IIRC you can also untap stuff, so you can also make mana and do other stuff if you can't win via Bolas and Aminatou. Anyways, you aren't on Red, so you can't use that Bolas, but any method of copying Aminatou will let you juggle as long as you have an extra activation. AFAIK you only would need to add Aminatou to the list to have the option of doing this, since you have ways to copy her already. Without Bolas you'd still need some other piece out to generate advantage from the juggling, but I think that's not a big ask with this many other PWs.

I also noticed that you're on mana rocks over options like Nature's Lore and Three Visits, yes they require Green but you are on Triomes and Duals, which these can find. Land ramp is much more stable than mana rocks in my experience, so I try to use it over artifact sources in Green decks. In your colours I feel like you should look at Wargate, it's both a land ramp spell that can fetch a non-Basic land for only 3 mana, but if you have extra mana it can fetch something out.

It's a bit obnoxious, but Meekstone might be a pretty good fit in here unless I'm missing something, it even ignores your Commander fwiw. If you really want to protect Planeswalkers I would also consider Static Orb, but that's actively terrifying to most playgroups, but I think it would work well enough that I feel I should at least mention it. With your Proliferate theme and general lack of creatures, you might also try Tangle Wire, it does nothing to your Planeswalkers, and if the number is high enough it's very stultifying to the board. In a deck like this I wonder if Mythos of Brokkos would be handy to recur stuff? It's really, really wacky, but have you ever thought about trying out Brago, King Eternal? He can flicker your PWs whenever he connections, meaning you can downtick them, hit someone and then activate them again that turn. If you don't end up cutting back on artifact ramp Brago looks even better.

Good luck with your deck, hopefully something here will help your rework!

DreadKhan on BBEG Deck Ideas

8 months ago

Out of curiosity, what did you find clunky about Kresh? it does require your opponents to have creatures, but most decks have at least a Commander out, and many have way more creatures. There is an endless number of ways to kill a bunch of creatures, and once Kresh has survived a few you can use almost any wipe that is -X/-X or deals damage, meaning he can swing vs a cleared board with some regularity. Jund has a lot of great wipes in it that can be one-sided, and even if all you give Kresh is Trample he's suddenly an actual threat, one that requires an answer or people will start losing. I've recently put together a list, so I'm curious for myself as well the issues you've identified. Is the 'Achilles Heel' that people just remove Kresh?

Queen Marchesa's tokens are useful, but I think Sauron's army will be a more impactful threat, the Assassins are mostly blockers in practice, the army can swing very hard, and Sauron is much stickier once he's out (both bigger and with that sweet, sweet Ward). I think Mardu has a lot of crazy effects that can make for a memorable game. There are few cards funnier for an Archenemy to use than stuff like Axis of Mortality, this not only can make the most dangerous threat the easiest to kill, it can also pump your own life total while tanking an opponent's, it's hilarious with stuff like Exquisite Blood or Sanguine Bond, since changing life totals counts as life gain or loss. White has some really great shenanigan cards for an Archenemy, though Blue offers fun surprises like Mass Diminish (which lasts until your next turn, which always struck me as absurd), so I think either could work well.

I just had a thought from thinking about how good both White and Blue can be for this, are ghosts iconic enough for you? One of the nastiest Commanders that has ever been printed is Brago, King Eternal, he's from the same setting as Marchesa I think. Brago is incredible with stuff like Meekstone, Static Orb, Stasis, etc etc, I'm not sure if that's too 'unfun', but since Brago can also run counters in Blue it's a very valid 'archenemy', representing a villain in the form of a monarch that refuses to give up power. Azorius conveniently is very good at not losing, but is also not very good at actually winning, meaning it can survive for awhile even with a lot of attention, and might kill off a player or two before they can beat him. I can think of very few decks that are better at forcing the table to work together to fight the archenemy than Brago, if they don't follow the plan to deal with him first he'll become a true menace, but if they gang up on him Brago should fold quickly enough.

treeforcorvus on Make this better

9 months ago

Cataclysm can work against you based on opponents' picks and though Enter the Infinite is impressive & works with Omniscience, I don't see Thassa's Oracle or Laboratory Maniac, nor do I see Grapeshot. Consider instead Boros Charm + Armageddon which most people will hate & sometimes outright scoop after.

Mana Vault is more of a risk than you might think without untap mechanics (See Derevi, last paragraph). Consider Thought Vessel or even Library of Leng.

Replace Lion's Eye Diamond with Land Tax. The latter also helps offset the pain from Need for Speed, which is a cool find.

Consider Smothering Tithe instead of Mystic Remora: Remora usually only nets a few cards at beginning, and will often slow you down more than it helps. The former performs MUCH more consistently, and will net you more mana to focus on spells and counters.

Concerning your SB: If you want to go maximum lock-stax, I'd recommend Derevi, Empyrial Tactician. Use Winter Orb, Static Orb & Stasis, use Kismet and Loxodon Gatekeeper, maybe even Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines. Use fetches + basic lands, huge ramp, and Back to Basics just to spite opponents. NB: Mana Vault smacks with Derevi.

DreadKhan on Need help ruining a combo players day

11 months ago

Thorn of Amethyst, Glowrider, Sphere of Resistance, Vryn Wingmare, and Eidolon of Rhetoric all exist, but I'm guessing they didn't make the cut?

Retribution of the Meek might be a reasonable wipe with so many smaller creatures, ditto Elspeth, Sun's Champion. If a wipe is one sided it's not just resetting the board, not sure how many of these you're willing to run. Elspeth makes a small army, much better at blocking than the Samurai from Wanderer fwiw, but Wanderer is really strong too. Smothering Tithe is great with Stasis out, Brago, King Eternal might be fun too. If people are running obnoxious stuff, you could run Enlightened Tutor to find your Stasis/Tithe cards as needed, Muddle the Mixture can find both Stasis or Brave the Sands, while also being a counterspell. If you like Stasis, you could also try Static Orb, Meekstone, Crackdown or even Winter Orb/Rising Waters, not sure how hostile you want to be but Stasis is harsher than these. How often do you cast Approach of the Second Sun in here? I ask because there are a lot of tax effects, but if it's not trouble have you thought about running some tutors to find it? The best ones I can think of are Mystical Tutor, Personal Tutor, and Solve the Equation, they can also find other cards as needed, handy if you need removal, a wipe or a counter.

As for alternatives that can do similar things, you might look at either Zur the Enchanter or Hinata, Dawn-Crowned as alternatives that offer more offensive punch while still offering a solid route to shutting the table down. Zur can dig out enchantments like Rule of Law, Stasis (and Black Market Connections) and various ways to fairly quickly win the game, all while being able to hold up lots of mana for interaction, be it counters or removal. Hinata is another tax effect, but you get access to Red as well, and Red has some interesting additions to the Stax department, you'd definitely want Grand Arbiter in your Hinata deck, and you'd run most of the same cards, but you also have the option of running a bunch of cards that care about Hinata's discount, Hinata makes interaction better, especially if it has multiple targets, the annoying thing for both is that they're much harder to cast than Grand Arbiter, so you'd have to raise your budget to have the same consistency. The big problem with Zur is protecting him. If there are literally specific players you know are a problem you can run either Baral, Chief of Compliance or Talrand, Sky Summoner, Baral is better at playing 'Counter Everything' but Talrand can be just offensively good vs a specific player since he also is generating evasive bodies while interacting with that player's win attempts. The nice thing about he mono-Blue approach is you can just brutalize a player or two while letting the others play a smaller (but more normal) game.

Oh, if those players run specific colours (and nobody else likes them as much) there are old school colour hosers, cards like Karma can make life extremely hard. They exist for all colours, and they were so staggeringly unpopular that the developer stopped printing cards like it.

griffstick on infinite rats

1 year ago

Cards that make it hard or impossible to play the game. It makes for a frustrating game cards like Stasis Blood Moon and Static Orb are stax so is Contamination, all three of these cards (and there are many many more cards like these) all of these cards make the game hard or impossible to play... so if you add a card like Contamination and your opponents can't play because they are not playing in black. They will feel like they should do the same to you. And then they will also play cards like these. That is a "stax and tax war" amungst your friends.

Tax are cards that make it cost more to do things in the game. Cards Like Thalia, Guardian of Thraben and Trinisphere and Grand Arbiter Augustin IV are tax effects.

legendofa on Help me torture

1 year ago

Hand = hurting: Black Vise, Ebony Owl Netsuke, Iron Maiden, Misers' Cage, Sword of War and Peace

Bounce: Blood Clock, Crystal Shard, Surgical Skullbomb, Umbilicus

Standard stax/tax effects: Smokestack, Tangle Wire, Winter Orb, Thorn of Amethyst, God-Pharaoh's Statue, Damping Sphere, Trinisphere, Sphere of Resistance, Cursed Totem, Static Orb, Meekstone, Norn's Annex, Mindlock Orb

Artifact creatures with these effects: Viseling, Neurok Replica, Esper Sentinel

Pulled mostly from EDHrec, and I only hit the highlights.

thefiresoflurve on WIP Control Deck

1 year ago

Hey, there!

First, what's your budget like? 'til I know that, I'll keep suggestions "standard".

Second: Cuts.

Sleep + River's Rebuke - not really an EDH card, since you usually have more than one opponent.

Martial Law - similarly, this is just one creature, and there are bound to be so many more problems than just one on the field at a time.

Invisibility - There are better sources of evasion (getting damage through to other players). Also, getting damage through is something Augustin isn't the best at, so that might not make for a strong win-con.

Robe of Mirrors isn't bad to protect your commander, but for 1 more mana you can use Curator's Ward (because Augustin reduces it) and then get 2 cards if someone uses a boardwipe later. I call that a deal. Diplomatic Immunity is another equally costed option as well, if you find your playgroup runs an obnoxious amount of enchantment removal, since it itself is also untargetable.

Consulate Crackdown - Kind of mediocre for what it does. For just one more mana, you can instead run Farewell or Austere Command, which both produce a much better effect.

Some things traditionally run in Augustin are used to basically slow the game to a crawl, and others are used to tax your opponents while this is going on to create advantages for you while you draw into your win conditions: Cursed Totem, Hushbringer, Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, Vryn Wingmare, Containment Priest, Reidane, God of the Worthy  Flip, Hushwing Gryff, Silent Arbiter, Ethersworn Canonist, Wandering Archaic  Flip, Smothering Tithe, Rhystic Study, Linvala, Keeper of Silence, Sphere of Resistance, Torpor Orb, Damping Sphere, Static Orb, Karn's Sylex, Meekstone, Crawlspace... not quite an exhaustive list, but it's a really good start, and gets the point across.

There are some weird cards that you can use as win conditions to go with the "stax" style, like Azor's Elocutors.

If you're interested, has some more suggestions as well - in my opinion, it's not a terrible place to start as a new player, although I'd encourage you to switch it up as you and your wallet like from what's listed there. can also be a really good tool if you like to go full nerd and search for alternative cards with similar effects to really expensive cards - I've stumbled across a few hidden gems over time by using it.

Hope that helps, and Happy building!

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