I'm not quite what you'd call an expert in MTG, but I'm fairly knowledeable about the game upto around the M12 tournament rules and have played a lot over the years, from the days of mana burn, up into the glorious days of the Eldrazi coming into existence to wreak havoc on everything, you could say I've seen quite a bit.

However, with all of the crazy new cards that come to be released every year or so, I do have quite a bit of catching up to do, and my knowledge of the new is a bit limited.

I consider myself much more of a Casual player than a competitive one, as well as a fairly pleasant person until someone tries to pose an issue.

Please keep it about the fun and the good if you choose you would like to spark up a conversation and we will get along great :D

Cheers T/O!

(formerly known as sparta88)

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MTG Decks

Tiny Plague Queen

Tiny Leaders* Ravvynfall

SCORE: 2 | 348 VIEWS

Tiny Teef

Tiny Leaders* Ravvynfall


Tiny Fool Moon

Tiny Leaders Ravvynfall

SCORE: 1 | 218 VIEWS

Tiny Rage Quit

Tiny Leaders* Ravvynfall


The Tiny Heretic

Tiny Leaders Ravvynfall


Finished Decks 22
Prototype Decks 11
Drafts 0
Playing since Mirrodin
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Tiny Leaders, Casual
Joined 3 years