

Artifact (1)

The Goose is loose!

After i saw Goose Mother, i wanted to build a Voltron deck around her. After some testing, i decided to center it around her and +1/+1 - Counters and leave Food out of the equation; so she is simply a big, flying Simic Commander that lets me draw. I thought in a world where Yargle can be a commander, so can she.

Nearly every card serves one of five purposes: Protect the Goose, buff the Goose, supply Mana for Goose, Draw Cards and Disrupt opponents. I tried to include many cards, that tick more than one box (like Inspiring Call for Drawing AND Protecting, Repulse for disrupting AND draw or Guardian Augmenter for buff AND protect). Win condition is mostly getting her out for 5 Mana early as a 5/5 hitter and then buff her up and run enemies down, while protecting her and hindering enemies with blue disrupt. I added many bounce effects so i could get rid of Reach threats or bounce the goose up for even more power and Food.

Body of Research (especially with WHispersilk Mantle) and Simic Ascendancy are alternate win-conditions.

I am open to suggestions concerning improving in the above areas, allthough i d like to keep single card price at single-digit (so no Doubling Season...). I know that many cards are not optimal, but i'd like to know if the general direction i'm facing is ok or if i am under a misconception concerning parts of this deck. Especially concerning ramp and land spread. Or if there is a simpler/cheaper solution. The advantage of +1 counters versus the normal Voltron Artifacts is, that they are quite dave concerning mass destruction. Spring Cleaning and Scute Mob are kinda like my Signature cards so i put them in.



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I threw out and put in: Cerulean Wisps (Saiba Cryptomancer for better defense AND +1 token) Decisive Denial (Beast within is more versatile) Emergent Sequence (Cultivate is better) Whispersilk Cloak (Mithril Coat) Murkfiend Liege (Zopandrel, just better offense) Scute Mob (Arwen, can get really big like Master Biomancer) Frogify (Witness Protection is just better)


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99% Casual


Date added 6 months
Last updated 6 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

37 - 4 Rares

17 - 5 Uncommons

13 - 3 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.86
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Boar 2/2 G, Food, Fractal 0/0 GU
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