Sunhome Guildmage

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sunhome Guildmage

Creature — Human Wizard

Creatures you control get +1/+0 until end of turn.

: Create a 1/1 red and white Soldier creature token with haste.

RobRobertson120 on Kick Start My Heart | Winota, Joiner of Forces EDH

3 years ago

Hello, I'm an amateur Boros player from Standard and Modern looking to build my first Commander deck and Winota looks like a great card to build around. I was wondering if you could advise me on whether or not the following cards would be good fits in a Winota deck: Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip, Gideon, Ally of Zendikar , Sunhome Guildmage , Thalia, Guardian of Thraben , Thalia, Heretic Cathar , Silverblade Paladin , Hanweir Lancer , Frontline Medic , Bomber Corps , Tajic, Legion's Edge

CaliburnAO on Rienne Recursion

4 years ago

Good start to a deck. Rienne looks like an interesting build, and the built-in recursion is pretty powerful. If I might suggest a few cards that work really well with her; Dauntless Escort , Saffi Eriksdotter and Qasali Pridemage are all cards that self-sacrifice with powerful effects that Rienne, Angel of Rebirth lets you re-use. These cards will help to make your board more sticky and keep Rienne around to keep chugging out that value.

Theres a ton of other multicolored creatures that have reusable effects when they enter, like Duergar Hedge-Mage , Knight of Autumn and Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves . If token making is something you're interested in, then Conclave Cavalier and Trostani's Summoner can do a decent job. If you want some good aggressive finisher cards, theres Gahiji, Honored One and Knight of New Alara who can pump your board pretty nicely, as well as the liege cycle from Lorwyn.

Rienne also likes Sacrifice outlets, so Evolutionary Leap , Brion Stoutarm and some of the card-draw spells like Life's Legacy can generate some serious value.

Since the deck is three color, getting the right mana on time might be a bit of a problem. You could do with swapping some of the basics out for some tri-color lands, like Command Tower and Jungle Shrine , and using cheap fetches like Evolving Wilds , Terramorphic Expanse and Krosan Verge can help you get the lands you need as you need them. Replacing cards like Safewright Quest with things like Farseek , Kodama's Reach and Skyshroud Claim are also going to help, as you can never have enough mana in an EDH game, as we all know.

Your deck is also pretty light on removal, stuff like Swords to Plowshares , Sylvan Reclamation , Return to Dust , Generous Gift and Beast Within can get rid of troublesome creatures or permanents that threaten you or stop you winning with creatures. While they aren't flashy, sometimes you just need to get rid of that Rest in Peace before it does too much damage.

Thats my take on just some of the cards I figure could improve the deck, but I'm no expert. Play around with it and see what you like. If you find yourself struggling to cut cards, here's a list of what I feel are the weakest links in your deck, in no particular order; Chandra, Fire Artisan - You have access to better card draw and the burn shouldn't be super relevant most games. Dryad Militant , Vernadi Shieldmate , Skyknight Vanguard , Boros Swiftblade and Sunhome Guildmage all seem fairly low impact. Fatal Frenzy seems odd as your creatures aren't super large, and your commander isn't going to easily win by Commander Damage. War's Toll and Mana Web seem like filler slots, but maybe these help against your local meta?

Hopefully some of this helps, I look forward to seeing how the deck develops in the future.

Easybr0wnies343 on Combat Double Damage

6 years ago

Hey I like the idea. There are a couple suggestions I've got for you.

  1. If you're going with the battallion idea, you will need ways to generate a swarm. I would suggest Sunhome Guildmage or Assemble the Legion, and then follow it up with board buffs such as Glorious Charge or Dragon Throne of Tarkir.

  2. If you're going the heroic route, definitely throw in Fabled Hero as well as Akroan Crusader. You will then want to throw in some Titan's Strength and Assault Strobe along with Gods Willing.

Good luck with the deck! I've always liked Boros decks

CardTyrant on Soldier Tokens

6 years ago

Looks pretty tasty, and it's a great start!

I would take out Quest for the Holy Relic, Open the Armory, and Strength of Arm due to not really having that much equipment. I would add 3 more Plains (I would also try to balance your mana better, try less Mountains and more Plains). If that mana fixing becomes an issue, add in Evolving Wilds, Myriad Landscape, Warped Landscape, Terminal Moraine, Arid Mesa, Naya Panorama, or Terramorphic Expanse. I would recommend adding at least 3-5 fetch lands to help mana fixing.

If you take out Armory of Iroas, Murder Investigation, and Coat of Arms, you could free up the last two spots for the 38 lands.

I did notice that a lot of your soldiers have a synergy with equipment cards, yet you only run 2 equipment cards. I was a bit confused by this. I would recommend taking them all out and replacing them. I would also recommend trying to run 2 more soldiers (you are at that tribal sweet spot with all the soldier creatures, but Boros is known for being aggressive with instant/sorcery AND creatures). 30 creatures is great aggro. Here are some creatures I would recommend: Brimaz, King of Oreskos, Blaze Commando, Sunhome Guildmage, Preeminent Captain, Field Marshal, Daru Warchief, Ballyrush Banneret, Veteran Swordsmith, Rhox Pikemaster, or Catapult Squad. The cards I'd recommend to take out are Auriok Steelshaper, Auriok Survivors, Auriok Windwalker, Conclave Phalanx, Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas, Relic Seeker, Fated Conflagration, Arrows of Justice.

You already have a lot of key cards. I do see that your mana is very unbalanced. I would add more Plains. If you just take out one Mountain at a time and switch it for a Plains until your Pie Chart for your mana is "perfectly" aligned. It won't always be there, but the closer the better. With this being a tribal deck, it would help to have cards like Cavern of Souls, but that's a make-or-break card for you wallet. I actually don't even have one (it's one of the last 9 cards I WANT for my Gishath deck). Soldiers won't really get a lot of heat at any of my play groups, so getting countered shouldn't be that big of an issue.

Here is what I would take out and add:

- Quest for the Holy Relic
- Open the Armory
- Strength of Arm
- Armory of Iroas
- Coat of Arms
- Murder Investigation
- Auriok Steelshaper
- Auriok Survivors
- Auriok Windwalker
- Conclave Phalanx
- Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas
- Relic Seeker
- Fated Conflagration
- Arrows of Justice

+ Evolving Wilds
+ Terramorphic Expanse
+ Naya Panorama
+ 3x Plains
+ Sunhome Guildmage
+ Brimaz, King of Oreskos
+ Daru Warchief
+ Rhox Pikemaster
+ Ballyrush Banneret
+ Field Marshal
+ Veteran Swordsmith
+ Preeminent Captain

Rebalance Mountains and Plains to match the Pie Chart

Sorry for the ranty post. I get a bit into it.

LeBeerCat on Small army

6 years ago

That sounds cool. For the soldiers, maybe some Precinct Captain, Legion Loyalist, Sunhome Guildmage, Tajic, Blade of the Legion or Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit but she doesn't play well with tokens...

Lunarwing7 on Anya Gon Give It To Ya

6 years ago

Cards I think are very good in this deck:

Cards I would heavily consider cutting:

  • Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit - While the deck has a lot of nontoken creatures, most of the counters will end up on utility creatures, not Angels, and you don't have any synergy with +1/+1 counters.
  • Blaze Commando - You have 5 total sorcery spells that deal damage, and all but Disaster Radius and Meteor Blast kill all your Elementals (and probably the Commando). It just isn't a fit for this deck.
  • Firemane Angel - This card is just a lot of mana for an underwhelming creature. It's recursive, but you already have Defy Death and Gift of Immortality to recur creatures, and you're running so many big creatures that it's not a huge concern.
  • Firemane Avenger - I'm not super sure on this one (it might be alright), but it feels very low-impact, and if you can attack with three creatures safely, you're probably in a position where you don't need a free Lightning Helix. This is probably one of the last cuts to make.
  • Flamewright - This card just isn't doing anything this deck wants.
  • Fumiko the Lowblood - Maybe I'm wrong, but this just doesn't seem like an effect this deck needs, especially after cutting the Humans side of the deck.
  • Glory-Bound Initiate - Again, just too low-impact for Commander.
  • Goldnight Castigator - I misremembered this one - it's not as good as I thought it was. Probably too low-impact, and dangerous (it puts a big target on your head when you take double damage).
  • Hanweir Lancer - Do you really need first strike when all your creatures are probably better than anything your opponents will likely have? It beats deathtouch, but so does indestructible, and that also protects the creature from removal. We can do better.
  • Hero of Oxid Ridge - Are 1-power creatures blocking Angels that often? Probably not. Without that relevant clause, this is a 4/2 with battle cry - not very relevant for a big creature deck. And it's not on theme.
  • Iroas's Champion - See Glory-Bound Initiate.
  • Jareth, Leonine Titan - This card is okay, but we can probably fill this slot with a better creature for the deck. One of the last cuts, most likely.
  • Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer - This effect is powerful, but we aren't heavy on artifacts, so metalcraft is unreliable, and we aren't a deck that can make the best use out of it.
  • Odric, Lunarch Marshal - We can get something very similar with Angelic Skirmisher, which is an Angel and does something on an empty board.
  • Shepherd of the Lost - See Glory-Bound Initiate.
  • Skyknight Legionnaire - See you-know-what.
  • Sun Titan - This guy is awesome, but he's not likely to bring back much of value in a deck filled to the brim with big Angels.
  • Thalia, Heretic Cathar - Is this an effect this deck really wants? If it is, Blind Obedience is an enchantment that hits artifacts instead of nonbasics, and also extorts (It is legal in this deck).
  • Truefire Paladin See...yawn
  • Victory's Herald - We're an ANGEL deck! We don't need to give our creatures FLYING! In all seriousness, this is very redundant with a deck made up of 30% fliers, 30% support spells, and 40% mana.
  • Deathrender - This card is just kinda expensive and difficult to use, and it only lets us cheat out Angels we can just cast anyway.
  • Banishing Light - This is a small upgrade, but Grasp of Fate is probably just better.
  • Citadel Siege - This card draws a bunch of hate, but isn't so impactful it wins us the game (like Sunbird's Invocation). We can do much better.
  • Curse of the Nightly Hunt - Like Fumiko the Lowblood, I'm not convinced we want this effect.
  • Faith's Fetters - I'd rather run something more like Banishing Light as enchantment-based removal, because it deals with static abilities like, for example, Angel of Invention.
  • Battle Hymn - This card is both really awkward (makes red mana when most of our expensive stuff is white) and not actually going to produce much mana outside of a token deck. We really don't need an effect like this one.
  • Martial Glory - Our creatures are already big, so do we really need a combat trick to make them good? I don't think so.
  • Ancient Amphitheater - We aren't running Giant tribal, so this is just a worse Wind-Scarred Crag 95% of the time. I'd rather run a basic, or a Reliquary Tower or something.
  • Evolving Wilds, Terramorphic Expanse, Vivid Crag, Vivid Meadow - We're a 2-color deck - we really don't need to run what amount to tapped basics most of the time.

Cards I'm unsure about:

  • The token cards: Adriana, Captain of the Guard, Sunhome Guildmage, Assemble the Legion, Cathars' Crusade - These cards are all great (and gave me an idea for a deck to build) but I don't think they're a fit for this deck. Either expand on the token plan, or cut these.
  • Emancipation Angel - I don't think we need this? If it had flash, I'm all for it, but as it is I don't think we want to bounce our expensive creatures.
  • Thalia's Lancers - I don't think we have enough legendary permanents that this is worth playing. If you end up adding more, then go for it.
  • Meteor Blast - We're running white - we can get less expensive one-sided boardwipes, I feel.
  • Nevermore - If we end up running ways to tutor up enchantments, this is a great silver bullet answer to almost anything, but even in that case, I think Gideon's Intervention is better most of the time. Maybe you run both?

Cards I recommend:

  • "Voltron" cards - Since Anya can easily become indestructible and is already evasive, she's a good candidate for winning with commander damage. Loxodon Warhammer is already in the deck, as is Lightning Greaves, so we've got a head start. Some cards I'd recommend are:
  • Swiftfoot Boots - Basically Lightning Greaves, but you can target the creature. If you intend to pile a bunch of equipment on Anya this is probably a better option.
  • Grappling Hook - Gives Anya double strike, as well as helping you get rid of problem creatures (Remember Anya has flying, so a nonflier can't block her).
  • Argentum Armor - Much like the Hook, this makes Anya a serious threat while helping deal with problematic permanents.
  • Assault Suit - Get Anya attacking on everyone else's turns, too!
  • Champion's Helm - Protects Anya while also making her big.
  • Godsend - A bit pricy, but discourages opponents from attacking into or blocking Anya, and a combo with Grappling Hook
  • Inquisitor's Flail - Anya's indestructible, so this card's downside is completely meaningless.
  • Pariah's Shield - When equipped to Anya, this basically makes you invincible.
  • Puresteel Paladin - If you go hard on the Equipment theme, this guy will put in work. Probably not the best if you stick with Angels, though.
  • Stoneforge Masterwork - This one should be obvious.
  • Steelshaper's Gift - Again, if you go deep with Equipment, consider this.
  • Sword of the Animist - Ramp sword? Ramp sword.
  • Sword of Vengeance - Give Anya every keyword ever printed on a creature. And +2/+0!
  • Worldslayer - This one is just to silly to not bring up.

Other recommendations

  • Herald's Horn - Makes your Angels cheaper, and helps you draw them.
  • Door of Destinies - This should be fairly obvious.
  • Kindred Charge - This card will win you games, I guarantee it. Especially with stuff like Angel of Serenity.
  • Vanquisher's Banner - Similar to Herald's Horn. Makes your Angels big instead of cheap.
  • Angel of Sanctions - Banishing Light on a stick? That you can use twice? Seems good.
  • Angel of the Dire Hour - Get 'em! Just don't play this on your combat phase.
  • Angelic Skirmisher - Give your team some nice abilities, and on an Angel to boot!
  • Archangel of Tithes - Makes life hard for token decks and discourages attacks.
  • Aurelia, the Warleader - How are you not already running this? Well, whatever, I won't judge.
  • Basandra, Battle Seraph - Prevents opponents getting tricky in combat, and helps deal with problematic utility creatures that are otherwise hard to get rid of.
  • Exquisite Archangel - Saves you from death once, which damn well better be enough.
  • Karmic Guide - Recurs your big threats which would otherwise rot in your graveyard forever.
  • Linvala, Keeper of Silence - A hefty price tag, but an upgrade to think about. Completely shuts down powerful utility creatures and mana dorks (it doesn't care whether the ability is a mana ability).
  • Platinum Angel - You literally can't lose. The purpose is obvious, although the target on your head is just as visible.
  • Reya Dawnbringer - Basically a repeated Karmic Guide - who wouldn't love to make their Angels unkillable?
  • Twilight Shepherd - Having this card sitting on the battlefield makes nobody want to boardwipe, since you just get all your creatures back anyway.
  • Avacyn, Angel of Hope - Expensive, but well worth the price - it's really hard to deal with an indestructible field of anything, let alone big fliers.
  • Hour of Devastation - Three mana boardwipes are quite strong, and this card almost always costs three mana in Commander. This one even hits artifacts, enchantments, and planeswalkers!
  • Boros Charm - A versatile spell that can save you from a boardwipe, make an Angel a major threat, or just burn someone out of the game, if need be.
  • Master Warcraft - Completely blowing out two opponents seems well worth four mana to me! If need be, it can even just be a Fog.
  • Wear / Tear - Versatile artifact and enchantment removal.
  • Return to Dust - Just like Wear / Tear. I put this one in basically every white deck I make.
  • Swords to Plowshares - Spot removal that deals with just about any creature.
  • Grand Abolisher - We wouldn't want any pesky blue mages countering our Angels, would we? Also has the upside of preventing combat trickery on your turn.

On the manabase:

I like that you put in so many mana rocks and lands (a lot of first-time deck builders might skimp in this regard) but the colors are a bit strange. You have more red sources than white, despite the fact you have more white cards than red. I would cut a few Mountains and replace them with Plains.

In closing:

Obviously you can't run all of these recommendations, but pick the ones you like the best to fill the empty slots. Overall, I quite like the premise of the deck, but it could use a lot of polish.

Fatespinner79 on Boros or Selesnya variant of …

6 years ago

Hi all,

I am new here and I have created one deck for our game group. But I am not sure which variant I should play? Shall I go for Boros or for Selesnya? Feel free to comment any other improvements to the deck that you think would be good.

I own all commons and uncommons of the Ravnica, Return to Ravnica and Theros block twice plus Magic X. Please note that this is a strictly budget deck. I am willing to buy rares as long as they are not more expensive than 1 USD. Also in our group we have the rule not to include more than 4 rares in your decks. This should ensure that the power level of the decks is similar.

Normally we are four or five players and we play free-for-all, two-headed giant and prisma. So the deck needs some defenses.

Boros Variant

Selesnya Variant

My deck list is strangely formatted. How do I do a better deck list?

hienisms on

6 years ago

Drogskol Cavalry to turn Infinite mana into Infinite life and tokens. Bloodrite Invoker, Essence Depleter, Nightfire Giant, Orzhov Guildmage, Rix Maadi Guildmage, Scalding Devil, Scholar of Athreos, Soul of Shandalar, and Sunhome Guildmage also work.

Also, lands that kill: Piranha Marsh and Sunscorched Desert. (But throw in Seraph Sanctuary, too.)

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