Boon of the Wish-Giver

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Boon of the Wish-Giver


Draw four cards.

Cycling (, Discard this card: Draw a card.)

DudeManBro66 on Can you cycle a copy …

2 months ago

Let's say I draw Boon of the Wish-Giver as my card for the turn, and I have God-Eternal Kefnet on the battlefield. As a part of that creature's ability, I reveal Boon of the Wish-Giver and create a copy of it. (The copy is specifically a card, not a spell.) Can I use the cycling ability of the copy?

thefiresoflurve on Counter Spells & Draw Cards

10 months ago

This looks like a really fun commander! So, right off the bat, there's a cool way day/night interacts with this commander and your opponents: if you can force it to night consistently, you'll more heavily punish your opponents for playing spells, since they're going to switch it back to day and power up your commander. The easiest way to do that is by playing more instants / at flash speed.

Desperate Ravings / Thrill of Possibility / Big Score + Unexpected Windfall all help positively synergize with your "draw" effects like Ominous Seas and Teferi's Ageless Insight, and also help you trigger the day/night change by electing to play on other people's turns instead of your own.

Seize the Spotlight gets an honorable mention for being great, if you find the slot for it.

For cuts, I would consider: Pouncing Shoreshark (low impact)

Laboratory Maniac - Kind of an all-or-nothing strategy, and sounds like from your description that you'd rather win with combat.

Khenra Spellspear  Flip - doesn't fit with commander, since you want to be able to force it to night whenever your turn rolls around.

Boon of the Wish-Giver - sorcery speed is kinda meh IMO - I imagine people will be trying to kill your commander before it makes this cost.

Mulldrifter - there are instants and sorceries that can draw more for the same cost.

Happy building!

azja on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

2 years ago

Hey Snake57, sorry about the very late reply! My playgroup has been the same 3-4 people in the past couple of months due to covid, so I've been messing around with some new decks for more variety in our games. Don't worry, I still absolutely love Yuriko, but I haven't made any changes to the list lately!

Ponder vs Otherworldly Gaze: Ponder wins this one for me because it acts as topdeck manipulation and a cantrip. With Otherworldly Gaze you get to see more cards, but you also go down a card in the process.

Personal Tutor: Although I'm still not a huge fan of this card, I've been playing with it in favour of Insidious Dreams. Insidious Dreams is more powerful in the right situation, but quite mana intensive, and brutal if it gets countered.

Dauthi Voidwalker: Love this card so far. I mostly keep it untapped as a threat rather than an enabler, but the shadow is a nice plus!

Opposition Agent: I'm also split on this card. Most times it just steals a fetchland and then gets removed, which makes it feel kind of underwhelming. But the upside of stealing an actual tutor could be worth it.

Abjure and Boon of the Wish-Giver: I have both of these in my binder but I haven't tried them myself. How have they panned out for you?

Enter the Infinite: I also agree that raising the overall cmc is better than playing this card. I think 2 is the perfect number of cards in the "high cmc but useless" category (Draco and Blinkmoth Infusion). Like you said, delve cards or big cards that cycle seem like a better solution.

Have you made any changes in your list? Let me know!

Also, any thoughts on neon dynasty so far?

I think Kaito Shizuki looks quite powerful and, for once, I'm looking forward to trying out a planeswalker in Yuriko!

As for Satoru Umezawa, it seems too mana intensive for this deck. But I'm excited to see another ninjutsu commander with a different spin!

Snake57 on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

2 years ago

Hey Azja! As always thanks for getting back to me :)

Great to hear Gingerbrute is working out for you, I've definitely have good experiences with the card since adding it. I was actually considering to purchase Personal Tutor, but looks like I can spend that money somewhere else then. In regards to Consider, I actually mixed my cards up. I meant Otherworldly Gaze from the same set. which seemed pretty good to me as it also fuels the graveyard when necessary and can be cast at instant speed (twice). Not sure it beats out Ponder though? I'm unsure if I can fit both in the deck.

I've just ordered a few copies of Dauthi Voidwalker so I am looking forward to giving that card a try, do you end up using it as an enabler often? I'd assume it just sits on the board for as long as possible.

For me I'm really split on Opposition Agent, I feel like if I can get it out early it completely screws up my opponents early land plays giving them issues playing fetchlands (of which there are a good amount in the pods I play Yuriko in). Later in the game i'll likely have the mana open to flash it out as well, but it may take some time to find the right moment, it also feels like somewhat of a removal magnet as it needs to be dealt with before tutoring for a wincon for example. However it doesn't really further my own strategy directly, and is unlikely to be used as an enabler. I'm genuinely having a hard time with this one.

I've just added Street Wraith to my main deck so I'm curious to see how it performs for me, I didn't think of the interaction with Temporal Mastery, seems good! Also, I've added Abjure and it really has felt like a decent addition to the counterspell package as the downside tends to be manageable (and sometimes adds more delve-fodder)

I'll see if I can get ahold of Boon of the Wish-Giver, to me the card just seems to make sense in Yuriko. I'm currently running 32 lands with a ton of fetches and I still feel like I've been hitting lands way too often (maybe I've just been unlucky recently) But it makes me consider cutting a Land for the card as it can be cycled as well.

You are right, Scion of Draco probably isn't the right choice, Enter the Infinite is definitely an option, however I feel it may be better to raise the CMC of my deck across the board a little. I'm looking into adding more delve cards and cards that synergise with that. Maybe Murderous Cut, Otherworldly Gaze, Frantic Search, Treasure Cruise. Perhaps I could add cards that untap lands as well, a Treachery, Cloud of Faeries, Time Spiral is what I'm looking at currently.

Maybe I've just had a few - not so great games recently and I should give it more games before I rush to change things around that much.

I am very curious to see what what the new Kamigawa Set will bring, here's hoping there will be some good additions for Yuriko.

azja on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

2 years ago

It's great to hear from ya again Snake57! I've been a bit busy with school, and getting back into in-person modern events, so I haven't been playing much edh lately :( but here's what I think of the cards I'm testing:

  • So far Gingerbrute feels like a good fit for Yuriko. I think the upside of having haste outweighs the downside of having to pay to make it unblockable. I chose to cut Tormented Soul because it also can't be pitched to Force of Will and I want to keep my density of blue cards high, but I still think it's a solid enabler.

  • I've also been pretty happy with Ponder over Personal Tutor. The problem I have with Personal Tutor is that I don't have a ton of sorceries that aren't just big, clunky extra turn spells. In contrast, Vampiric Tutor and Mystical Tutor have a lot more targets and provide utility at every point in the game, not just on the final turn. I would definitely suggest Ponder over Consider because you can also control what's on top of your deck, not just the card you draw.

  • I have mixed feelings about Chain of Vapor. It's awesome in the early game when your opponents don't have enough lands to reasonably sac one to copy it, but it feels pretty bad in the mid-late game when they do. Also at 1 cmc, it doesn't do Yuriko any favours. I chose to cut Spire Owl in its place because I had 4 2-mana enablers, and it felt like a bit too many. From what I can tell, I think 3 is the right number.

  • Dauthi Voidwalker has been an awesome addition to the deck. It hinders graveyard strategies, can be used as enabler if needed, and most importantly, steals an opponent's removal spell or counterspell. I chose to cut Throat Slitter because my meta used to be filled with black aristocrat decks. But lately it's been shifting from that, so I may try to find a spot for it again.

Now for the cards you mentioned:

  • I've tried Opposition Agent in some other decks, but not in Yuriko. I've found that it mostly ends up stealing someone's ramp or fetchland, rather than an actual tutor. This makes me think it might be a bit underwhelming in Yuriko.

  • I've really been liking Street Wraith so far. It's a heavy hitter when you reveal it with Yuriko, and you can immediately cycle it for a more useful card. It also fuels your delve spells, and you can use it to set up a miracle Temporal Mastery.

  • I also feel like the overall cmc can be a bit low, so I think adding Boon of the Wish-Giver could be a good call. At 1 mana it's pretty easy to cycle, plus it's not too bad of a card either.

  • I would hesitate to play Scion of Draco because we can only reduce it to 8 mana, making it almost uncastable. If you need another big card for burn, I would maybe go with Enter the Infinite because both Mystical Tutor and Vampiric Tutor can tutor for it, and it can be exiled to Force of Will.

As always, thanks for commenting and let me know if you have any more suggestions from the new sets!!

Snake57 on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

2 years ago

Hey again Azja!

How have the cards you've been testing treating you? I've been trying to find space for Opposition Agent and Dauthi Voidwalker as both seem to be incredible value pieces against graveyard strategies and tutors, fetches and more. (considering this is a deck that's definitely up there on the power scale and would play against decks that do a lot of this)

What do you think about those cards? Has Street Wraith paid off for you generally?

Have you looked at adding any new cards from recent sets? I've been considering Consider (heh) but Ponder may straight up be better. I'm also looking to find a spot for Boon of the Wish-Giver as I feel like my CMC has gotten a bit too low and it hurts the cinsustency of my burn damage. Also been looking at Scion of Draco as I feel like my big burn spells can end up stuck in my hand or get exiled, but not sure if it fits or what I would cut it for.

Hope you are well, flipping Yuriko triggers and hitting the big spells ;)

multimedia on

2 years ago

Hey, saw your forum topic asking for help. Nice start, you have many excellent cards, but 30 cards that are 6 CMC or higher is really too many.

You're playing subpar/unplayable lands such as Rupture Spire / Gateway Plaza / Transguild Promenade and other lackluster cards such as Boon of the Wish-Giver / Spectral Searchlight / The Wanderer . I don't think you're in a position to judge how powerful Jodah can be compared to a much more refined deck. Instead of just right away rejecting Mtg_Mega_Nerds deck get inspiration from it because there's concepts that you can use to greatly improve your deck.

If you want to use Jegantha as companion then you're going to have to change your deck a lot because you're playing many spells that have more than one of the same mana symbol in the cost. You can't play Omniscience or Ultimatums with Jegantha as companion. My advice is to play Jegantha in the 99 like how it currently is, not as companion.

If you want to make Jegantha the companion then make it official by tagging Jegantha in the editor. In the deck editor remove Jegantha from the main deck and put it into the sideboard. Then after Jegantha, the Wellspring text add the CMPN tag. After you save, Jegantha will be shown as the companion card image and placed next to Jodah in the deck list.

Jegantha, the Wellspring *CMPN*

I offer more deck advice. Would you like more advice? Good luck with your deck.

StarstormKK on Flaming shark tornado

3 years ago

I was looking around for a deck to build that uses Shark Typhoon because I keep finding them in the packs I buy. I came across yours and I like the idea of using Unpredictable Cyclone in conjunction with it. It allows you to cheat out more expensive spells pretty effectively, while still creating a shark army. On that note, I would completely revamp the spells you have chosen, aside from Neutralize and Boon of the Wish-Giver , because they need to have cycling to trigger this awesome effect. I do really like Narset of the Ancient Way for this deck. I would remove Teferi, Time Raveler unless you decide to use more sorceries, like Essence Fracture .

In any case, I love the basic concept and enjoyed trying to think about some synergy for it.

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