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Icbrgr on MH3 Elves

1 week ago

I am curious is anyone brewing or have a good blueprint for playing Elves in Modern 2024? With Modern now having access to:

I have an OLD elf deck that centered around Elvish Archdruid and Joraga Warcaller... But I just think there is better things the deck can do now with these retroactively made legal cards... is good ol' Craterhoof Behemoth or Tooth and Nail still sounding like good options?

Icbrgr on Break out

2 weeks ago

I have been away from magic for a bit and just popped back in and discovered the card Break Out. It just seems really really nice for Aggro decks or any small zoo deck.

My first thought is to compare this card to Collected Company... the sorcery speed kinda gets offset by giving a 2MV creature haste and can still just put higher mana value creatures like Ghor-Clan Rampager in hand.

Has anybody been trying out this card? It just seems pretty nutty to me.