Last Friday, while waiting for the Kamigawa pre-release to start, my group started an EDH to pass the time. While playing, we started talking about the Disney Film "Encanto" and how I look like the character Bruno. One of friends, jokingly said, "You should make a Bruno Deck!" while another of friends shouted "Rat Deck!" while pointing at me. We all started busting up!

After the Pre-release ended, I thought back to our little session and thought, "...Yeah. I should make a Bruno Deck!" And as soon as I got home, I came up with this.

The Commander was little difficult for me to find that match up with Bruno as there are many Legendary Creatures that allow's me to scry or look at the top cards of decks, but none of them really seemed to fit. Then I found Tasigur, the Golden Fang, and I gotta say, he's a perfect choice! Black for Rats, Blue for Scrying, and Green for Flavor (Bruno's powers are seen as green, his eyes glow green, and he makes jade colored glass that shows his visions)!

Going with his song, his sister sings that on her wedding day, "Bruno walks in with a mischievous grin," and Tas's effect matches that lyric to a T by having an opponent choose a card from your grave to be put into your hand at instant speed. You cannot help by grin or chuckle at the situation you've put them in! Especially if all your good cards are in you grave!

We find out that Bruno has been living in the walls of the house for years without anyone knowing.

Access Tunnel, Rogue's Passage, Suspicious Bookcase, and Whispersilk Cloak where a must. Doubly so for the cloak and Bookcase, since Bruno wears a Poncho and he has a tunnel hidden behind a portrait!

Bruno's only company are a colony of rats. A bunch of Rat Colony was pretty obvious. But I've also included Rats that have some good effects. Crypt Rats and Infected Vermin are the only indirect damage dealers I've put in, Chittering Rats is to temporarily stall a player, Scrib Nibblers is mainly for some random removal with potential life gain, and the remaining Rats have discard effects which brings us to...

Bruno's visions/prophecies are usually seen by the townsfolk as bad omens. So, along the Rats like Burglar Rat and Ravenous Rats, I've also included a few cards that discards a card from an opponents hand.

As I've stated before, the townsfolk see Bruno's visions as bad omens. And what is an "Omen?" It's an event regarded as a portent of good or evil. In other words, a warning or a hint that something big is coming. Another word for "Hint" is "Clue" so I put in some cards with investigate to make clue tokens as well as the appropriate cluestones (Which also makes sense since Bruno's prophecies are made in glass sheets).

I've also added the three Omens because, as I've said, Omens are defined as portents of good or evil. the definition for "Portent" is "Prophecy."

Thoughts and Criticism are welcomed as well as suggestions/replacements to make this feel more like a Bruno EDH.


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99% Casual


Revision 2 See all

(2 years ago)

-1 Adventurous Impulse main
+1 Fear main
-1 Fork in the Road main
+1 Mind Rot main
-1 Stronghold Rats main
Top Ranked
Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

53 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.30
Tokens Clue
Ignored suggestions
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