
Volo is the draw engine to get combo pieces. Low mana creatures help him draw a lot of cards. Search cards get those pieces as well. Most consistent combo is Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Pestermite , but Glint-Horn Buccaneer + Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator or Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator + Maskwood Nexus + Reckless Fireweaver is somewhat easy to set up as well. Path of the Pyromancer + Underworld Breach or Burning Inquiry + Runaway Steam-Kin + Underworld Breach lets you put everything into the graveyard to win with Laboratory Maniac. Curiosity + Niv-Mizzet, Parun also gets you there. Reiterate + Turnabout Feldon of the Third Path can get you pieces out of the graveyard, and can be used with Atemsis, All-Seeing to knock someone out. Chandra's Ignition + Chasm Skulker or Atemsis, All-Seeing + Chandra's Ignition is another way to claim victory. After over 150 play tests average turns to win is about 7 (assuming no interaction), which is where I want it, though feel free to make suggestions. This deck could maybe use more ways to interact.


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91% Casual
