

this is my prison deck centered around the historically novel Naked Singularity and less novel but still difficult to utilize Ritual of Subdual. i love these enchantments because they are highly unique in what they do; rather than increasing costs or preventing things from untapping, they cause mana to become something else. this results in players having the same amount of mana as before, but as wizards attempting to cast spells, the mana simply cannot be used. like filling a car with water instead of gasoline, you can turn the key but the engine won't start. Blood Moon is a card you are likely familiar with that works in a similar fashion, but it doesn't work on basic lands. Naked Singularity and Ritual of Subdual do. this can, with a bit of simple setup, consistently lock the rest of the table out of casting spells, and that's the primary goal of the deck.

these stax pieces are more at home under Omnath, Locus of All than any other commander i've ever tried. the corrupted incarnation of Omnath turns these expensive, usually unplayable cards into actual game-warping threats through land-type shenanigans and mana banking. they can consistently disrupt each opponent's mana generation for extensive periods of time, usually winning the game before their cumulative costs get too high. it's kinda like running multiple Contaminations that also mess up mono-black players.


This is a budget-friendly list, costing somewhere under $300 when going for stuff like specific printings and more heavily played cards. The primary goal is to get out Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, turning everything into swamps, then either warping everyone's mana production with Naked Singularity (which now affects nonbasics, thanks to Urborg), or bank absurd amounts of black with the expected Cabal Coffers. Coffers works in tandem with Naked Singularity and Ritual of Subdual since they only change what type of mana is produced, not the quantity, and Omnath's mana conversion ability + a few mana dorks ensure that the deck is still able to cast it's own spells uninterrupted.

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Trying out Caustic Bronco in place of Sakura-Tribe Scout. After ~10 games of data a very common problem kept showing up - a stagnant hand! Going to try this as a remedy since the Scout was very narrow anyways. Less explosive turn 1-4's for more consistent turn 3-??'s. Hopefully now when the big mana cards like Overwhelming Forces and Spell Burst don't show up, Caustic Bronco will continue to provide gas or find cards to close out the game. Basically what card draw does but overcomplicated lol

Really been enjoying Loran of the Third Path too. More cards to tap when Seedborn Muse is in play will never be a bad thing.


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93% Casual


Revision 29 See all

(1 week ago)

Top Ranked
Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 week

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

64 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.70
Tokens Bear 2/2 G, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
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