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Lesser Masticore = Exodia!?

Modern Combo GWU (Bant) Sacrifice



Sorcery (4)

Creature (4)


Found the Mono Green Lesser Manticore Combo deck by PoisonLexy that uses the combo Metallic Mimic, Lesser Masticore, and Grinding Station. Turned it into bant so I can use Ingenious Smith and Glint-Nest Crane in addition to Ancient Stirrings to get all the Exodia pieces.

How the deck goes is you play Ancient Stirrings and the others until you have all the combo pieces, then you play Semblance Anvil, imprinting an artifact card, then play Metallic Mimic, then Lesser Masticore, discarding a card, then a Grinding Station (six cards total), then finally you can sac the Masticore endlessly into the Station to mill your opponent's entire library. If you don't find either the Masticore or the Mimic, two Myr Retriever can substitute them for the combo.

The deck feels like what I imagine an yugioh Exodia deck would be like, casting spells solely to collect the Exodia pieces, and then once you have all of them (and you have enough mana), you drop your entire hand and wins. Thus the title.

With a bit of luck it can mill out the opponent as early as turn three, but it's much more often done so on turn four or five. Feels pretty consistent.

Sideboards are Void Snare in case your opponent has Pithing Needle or Karn, the Great Creator which can really screws you over by naming your sac outlet, Defense Grid which was leftover from orevious version of the deck but can be sided in to help protect the latter half of your combo from interactions, Liquimetal Torque which... also is a leftover from orevious iteration of the deck and a more dubious inclusion than the other, but theoretically can be sided in if your opponent is immune to being milled like with Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, which necessitates you going into the alternate win condition of Arcbound Ravager, which can be helped by Liquimetal Torque if your opponent also has a lot of blockers to stop your attack from going through. Lastly, there's Orvar, the All-Form which I'm informed is a staple sideboard against Indomitable Creativity going into Archon of Cruelty. Worst came worse, it can be pitched to Lesser Masticore or possibly even Semblance Anvil if you already hardcasted the noncreature artifacts for the combo.

Suggestion for mulligans:

If you have only one land, mulligan unless you have a green land and at least one Ancient Stirrings, preferably two. If you have four or more lands you prolly want to mulligan, unless the nonland is like, exactly Metallic Mimic, Lesser Masticore, and Grinding Station.

If you have two lands, you have ~46% chance not missing your third land drop if you play first, and ~61% chance if you draw first. Going in with two lands is riskier than with three lands, but it gave you more cards in hand to assemble the combo, and you have about a coinflip chance of not missing the third land drop, and going with three lands mean you have a coinflip chance of going a bit mana flooded instead. but, having a fourth land drop means you can hardcast the combo on two turns, so you won't be screwed that much if you failed to get Semblance Anvil. TLDR, going two lands is riskier but allows you to assemble the combo quicker, while going three lands is slower but safer and allows you to hardcast the combo easier if all else fail.


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During previous update I decided to dig deeper into mulligan and write suggestions, but I realized I calculated them wrong: I said that ideally you'd open with exactly three lands in hand, but that's not strictly true; It's only SAFER, but not ideal. Opening with the "ideal" three lands means you have about 50% chance of drawing more lands than you need, whereas opening with "consider mulligan" two lands have about 50% of drawing the land you needed anyway. The long and short of it is opening with two lands is riskier but can be quicker, whereas opening with three lands is safer but can be slower. You prolly should keep whichever of the two you got.


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97% Casual


Date added 10 months
Last updated 9 months

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 4 Mythic Rares

24 - 4 Rares

28 - 3 Uncommons

8 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.82
Tokens Copy Clone
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