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I will take this to my grave

Commander / EDH BGW (Abzan, Junk)


So I've always wanted to have a super powerful graveyard deck, and after a few trial and errors this commander seems like the best one on many accounts. Tayam has access to many combos, and its ability excels at putting combo pieces in the grave. It can get any permanent 3 or less, which means it can be used for land ramp, getting sac engines/token generators out, or etb creatures.

The deck also offers very strong recursion with tools such as Meren or Lurrus for targets each turn, or abusing enchantments like Necromancy on etb creatures. Eternal witness, noxious revival, and reclaim are useful for getting non permanents back to hand.

While Tayam is not a tool box, the deck has proficient search power and Tayam will help you get to it faster. As many combo pieces are creatures, fiend artisan is very efficient at getting them on the field. There are many any card tutors that put cards on top of deck, in hand, and into the grave.

To gain mana, have counter fodder for Tayam, and activate combos, a combination of sac engine and token generators is needed. Sac engines that scry can help make Tayam's ability more lucrative, viscera sear will help with that. Engines that make mana are incredible ramp with the proper setup, options are Phyrexian alter or Ashnod's alter. Creature token generators are great for both swarming the board and for sac fodder. Azban ascendancy, Bitterblossom, and Skrelv's hive are all great options.

If you have questions or recommendations please feel free to comment.

Here are the combos:

  1. Tayam + promise of bunrei + Ashnods alter / phyrexian altar = infinite mana and creature tokens

  2. devoted druid + swift reconfiguration = infinite green mana

  3. heliod sun crowned/ infinite mana combo + walking ballista = infinite damage

  4. Samwise Gamgee + Cauldron Familiar + any infinite sac outlet(5 total)=infinite opponent lifeloss


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97% Competitive

Date added 6 months
Last updated 1 week

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

23 - 0 Mythic Rares

50 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.23
Tokens Companion Zone, Emblem Wrenn and Realmbreaker, Experience Token, Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, Food, Human Cleric 1/1 BW, Phyrexian Mite 1/1 C, Plant 0/1 G, Spirit 1/1 C, The Ring, The Ring Tempts You, Treasure
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