The army of the gods rises!

This deck relies on synergy to activate Constellation effects and slowly wear down the opponents through direct life loss or combat damage.
I've found the Harvestguards Alseids to be very good in this as they make one creature immune to combat damage almost every turn and helps wear down the opponent's life total or creature count.
The Grim Guardians and Forgeborn Oreads also help with this whilst Oakheart Dryads buff one or more cards for that extra bit of pressure and have killed more than their fair share of creatures themselves.

Beside the creatures, the spells are enchantment-heavy to help the Constellations go off. Thus they're mostly cheap auras that help or hinder depending on the target or long-lasting enchantments to make me more powerful or spite the opponents if they start killing my creatures.
The sorceries and instants focus on creature removal in case I come against anything I can't take on or if I don't have any creatures. There's also Defend the Hearth as a last resort or as a friendly gesture (that's right, I reel 'em in with friendship).
There's a nice (but slightly long-winded) combo of enchanting an opponent's creature and using Feast of Dreams to kill it.

Basically, I made this deck for fun and to fit a story theme, which is why it's all Theros block cards and doesn't have any multi-colour lands except for the Temples. It's one of my favourite decks so far though and is fun to play.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

26 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.25
Folders My 60-card decks
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