Nyxborn Triton

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nyxborn Triton

Enchantment Creature — Merfolk

Bestow 4{U}

Enchanted creature gets +2/+3.

libraryjoy on

7 years ago

Yer welcome, me hearty. Also, one o' them thar Nyxborn Tritons needs to be made to walk the plank. 'Tis ill luck to have more than one!

freddiepeddi on

7 years ago

Alright I am back with another update for the Threos cube!

I have some balance changes I wish to impliment,

First of all, I Removed Anvilwrought Raptor and Astral Cornucopia because they where worthless most of the time, in exchange I added Chained to the Rocks so boros decks can deal with some of the control/tempo defenders.The other card I added was Prophet of Kruphix to give people an insentive to draft the simic archetype, because Kiora is not quite strong enough herself to encourage the color combo!

Naturally With a cube with every god in it they will ofcorse be played, so I switched out Necrobite for Nightmarish End so black decks could remove gods more efficient, black also does not have a lot of Heroic cards so Necrobite is less usefull then for other classes!

I reverted an earlier change to, I removed Crackling Triton and once again added in Nyxborn Triton Because you rarely want to sac the Crakling triton anyway and it is only for izzet decks (witch preformed better then expected) while Nyxborn triton fits in every deck and works best in heroic!

ryanbomo on Under $40 EDH

8 years ago

I think the biggest thing to think about when considering cuts is what your game plan is and then assess how each card works towards that plan. It looks like your plan is to go for an Enchanted/Equipped Commander, and hit in for damage. There's a control sub theme, but that doesn't seem huge. I think something to keep in mind is that while a Bestow creature can be cast as an aura, they are not auras in your hand/library/graveyard. They are only auras when they are on the stack after their bestow cost has been paid and when enchanting another creature.

I think the following cards don't really work with that theme:

Academy Researchers - They grab an enchantment, but they equip it to themselves. This is ok if the body is relevant, but a 2/2 with the enchantments you've got seems kinda meh. I'd consider cutting this guy. He doesn't help you pump the commander and he doesn't help you control the board.

Crystalline Nautilus - I feel like this card will lead to more feel bad moments than feel good ones. Sure you've got a big guy, but with 3 or 4 opponents someone will have a spell that can target your guy. It doesn't matter if the spell resolves or not, it's about if it gets targeted.

Disciple of the Ring - You're not running nearly enough Instants or Sorceries for this to matter. It's cool, but unless you can guarantee you're getting the affect when you need it, it's not worth running.

Mistfolk - I'm not sure I understand why this one is here. It's an irrelevant body. You're trying to beef up your commander, not some other guy.

Arcanum Wings - I feel like this would be really cool if you had expensive aurus to swap with it. I think you've only got one or two 4+ CMC auras, so the 3 mana aura swap ability is kind of useless for most of your auras.

Nyxborn Triton - This one seems kind of mediocre. It checks some boxes, but it's not great at the boxes it checks. I'd replace this with something with more splash. 5 mana to give something +2/+3 ain't great.

Nyxborn Shieldmate - See Nyxborn Triton

Glorious Anthem - This card is awesome in token decks, or decks that go wide. I think your deck is looking to go tall. I think this is an easy cut.

Bubbling Beebles - This is a tough cut, as it seems like a good thing to voltron up if your commander is removed somehow. However, I don't think you're really going to have to worry about that. I'd consider cutting this.

Ivory Mask - Hexproof on yourself is one of those things that can be really good or really wasted depending on the deck's you're playing. From looking at what everyone in the group is running, I don't know that hexproof would be extremely useful. If you're still looking for cuts, the self-hexproof cards might be worth looking at.

Aegis of the Gods - Ivory Mask

I feel like a lot of your enchantments aren't very splashy. Here's some Splashy ones to consider to replace some of the ones you've got:

Steel of the Godhead

Armored Ascension

Asha's Favor

Traveler's Cloak

Pentarch Ward

Some cards I forgot about in my original recommendations:

Sigil of the Empty Throne

Ajani's Chosen

I would also consider taking out Negate and Remove Soul for targeted removal. Reality Shift and Rapid Hybridization might be worth looking at.

clayperce on Best. Advent Calendar. Evar.

8 years ago

December 24th
Looks like we're wrapping up with Theros block, with Born of the Gods our pack for the 24th.

It wasn't a particularly strong pack, but it was a really fun one. We cracked a couple with the Inspired mechanic (Warchanter of Mogis and Kragma Butcher), a couple with Bestow (Nyxborn Triton and Flitterstep Eidolon--our #3), and a bunch of combat tricks (Sudden Storm, Aspect of Hydra--our #2), and Necrobite). We'd forgotten about Tribute, and it was neat to see it again on Thunder Brute.

Revoke Existence made us chuckle, because as TheDevicer pointed out the other day, there just isn't much removal in Theros block!

1st Pick went to Archetype of Courage and our rare made us smile, especially considering the one from the 23rd:

Chandrian on What happens to enchantments if …

8 years ago

Bestow is an alternative cost when casting the card, it's not an ability.

So either you can cast Nyxborn Triton for the bestow cost and attach it on a creature that's already on the battlefield OR you cast it for it's normal cost.

If you cast it for it's bestow cost and have it attached to a creature, if that creature dies (or leaves the battlefield for any reason) Nyxborn Triton will become a creature.

Gidgetimer on What happens to enchantments if …

8 years ago

I think you may be confused as to how bestow works. You can only bestow something when casting it (usually from your hand). If the Nyxborn Triton is already on the battlefield to have Evanescent Intellect enchanting it then it can not be bestowed onto another creature. Bestow is an alternate casting cost that can only be paid when casting the spell, not an activated ability.

Hazzyfuzzy on What happens to enchantments if …

8 years ago

To explain (for example), if I used Evanescent Intellect on Nyxborn Triton and casted bestow on Tromokratis, what happens to Evanescent Intellect that was on Nyxborn Triton?

Sorry if it is confusing.