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And now for a bad tribal deck - Drakes Tribal

Noble Budget Mono-Blue Tribal


This is a tribal drake deck. Now, before you leave in disgust, at least allow me to outline the potential this deck has and why:

This deck may seem really bad on the surface, and it kind of is, but in Noble and other more casual formats it can be quite good. Here are a few of the important cards and their purposes:

  • Door of Destinies: This card is the reason this deck can really even function. Every time we cast a Drake, all our Drakes henceforth get bigger! Artifact destruction exist, unfortunately, and if you lose this card you are kinda sunk. Luckily, the Spiketails make it a bit harder for your opponents to get rid of your noble.

  • Shrieking Drake: To be honest, this is probably the best card in this deck for our purposes. When this bad boy enters, he sends a target back to our hand so we can cast it again (sorta like Timid Drake , but better because we can use this to get rid of Arrests and the like). If we have Door of Destinies out, we just play this guy, have him bounce himself, and just cast him for each land we have, each time we do so giving our noble another counter, allowing all our other drakes to be huge.

  • Timid Drake : This card is, generally speaking, quite bad. Luckily for us, it flickering itself to our hand is a good thing, as it allows us to cast it over and over again to trigger Door of Destinies (because entering the battlefield doesn't cut it). However, he is a bit beefy early on and once everyone has dropped their hands he can actually try to stay out on the battlefield.

  • Peregrine Drake: Nothing much to this guy; when you cast him, your lands untap so you can cast another thing; basically just a free drake.

  • Spiketails: Low drops to play early even before we play Door of Destinies. These two can delay as either bodies or as threats of counter-spells; both work well in potentially slowing down our opponents as we chip them to death in the air. Also, when it is used we can just play to Stitched Drake to make use of it's sacrifice.

  • Stitched Drake : With so many creatures with low toughness and our two Spiketails, it isn't hard to get a dead creature out to play this low-drop good value drake.

  • Skywinder Drake , Scrapskin Drake , Wormfang Drake : These guys are just decent drakes with reasonable mana-costs and effects. Wormfang has the added benefit of being able to simply replace a weaker drake, but if it gets removed we get the original back.

That's really all there is too it: Play Door protected by Spiketails, play bouncing-drakes to get the nice counter out, and swing with your big flying armada of drakes.

Note: Some of the cards I'm using have different rarities in the different sets they came out in; I don't know if that is allowed or not in Noble, but only the Timid Drake is uncommon using the main-board's sets.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Noble legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Rares

4 - 0 Uncommons

31 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.92
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