Renegade Wheelsmith

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Renegade Wheelsmith

Creature — Dwarf Pilot

Whenever Renegade Wheelsmith becomes tapped, target creature can't block this turn.

Necrosis24 on Tap/Untap Adavantage

2 years ago

Well if you want to tap/untap your own creatures the inspired ability goes well, but there are not many worth using. You could also look for cards with similar wording to Renegade Wheelsmith and Stonybrook Schoolmaster.

Otherwise there are a couple cards like Azami, Lady of Scrolls that allows you to tap your own creatures to draw cards and then you could untap and repeat.

If you are targeting your opponent's creatures here are a few cards you could use:

landofMordor on Boros Aggro

5 years ago

Other good tools: search with the parameters "(id<=rw cmc<4 t:creature f:modern)", which will return gems like Bomat Courier, Honored Crop-Captain, and Renegade Wheelsmith.

SnowLeo on Ready, Set, Brawl

6 years ago

Okay! thanks for the comments!

@suarkdivad: I'll try to add Fumigate to the list somewhere, it's just I'm not sure what to pull out right now for the 5 cmc socery, but it does seem powerful.

@SgtGomez404: I really like Pia's Revolution and its especially great in 1v1 format (better now since that Baral, Chief of Compliance is banned, but in a multiplayer format its a little bit less impactful, since there's more people, but ill keep it in mind. As for Throne of the God-Pharaoh its another great addition, so ill also keep it in mind, however, the deck doesn't have a bunch of creatures out at any given time so. I'll do some experiments to see if it will be impactful.

@Hexcimal: Thanks for the suggestions! The more information the better! Let's see here; I really like Aerial Modification and sometimes it has won me games, I like having it in addition to Aeronaut Admiral to add some redundancy. It also turns one of your vehicles into a blocker so there's that.

Reckless Fireweaver: I actually agree with you, it doesn't really do much and I think it's because it's not a mass artifact deck, at most you're plopping down one per turn so definitely something I can but.

I should probably add Gideon's Intervention in there, I just don't have the space!

Authority of the Consuls: Haha I never thought of that interaction with Seal Away definitely powerful! I'll see if I can add some space. In multiplayer it can also gain you a ton of life.

Renegade Wheelsmith: I did consider him, but I thought his ability was a little bit too weak especially since I also have Pia Nalaar but I'll try him out if he was good in your experience.

Thanks for all the suggestions !!! I appreciate it!!

Hexcimal on Ready, Set, Brawl

6 years ago

I've been running a Depala deck as well and it's been super sweet so far; here are a few things I've discovered from playtesting (and hoping it isn't too much at once).

Aerial Modification has been very slow for me in testing. Many vehicles have flying already, the Admiral gives them all flying too, and several vehicles without flying have different forms of built-in evasion or trade favorably with many creatures of similar CMC. Perhaps consider cutting it for a card with more impact at a similar (or cheaper) cost?

I'm not currently sold on Reckless Fireweaver, but I can see the appeal with the deck packing so many artifacts. How much damage has it been netting on average for you? I might include one for my deck.

As for additional cards to consider, here are a few that have worked wonders for me in every game I've been able to play them and I've always been happy to see:

  • Gideon's Intervention has proven its worth in this format and I never regret drawing into it (or having it opening hand). It shuts down many decks that rely on their commanders to work, and makes it easier to survive against decks with few-but-strong beaters.
  • Authority of the Consuls is an honorable mention. It's an awesome early play, causing potential blockers to enter tapped to let you keep swinging while gaining you life to combat other aggro strategies. It pairs hilariously well with Seal Away, which as caught many people off-guard.
  • Fairgrounds Warden has been helpful in dealing with troublesome creatures, while being a viable target for Depala's triggered ability and providing a bit of crewing power.
  • Finally, Renegade Wheelsmith has been good to me. Whether attacking as himself or crewing vehicles to plow through his victims, he's prevented many, many chump blocks in his time.

Depala is an awesome commander and you've got a strong list; I hope you've been enjoying her so far!

Arkh0n on Flame Caller Enchant

6 years ago

OOO Also what are your thoughts on On Serra's Wings I have been thinking it is not worth to keep in maybe add atleast one Cartouche of Zeal if not two. Second thing is what are your guys thoughts on adding in Renegade Wheelsmith I feel like it gives utility to the deck and helps you by pass anything that would get in your way Not that trample wont but could just be the extra utility to just end the game if need be.

MollyMab on Frontier Cube

6 years ago

Heya all.

So as to stop competing with the other cubes in the area (we have powered, pauper, eternal and C/U) I've decided to turn my cube into a frontier cube. This means only cards since M15, which gives me 14 sets to work with.

I could expand this to only frontier bordered cards, such as those from the Commander sets, as it gives access to some powerful interesting creatures that support archetypes I want to develop. For example Akiri, Line-Slinger is a powerful interesting card with a somewhat build around me ability who could go well in the RW Cars archetype, or powerful game ending spells like Ezuri's Predation for ramp archetypes.

I am also thinking about this as having archetype support and cross over. So for example, the R/B archetype is steal and sacrifice. W/B is tokens. R/W is cars. So there is some obvious cross over, such as the token decks being able to use sacrifice outlets for extra value if they are getting multiple small creatures from 1 card,

So here is what I have and the sort of level I want in terms of power level, would value your opinions. I am not having planeswalkers except the origin flip walkers due to power level and the recent move away from burn spells going face to deal with walkers and to creatures.

W/U: UW Flyers with a Dragon subtheme. There are a lot of decent U/W flyer cards and there is always an option to go aggro with something like favourable winds , backed up with recent flyers from other colours. The dragons are more control finishers and enable some synergistic cards such as Orator of Ojutai or similar. The two sort of signalling uncommons I intend to have are

U/B: U/B Artifacts, with a bit of a treasure subtheme. Deadeye Plunderers and Tezzeret's Touch as signalling uncommons. If I do decide to go into commander packs and stuff Baleful Strix is a control and artifact deck option.

B/R: Steal and Sacrifice with Makeshift Munitions and Ruthless Knave as signalling cards. There is also an option to try something like a R/B Vampires/madness deck but that has less cross faction synergy.

R/G: Land based ramp. I'm struggling to find uncommons that support this as well as the others as they tend to just be big vanilla beaters, but Raging Swordtooth is probably there as he punishes you for playing mana dorks.

G/W: I am not 100% on this one, it could be a G/W counters deck or G/W Humans but I'm not sure.

W/B: Tokens! The two signalling uncommons being Call to the Feast and Hidden Stockpile.

B/G: I'm not sure on this either. I'm thinking a G/B Elves deck which can be beat down or ramp using stuff like Shaman of the Pack to drain or the mana dorks to drop some big bomb like Ulamog or a gear hulk. There is also stuff like Constrictor for counter manipulation that has synergy with energy and stuff but I'm unsure how good it is?

G/U: I'm tempted by energy as there is a lot of semi decent energy generation and payoff cards like Hydra which are OK on their own but really good with enough energy production. However this means generically good stuff like Glint-Sleeve Siphoner might make people blur and expect more pay off in black than that one card.

U/R: Raid/aggro with a pirate subtheme/pay off cards. I'm concerned though that they may not be enough pirates or hint at it being 3 coloured for me to include Fathom Fleet Captain which is good in tokens or in a generic aggro deck.

R/W: Cars! Renegade Wheelsmith and Veteran Motorist are both aggressive and play well with cars. There is some concern though about them being too generically good and making the R/W player fight too hard.

So folks, your thoughts?

ReLiCRSA on Boros Vechiles

6 years ago
Inspiring Vantage then Bomat Courier swing for 1 (Build card stash with Bomat Courier)
Plains then Siege Modification swing in for 10
Mountain then Consulate Dreadnought swing for 10 then Built to Smash and after combat damage Fling to finish the game

Secondary would be to start resolving Peacewalker Colossus, Veteran Motorist, Depala, Pilot Exemplar, Renegade Wheelsmith. Depala, Pilot Exemplar helps dig for vehicles and dwarfs.


6 years ago

Best Possible Case.

Turn 1

Resolve a [[Bomat Courier]] on turn 1 and swing in to get a card stash going.
Turn 2

Swing in turn 2 on naked board with [[Bomat Courier]] putting down a [[Consulate Dreadnought]].
Turn 3

Resolve [[Siege Modification]] on [[Consulate Dreadnought]] and swing in for 10
Turn 4

Swing in with [[Consulate Dreadnought]] with [[Built to Smash]] and then [[Fling]] for lethal.

This is assuming no land drop was missed and everything resolves.

Secondary would be to get a Peacewalker Colossus or hard crew with Depala, Pilot Exemplar, Veteran Motorist, and Renegade Wheelsmith since they give buffs to other dwarfs and help dig for vehicles and crew.

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