Akki Raider

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
DanDan Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Judge Tower Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Akki Raider

Creature — Goblin Warrior

Whenever a land is put into a graveyard from play, Akki Raider gets +1/+0 until end of turn.

CheapnFast on

5 years ago

And with regards to Shard Volley over Lightning Bolt, while the land sacrifice means I can't play it straight up as a instant speed burn without some drawback, played on my turn as an enabler to pump Akki Raider and Bloodbriar provides more damage to your opponent in the long run.

CheapnFast on

5 years ago

Yeah I would definitely like Scythe Tiger in the sideboard against removal heavy decks and/or control. I just thought it could be clunky at times because it couldn't really be a true one-drop because even with the low curve, I like to not start sacrificing lands on my first turn. Also about the Akki Raider, the thing that I like about it over Ruinous Minotaur is that first off, it is my red drop in the two mana slot, whereas the Minotaur crowds my three drop slot a bit too much. Also, I need payoff early for sacrificing my own lands, which Akki Raider does, whereas Ruinous Minotaur is another enabler that allows the deck to sacrifice, which I already have plenty of.

Flooremoji on

5 years ago

I think that Akki Raider is just too pricey for a 3/1 2/1 or 1/1, and is it really worth it to play Shard Volley over Lightning Bolt? In place of the raider, I would strongly recommend Ruinous Minotaur.

CheapnFast on

5 years ago

That’s true, but I’d rather have a spell with a more immediate effect as a sort of combat trick/pump spell for the Akki Raider and Bloodbriar. What do you think of the inclusion of cards with the revolt mechanic like Narnam Renegade or Greenwheel Liberator?

C4nidae on Gruul - Planebattle Kamigawa

6 years ago

Ga, as seguintes cartas eu aconselho a tirar: Akki Drillmaster - Voce nao tem bichao pra dar impeto; Akki Raider - Voce nao destroi lands;Akki Underling - Seu deck e rapido, nunca vai ter sete ou mais cartas na mao; Orochi Sustainer e Sakura-Tribe Scout - Voce nao precisa gerar muita mana num deck rapido; Soratami Cloud Chariot - Muito caro, foge da estrategia e o efeito e meio bosta; Kumano's Blessing, Lifegift e Seed the Land - horrvel; Blinding Powder - Nao faz sentido com o deck (voce quer matar rapido, nao controlar);NO SIDE: Dense Canopy e Sunder from Within - perfeito, os outros 3 - horrivel;

Cartas que voce pode colocar: Akki Avalanchers - aggro, warrior e fortinho, apesar de suicida; Blood Rites - poderia ser bem util com tantas criaturas;First Volley - complemento de dano e arcana para unir;Soulblast - Pode ser... Glacial Ray - dano mais apelao do PB Kamigawa (une e e barato);Goblin Cohort - muito apelaozinho, funciona com bastante criaturas;Honden of Infinite Rage e Honden of Life's Web - olhas os combinhos com um monte de criaturinhas e dano;Kashi-Tribe Elite - Protege suas cobras lendarias e ainda e um guerreiro cobra fortinho, cheio de fuleragem;Kodama's Might - Pump verde indispensavel, une em arcana ainda;Lure - Kill condition facil com tantas criaturas;Oni of Wild Places - Poderia ser um bichao pro deck;Path of Anger's Flame - Olha esse pump geral, arcano...como que tu nao coloca isso num aggro vermelho?Patron of the Akki - Patronos sao muito apeloes: este aqui e perfeito pro seu deck;Sakura-Tribe Elder - Esse cara pode atacar, bloquear e ainda pegar um land em resposta: apelaozissimo;Serpent Skin - Regenerar pode ser muito util num deck aggro; Stampeding Serow - Barato, forte, alem de voltar cobras pra mao pra combar com as Sosuke's Summons;No-Dachi - Gosto muito desta kataninha...Manriki-Gusari - Pode ser MAIN, pode ser SIDE, para aggro e muito bom;Shuko - Pumpinho rapidao;TERRENO DUPLO Pinecrest Ridge: se tem, por que nao usar? Eu usaria.

Agora voce pensa e acerta ai... faca suas escolhas, ajeite a curva pelos graficos e try again. Olhe de novo no Gatherer se achar necessario. Veja o custo total das cartas. Da pra deixar ele bem legal.