
Torgaar is hungry!!

Use your creatures and life to summon the avatar of famine, it doesn't matter if your opponents have been bolstering their life total, cast your commander a couple times and they're down within range for your multiple pingers and creatures to take them out. Don't be afraid to take risks, this deck likes living close to the edge, your four-armed friend is always there to bail you out and gain some life back.

Still a work in progress...

I helped my friend build this deck a few years ago when he was getting into magic. The deck was much less focused in its conception because I wanted to keep the strategy more open so my friend could figure out his own playstyle. Immediately after starting to build the deck however I realized how much I like this commander. He is a sacrifice outlet in your command zone and his ETB trigger is surprisingly versatile. So once my friend decided to get rid of the deck I adopted it from him and added my own personal changes to adjust it to how I had envisioned, focusing more on recklessly spending life to power draw through the deck and create hordes of creatures to pay for Torgaar. It took some tinkering with to get close to where I wanted, but once I got it there I was very satisfied with the result.

I think It fully embodies the essence of black, generating huge amounts of mana and drawing chunks of your deck at a time, using aristocrat life drain strategies to drain your opponents out of the game with a healthy dose of graveyard shenanigans sprinkled in. It has some very explosive turns and at times almost plays like a monoblack storm deck. I intentionally don't have many infinite combos because I haven't found them necessary to close out games when you can reliably set your opponent's life to 20. I also didn't include any tutors because I like the variance in play it provides and the card draw in the deck is strong enough to compensate for their absence in my opinion. My target power range is to play at a A-B tear casual level, contrary to what seems to be a general consensus I think this deck could easily be converted to a competitive deck with some included tutors and more tailored interaction, but that is up to another builder if they feel compelled. Please let me know your opinions of the deck and how you think I could improve the deck to meet it's goal. If you read this I appreciate your interest in my pet project!

TLDR - Get out some sacrifice fodder and mana generators early to set up for your aristocrat pay-offs, drain your opponents.

Game play generally goes like this: Play some early mana generation and any creatures you can stick, get a sac payoff that draws you cards(Erebos, Bleak-Hearted, Smothering Abomination, etc.) or generates mana(Soldevi Adnate, Pitiless Plunderer, etc.), cast Torgaar, sacrifice Torgaar, rinse and repeat using the Torgaar etb triggers on you opponents or yourself if your low.

A very impactful card in the deck is Carnival of Souls, it can either straight out kill you or win you the game depending on when you play it so cast responsibly.

Sometimes Contamination is a soft lock on your opponents, so read the room.

Lightning Greaves is a haste enabler for cards like Soldevi adnate & Magus of the Will, but can be used normally as protection for important pieces as well.

I wouldn't recommend diminishing your life too low unless you really know your meta and/or have some solid interaction and back-up plans. Some fail safes I like to have are March of Wretched Sorrow or instant speed reanimation to get yourself to a safe space. There is Emergence Zone and Vedalken Orrery to let you really combo off through interaction.

Interaction & Tech can be tailored to your meta but this is what I use -

Praetor's Grasp is a silver bullet, use it to disrupt combos or get the interaction your missing from ops deck.

Underdark Rift I've been very pleased with as an untapped colorless land that can take care of a pesky artifact or hate piece in a pinch.

The anti-enchantment package is just Feed the Swarm and All is Dust, not a huge fan of the enchantment edicts cause they just aren't reliable for me.

Plenty of creature and planeswalker removal cause your in black.

Imp's Mischief has been really hit or miss but I keep it in the deck for those corner case game changing moments.

- the deck functions off of many cascading interation and synergies so you just kind of have to play it out like a storm deck most of the time, but some notable interactions are:


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94% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 days

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.21
Tokens 0/1 B Token Creature Insect, Rat 1/1 B, Serf 0/1 B, Servo 1/1 C, Thrull 1/1 B, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B, Zombie 2/2 B w/ Decayed
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