Jalum Tome

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Jalum Tome


, : Draw a card, then discard a card.

Baileybelson2 on Budget Beginner Teaching Decks (#5 Blue)

1 week ago

The thought and care that went into creating these decks was fantastic. Thank you for making this resource!

Would Moment of Truth work in place of Anticipate? Same cost but provides more depth through choice of card destination to the graveyard too, which aligns to the deck’s win condition by providing discard route besides Jalum Tome.

DreadKhan on Opinions on my budget old …

2 weeks ago

I tested it out, one thing I noticed is that you don't have a ton of card draw, I wonder if Jalum Tome would work as a x1 or x2? It's a great card if you're flooding in particular. Animate Dead is a nifty Black card that might be worth a look, you have Mind Twist so you might steal something even, but I'd mostly see you using it on your own creatures.

DreadKhan on kaalia

1 year ago

Have you thought about running lower to the ground Jalum Tome over Jayemdae? The discard isn't always a downside, and you can draw the card before choosing which to pitch. There is also the new (and pretty solid) Currency Converter, which has a better floor than either book while offering a huge payoff later game.

Since you don't run a lot of 1 drops, maybe a couple Innocent Blood to slow down aggro?

Pretty out there, but I always wanted to see Dragon Breath in a deck, maybe this is the one? Haste on your reanimation target seems useful.

Faithless Looting is a very good way to fill the yard and draw into new stuff, digging 4 cards deep is really deep, and pitching 4 cards is a lot of cards.

H-E-N-R-Y on Chatterfang

1 year ago

I like where you're going with this. You've got some key pieces and some cool synergy that really feels like it would be fun to play!

While I was looking over your decklist I noticed that you have a lot of really good cards in here, and I feel like you could focus your card draw a little more to really step up the momentum of your deck. I've got a few swaps I think would help the momentum of your deck:

I think the chances of you drawing a creature card with Adventure Awaits is kind of low to be called consistent. I think it would be much more likely that you would have a lot of creatures in play
I think Bitter Revelations has a pretty steap CMC for how many cards it gives you, I think Shamanic Revelations could give you way more cards for just one more mana
Professor Onyx is a great card, and she is a little out of place in this deck other than just filling some great control at a huge CMC. I think Freyalise would still give you some control, give you some tokens, ramp, and card draw all in one 5 mana drop
Hard call but the consistent low cost of Mind's Eye makes it powerful swap if you're willing to pay the 5 cost upfront. Usually people are playing EDH in 4 person games and that means it's pretty much a draw 1 for 1 on a stick.

These are all just ideas and the deck is already pretty fun without them!

Keep up the good work, -H-E-N-R-Y

FabioPaje on Girl Power! ( Angels Tribal )

5 years ago

xaarvaxus , yeah, Mask of Memory it's a good replacement for Jalum Tome with the same discard effect to synergise with Bruna, the Fading Light . Thanks!

Resolute Archangel has saved me a lot of times, she is in the deck only because the restorate life ability... its a good card to discard in early game and retrieve in late game with Bruna.

only now, in my local game store, is increasing the "sacrifice decks" meta, so, replacing Resolute Archangel with Angel of Jubilation its a really good idea!

The idea in the deck is retrieving my creatures from the graveyard "cheating" mana costs and be able to do a boardwipe and get a good creature back with the commander or other spells. Mistveil Plains put the card on the bottom of my library... not helps a lot( in my opinion) Emeria, The Sky Ruin is a good card. definitively i will put in the deck!

xaarvaxus on Girl Power! ( Angels Tribal )

5 years ago

Mask of Memory will probably do everything Jalum Tome will do without needing to keep plugging mana into it each turn so you can spend free mana on using Resplendent Angel 's ability instead.

I tried Resolute Archangel and found it underwhelming. Its an expensive 4/4 and you just need to not be at zero life to win. Incidental life gain is great but I had a couple times where I pulled this late when I needed removal and honestly going back to 40 still didn't save me. I have found Angel of Jubilation and Angel of Finality more useful.

And this may be a deck where Crovax, Ascendant Hero could shine.

Any thought to including Mistveil Plains or Emeria, The Sky Ruin for recycling/recursion?

WhichKing on Avacyn's Afflicting Angels (PRIMER...KINDA)

5 years ago

Hmm... I'd be wary of falling into the trap of trying to cram too many niche effects that seem useful. You can take a look at this deckbuilding framework as a guide to building a decent EDH deck. The idea is to get around 8 packages of cards (each package will have around 8 cards each) that accomplish similar effects. This means that your deck should run smoothly as you are able to reliably access certain effects.

Of course this should be something that gels with your gameplan. So far it seems that your gameplan is to beat down with (relatively) efficient midrange angels. Your commander comes in to insulate your force against wraths, which at the same time leave your opponents defenceless. At the very late-game, you go the nuclear route of destroying everyone's lands. Now, you're going to have to pick only cards that will contribute to this game plan. Godsend isn't really that useful, neither is Spear of Heliod which is more useful as an anthem in token decks.

Now, I will strongly recommend not skimping on three effects: ramp, removal and draw. For ramp you should at least try to get 6 mana rocks that cost 2 mana, this leads to your deck being more explosive. You can try:

For draw you can consider:

ANemoAcids on daretti king of junk

5 years ago

Let's look at taking the deck into some good directions first and foremost.

I'll start with the indisputable, end to all hearsay obvious: The Chain Veil. If you can afford it, get it. Sell/trade the chandra for it, honestly. I'll list a better chandra further down anyway.

Blasphemous act is nice, but it kills all of your shit too, and there are much meaner, still nicely budgeted ways to flip your opponents the bird in an artifact deck, and find synergy in our cards.

Star of Extinction is even worse, it kills Daretti, any boardwipe that kills your own commander when it's a planeswalker and meant to dodge most boardwipes, is awful. Let's knock it out for a card that helps us a lot more:

-Star of Extinction +Mycosynth Lattice, this puppy is a hellish landscape for your opponents, due to how difficult it is to keep out of your battlefield, thanks to daretti's handy graveyard recurrence (or if you have a forge out). It's something we want to work with, fill up our card slots with synergystic artifacts. Now I know what you're thinking, "how does this help me control the board like star and blasphemous?" Why, my monochromatic friend, like this!:

-Blasphemous Act + Vandalblast

-Jalum Tome + Hellkite Tyrant

-Flametongue Kavu +Nevinyrral's Disk (with forge + lattice)

Also, where is your Trash for Treasure? And I know you know you want your graveyard full of presents for you that make Daretti look like Santa Clause, so let's start filling it and cycling through the deck. (remember! Overdrawing is perfectly okay! It might as well be substituted for the term 'card advantage' with this commander). Tormenting Voice Wild Guess Cathartic Reunion Bomat Courier Magus of the Wheel Chandra, Flamecaller (yes, I'm telling you to swap it for your current, more expensive chandra that doesn't help nearly as much with your graveyard synergy)

These two following cards are much more dedicated Daretti discarding versions, I would NOT recommend adding these until you are comfortable with piloting Daretti, and have tailored your deck to cheating out the stuff you're discarding. The Flame of Keld + Dangerous Wager

Next: Value cards & some more combo's now that we've touched on the utility of Mycosynth Lattice and its two best friends.

Pia Nalaar artifact pump that creates you a thopp for sacc? Yeah, get that good shit straight in your mainboard.

Skullclamp (for all the */1's you play)

Thopter Engineer A hasty boi Pia Nalaar

Scrap Trawler literally pure gold, artifact decks should give their right arms before they give up scrap trawler in mainboard

Crucible of Worlds Now you can discard your lands. Literally almost as valuable as scrap trawler. Absolute necessity if you have the budget.

Trading Post Recursion and utility. Marvellous.

Codex Shredder

Hopefully this list of suggestions helps shape your artifact synergy into a direction you wish to take it!

(you may want to look into infinite mana combo's with Krark-Clan Ironworks or Nim Deathmantle or Ashnod's Altar but I don't seem to remember what to do with them in monored, I just can't remember what you're meant to recur, someone else in the comments should know the combo's.

The easiest thing to do would be chuck a pyretic ritual, desperate ritual, isochron scepter, paradox engine, mana rocks, voltaic key, etc etc and then you can have infinite mana, ping with nin or do whatever insane convoluted artifact combo you want.

Or you can be an insane wank and throw in a grapeshot, mirrorworks and other things that duplicate artifacts, copy isochron with one of your loot cards, draw through your deck with a good 20 loots and 50 or so mana combos, and grapeshot everyone once you find it, but at this point you're turning daretti into a mage and the only thing thematic is his +2 and helping protect/recur your artifact combo's, absolutely nothing else).

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