Epic Confrontation target opponent's tapped creature?

Asked by tasondag 8 years ago

Hey guys, thanks so much in advance! I was just curious if Epic Confrontation's effect (It fights target creature you don't control) could target a creature that's tapped?

The scenario is I'd was hoping to play cast it and use the +1/+2 on my creature and then choose my opponents tapped creature as the target it fights. Is that possible?

ridley388 says... Accepted answer #1

Yes, it is possible because "It fights" it's only a shortcut for "Each deals damage equal to its power to the other" regardless of position of your creature and your opponents'.

Even your creature can be tapped.

August 17, 2015 3:19 p.m.

tasondag says... #2

ridley388 thanks for the prompt response! So it's normal battle between the two creatures? What position they're on the field doesn't matter (tapped or untapped). My creatures attacks his tapped creature and his creature does normal damage in return. Is that correct?

August 17, 2015 3:30 p.m.

Gidgetimer says... #3

No, that is not right. In MTG creatures only attack players and planes walkers, not other creatures. Your creature does damage equal to its power to your opponent's creature and their creature does damage equil to its power to yours. There is no attacking involved, the state of the creature doesn't matter, and the damage is not combat damage.

August 17, 2015 3:49 p.m.

ridley388 says... #4

Just to clarify what Gidgetimer said, the card involves that your creature will DO damage to target creature, and that target creature will do damage to your creature, but it doesn't involve nor the combat phase, neither an attack, so it won't be combat damage.

Think of it like a mini-fight between these creatures.

August 17, 2015 4:37 p.m.

Lowth says... #5

A few questions on this card: 1) Does my creature get the + 1/2 before the fight? So my 2/2, would be a 3/4 during the "fight"?

2) During the "fight", can I add to my Power all of the auras / equipments that are attached to the card or is it just base Power?


October 26, 2015 9:34 a.m.

Epochalyptik says... #6

@Lowth: Please ask new or unrelated questions in new threads rather than in dead ones.

You follow the card's instructions in the order in which they're written. The card tells you to apply a +1/+2 effect, then the creatures fight. That's the order of operations, so to speak.

Also, fighting considers the creatures current power. If it needed base power, it would say that. Any effect referring generally to power means current power.

October 26, 2015 11:56 a.m.

Lowth says... #7

Gotcha, thanks!

October 28, 2015 3:39 p.m.

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