The Song of Phyresis

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

SCORE: 534 | 199 COMMENTS | 57902 VIEWS | IN 230 FOLDERS still my Phyrexian heart —June 19, 2020

So, I don't know if any of you have been paying attention to Jumpstart, but Wizards absolutely hit the mark with perfect reprints, which definitely took my notice. The Rhystic Study reprint alone was definitely a great move. But then Wizards had to do something that took me completely by surprise..and made Jumpstart something I absolutely must pick up.

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What could have me so excited? You might ask...well feast your eyes upon this Phyrexian themed absolute BEAUTY:

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That's a tough one. As long as you have enough proliferating spells, then Inexorable Tide would be the one a cut, but I am a fan of that card. Within your meta, does that card get targeted when played? If it gets targeted a lot then or you win with it, then no. But if it doesn't get targeted a lot or you don't win with it often, then i would cut for Vampiric Tutor.

May 23, 2020 6:33 a.m.

1empyrean says... #2

This comment is specifically about the double masters art. I despise both of the new arts and I agree that a lot of the new stuff is too comic-book-y. A few of the alternate arts from ikoria make it work, but not these 2.

I know its not as good as the other 2 fading enchantments, but did Parallax Nexus just not make the cut? I can see it overlapping a bit with Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur, but covering the early game.

June 5, 2020 12:42 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #3

1empyrean, ah yes - I did consider Parallax Nexus at one point, but your words sum up the spell perfectly: "Its not as good as the other 2 fading enchantments". Early game, I think it can really put in some work but unfortunately it can only fire off at Sorcery speed. That's what really holds it back - if it was structured at instant speed then you can bet your bottom dollar it'd be in this deck alongside it's White and Blue Siblings.

June 6, 2020 10:54 a.m.

1empyrean says... #4

Yeah, the sorcery speed limitation is just a thing most discard has to work around, sadly.

I brought it up because of an earlier comment you made about a specter tribal nicol bolas deck keeping you from getting set up (or something like that), figured you might consider using it to limit the early game effectiveness of control players more than as a stax card, but that's not really the direction this deck is going, so you do you.

June 6, 2020 12:13 p.m.

S1ayerMonkey says... #5

Hi! This seems fairly well thought out, so I'm not sure what suggestions I can make that you haven't already observed, but I'll leave a like and give it a shot.

have you considered Grip of Phyresis? It's certainly in the name. Praetor's Grasp fits your Vorthos theme and can also find you things you need or remove key combo pieces from your opponents' decks.

June 6, 2020 8:34 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #6

1empyrean, I totally feel that Parallax Nexus could have been a good card if it wasn't for the short sighted-ness of the card's designers. Thinking back on that Specter tribal Bolas deck - I was given one heck of a whallop. It was a 1v1 game, and I was way too greedy on the opening hand - which was primarily mana rocks that produced colorless mana. My deck at the time was a different list, as I didn't acquire most of the very pricey lands on the list. No excuse for a pilot who kept a bad hand though.

S1ayerMonkey, appreciate the +1! Thank you for being honest - i've put alot of effort into this decklist (and page) hoping to perfect my own vision for Atraxa. I recall Grip of Phyresis, I found it adorable that the germ token was wielding the Sword of Body and Mind - such a shame that sword is hot trash though. I feel that Sword of Truth and Justice should have been the previously mentioned card. Oh well. At one point Praetor's Grasp was in the deck, but it didn't feel cohesive to the strategy I was beginning to implement in the deck. At the time I was running cards like Ghostly Prison - playing to the strategy of "Get counters on players, lock them out of resources/make it impossible for them to get damage on me and proliferate the poison counters on opponents". Honestly, I never enjoyed playing that way so I adjusted to what you see before you now.

June 7, 2020 5:25 p.m.

Abysswalker- says... #7

+1 Wow, this looks fun to play. Definitely a take on Atraxa that oozes personality. Very well done!

June 17, 2020 3:31 p.m.