Devoted to Obliteration..

Modern Metroid_Hybrid

SCORE: 262 | 195 COMMENTS | 54977 VIEWS | IN 138 FOLDERS

Still tweaking... —Jan. 16, 2014

I've decided to make several changes since the previous tournament update..

I mainly overhauled the sideboard, but I also subbed in a pair of Wrench Mind in place of my Royal Assassins for the sake of better early-game synergy..

Then you should go in the middle. Pull out 2 crusaders and put in 2 orbs, then modify later if you feel.

January 4, 2014 12:38 a.m.

matbyrne says... #2

You should be running one or two Liliana of the Veil . She adds to your devotion, rounds out your control element, and can serve as a potent finisher alongside your obliterator.

January 4, 2014 10:54 a.m.

Metroid_Hybrid says... #3

@matbyrne: If that were the only way to improve this deck from a strictly Mono-Black perspective---so be it.. Unfortunately I don't have the kind of cheddar to be dropping $40-$50 per card.. However, if after a few live runs at a couple LGSs' this DOES turn out to be meta-breaking Pro-Tour quality material (as-is), THEN I'll consider investing accordingly.. However for the time being, what do you think would improve my sideboard against the general Pro-tour caliber meta?

January 4, 2014 2:38 p.m.

zandl says... #4

Royal Assassin is too small and slow for Modern. I'd run Liliana of the Veil instead.

January 4, 2014 2:53 p.m.

Metroid_Hybrid says... #5

Looks like someone doesn't bother reading comments OR descriptions....... sigh... x_x;;

And Royal Assassin is awesome; it scares people, and forces them to use up a kill spell on it or else risk an embarrassing defeat...

January 4, 2014 3:10 p.m.

matbyrne says... #6

I think then, for some sideboard against control Smallpox . I also noticed that you have a singleton copy of Shadow of Doubt ... Against the popular usage of fetch lands in multicolor decks, the search function of Birthing Pod , that could serve as a strip mine or worse. I would definitely have 3 shadows 3 smallpox in your sideboard. They just kill aggressive decks, stall combo, and kill control.

Torpor orb is also a good card, as has been suggested before.

January 4, 2014 3:53 p.m.

Metroid_Hybrid says... #7

@matbyrne: Indeed, you're right about acquiring another Shadow of Doubt or two--I'll eventually get to that, however I'm a little sketchy about adding Smallpox to the mix..

January 4, 2014 4:04 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #8

maybe Promise of Power ? I don't know. No real suggestions. I like this.

January 4, 2014 4:34 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #9

I really like this.

January 4, 2014 4:35 p.m.

Do you like it enough to +1? :D

January 4, 2014 4:58 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #11

I did.

January 4, 2014 5 p.m.

matbyrne says... #14

I think smallpox would work wonders for you for three reasons

1) it forces the opponent to discard, which hinders any late-game strategy and can be backed up with further discard effects.

2) it blows up a land, which can set combo decks back a turn and force multi-color decks into a tough choice in regards to color fixing, ex: forcing a RWU deck to either ditch a Steam Vents and forgo having a second red mana to cast Chandra, Pyromaster next turn, or ditching a hallowed fountain and forgoing a board wipe.

3) it gets rid of a creature, early game, and does so through sacrifice, which gets around hexproof, indestructible, and protection, among other things.

January 5, 2014 2:05 a.m.

Warmonger says... #15


A couple of quick suggestions are to replace the 3x Sign in Blood with 3x Underworld Connections . You can use the Connections at instant speed (at end of their turn, in response to a spell, etc.) while the Sign is only at Sorcery speed. It helps with Devotion and can net you more cards in the long run. The life lost will be replaced by lifelink via Whip of Erebos . I would move the two Royal Assassin to the sideboard and replace with Whips.

We can provide more beneficial suggestions for your sideboard if you can tell us some more of the basic deck strategies that you frequently face.

For one example you mentioned, you couldn't deal with the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Some players may think using Surgical Extraction would work, but it won't because one copy has to be in the graveyard for you to target, which Spaghetti-Boy doesn't allow. However, if you were open to adding red mana sources (specifically Blood Crypt , but also artifacts like Rakdos Keyrune ), you can access many cards (specifically Slaughter Games ) that allow for better results. Also, Blood Crypt doesn't take away from your Swamp count.

Your sideboard is meant to be a toolbox that has very specific tools to deal with very specific problems. As Emrakul-the-Format-Broken said about Torpor Orb dealing with Melira's pod. and Splinter Twin , you need to identify for what exactly your sideboard slots will be reserved. If you face decks with either of these strategies, you should include 2-3 in your sideboard, otherwise, don't worry about that card at all. Touching again on the B/R suggestion, Rakdos's Return and Dreadbore are two additional tools that are excellent at what they do.

Against decks with green or white creatures, Lifebane Zombie would be a great sideboard creature to swap with Gatekeeper of Malakir .

For removal heavy decks, Dark Prophecy is one answer, especially to assist with Devotion.

For decks that have pesky (deathtouch, indestructible, or double strike) creatures, use something like Stab Wound . It may not be enough to kill it, but it sucks for them to have it take away 2 life on their upkeep (Playing it on an opposing Vampire Nighthawk is just sad). Sometimes they have to use their own kill cards just to stop the bleeding.

Also don't use the sideboard to store cards you "wanted to play" but couldn't justify fitting into your main deck. Cards either help your strategy accomplish it's goal or they deal with situations that can disrupt your strategy's success. Those "Kicks & Giggles" cards go into the "Maybe" list for casual games.

January 6, 2014 1:20 a.m.

Desh0wiz says... #16

Very impressive, the first modern deck I have come across that can take mine, and I have been playtesting for several days. I think I need to get some Phyrexian Obliterator s because that seems to be the game winner for you. I also need a good replacement for Dash Hopes . I am telling you this because I want you to look at my deck and give me advice haha, your deck is fantastic, great job. My deck Black Burn and Siphon

I would love some tips, for I am new and that's the first real deck I've built, thanks :)

January 6, 2014 8:17 p.m.

use Grafdigger's Cage in your sideboard against pod.

January 9, 2014 3:43 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #18

4x Fulminator Mage should be on your SB. if u can't afford the 100$ playset then then use the 1.50 playset of Rain of Tears instead.

Witchbane Orb Platinum Angel Phyrexian Revoker Damnation /Mutilate /Infest /Black Sun's Zenith Ratchet Bomb Oblivion Stone Punishment Bojuka Bog /Tormod's Crypt Tectonic Edge /Encroaching Wastes /Ghost Quarter Beseech the Queen Curse of the Cabal Burden of Greed Lich's Mirror Asceticism Grafdigger's Cage Sword of Fire and Ice (Obiterator swings for 9!) Sword of War and Peace (Protection from Path & Bolt) Sword of Light and Shadow (read modern's version of Whip of Erebos ) are all good SB cards. Make sure u pack Ratchet Bomb & Oblivion Stone . Otherwise u have no answer for enchantments or artifacts.

Honestly if u want to make this deck tournament level then u need to splash green. Which gives access to Abrupt Decay and Maelstrom Pulse . Capable of dealing with the problems mono black can't.

January 9, 2014 6:41 p.m.

prihodaj says... #19

I will replace Sign in Blood with Phyrexian Arena ;)

January 10, 2014 7:04 a.m.

prihodaj says... #20

oh, Im sorry I didnt notice, that I have it!

January 10, 2014 7:05 a.m.

prihodaj says... #21

  • you have it
January 10, 2014 7:07 a.m.

matbyrne says... #22

Just reading your tournament details just now. I already suggested it, but if urzatron is a problem archetype for you, a turn 2 Smallpox will destroy a precious land and take their Gifts Ungiven or other fetches out of their hand (and destroy that pesky Walking Atlas ).

January 10, 2014 8:06 a.m.

Jagishamesh says... #23

Sign in Blood over Read the Bones? Needs more Thoughtseize on the sideboard against control and Infect. Other than that pretty solid, Though this seems more midrange than aggro. +1

January 10, 2014 3:33 p.m.