The Queen's Egg

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

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War of the Spark update - Dovin's Veto —April 21, 2019

First and foremost, thanks to Vlasiax for pointing out Dovin's Veto out to me. The card is going to be slotted in for Mana Leak. I'm still assessing the card on how good it truly is, as it's a hard un-counterable counter for non-creature spells. Having the last word in a "counter war" can feel pretty good. On top of that, it even has a promo pictured below:


So yeah, i'm going to need a playset of these. My only reservation is that it requires instead of . But this is probably a trade up - do you agree? Let me know your opinions of this new spell.

Mortlocke says... #1

Hey Nephs,

Many thanks for your comment. I love the Sliver tokens. So much so that I now play Brood Sliver every chance I get. I've only got one copy of Teferi's Protection and it's in my Dino deck. I'll give it a try in this deck at some point. Good suggestion though. Thanks again for commenting!

February 2, 2019 5:45 p.m.

_Delta_ says... #2

Hey have you considered adding Wilderness Reclamation ? Maybe 4cmc is too much still but it's a pretty useful effect.

February 9, 2019 8:18 p.m.

Nephs says... #3

Hey again. I hate to do it, but I'm looking for some input on my own sliver deck, not nearly as competitive!

February 10, 2019 4:04 a.m.

Vlasiax says... #4

Hi, have you considered Rhythm of the Wild as a form of protection for Slivers, granting them safe entrance and another Haste enabler?

March 6, 2019 7:30 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #5

Hey everyone,

Sorry for the radio silence, but life has been busy. I paid of my own personal mana to my Wife - the True Sliver Queen, and soon my 1/1 Sliver baby boy token will be ready. Gotta pay respect to the real queen, as she inspired me to assemble the Queen's Egg. Now, for some overdue responses:

  • _Delta_, Wilderness Reclamation did catch my eye. for half of a Seedborn Muse isn't all that bad. The best part is that I can tap out and use the interaction I've been saving in my hand. Honestly, the verdict is out on this one. I wish it was attached to a Sliver body - then it'd be a no brainer but i'm hesitant to include it. What would cut from the deck to make room?

  • Nephs, i'll definitely get to your page and give you my 2 cents. What kind of power level are you aiming for? I use this video as a frame of reference for all of my decks, and as a means of communicating what kind of game my play group is going for. As a frame of reference, I would consider The Queen's Egg to be Optimized.

  • Vlasiax, Rhythm of the Wild is awesome. Definitely one of the best cards printed in the new Ravinca set. I don't think it fits in this deck though, that card promotes a more aggro playstyle - and this deck is midrange with plenty of interaction. Sure, I want to attack more and the counter protection is wonderful - but it's not what the deck would need. I'd prefer some form of ramp and counter protection effect. Of course, it would be ideal if this was on a Sliver body. Good suggestion though, but I think this would be more at home in a deck with Sliver Legion or Sliver Hivelord at the helm.

March 7, 2019 8:39 a.m.

OP_Sigma says... #6

Hey LVL_666, its been a while and I hope you're doing fine.

I wonder what are your thoughts on Frenetic Sliver , my meta can be wipe heavy sometimes.

I think it could be a great add in case you don't have a counter in hand or against an uncounterable wipe.

Never thought about it before today, havent played my slivers for a while.

Have a good day!

March 20, 2019 7:19 a.m.

Doombeard1984 says... #7

@LVL_666 congrats on the hive expansion man. Hope you and your queen are doing well.

March 20, 2019 7:59 a.m.

Vlasiax says... #8

Have you considered adding Kindred Discovery for additional card draw or is it has too with cmc to be worth using? Because I think that this deck might use a little more card draw

March 20, 2019 11:06 a.m.

Vlasiax says... #9

Also newest set introduced better version of Negate : Dovin's Veto - I think you might want to swap it in for Mana Leak as it is less conditional.

April 19, 2019 1:43 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #10

Vlasiax, thanks for the comments. There's a bit to unpack here, so i'll address each suggestion in a bullet point:

  • Kindred Discovery was previously considered here, but your assessment of too high of a CMC was the limiting factor. I wish it was on a Sliver body, then I could justify trying to work it in somehow. Previously I did try working with Synapse Sliver , but it just wasn't that good. A "Kindred Sliver" (but at CMC , and power/toughness 1/1) would be an excellent inclusion though. What would you cut for this hypothetical Sliver?

  • Dovin's Veto does have my curiosity, but not my attention. It is a great counterspell, worth experimenting with - but I wouldn't call it strictly better. Color restriction can become an issue at times. I'm definitely going to experiment with it as it is a very strong counterspell.

April 19, 2019 6:15 p.m.