The Queen's Egg

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

SCORE: 722 | 856 COMMENTS | 117533 VIEWS | IN 364 FOLDERS

#MakeSliversAppearAgain —Aug. 8, 2018

It's been sometime since I last posted here and after discovering this on Mark Rosewater's Blogatog then forgetting, and now just remembering I figured I would make a post regarding Mark Rosewater's plan for my most beloved of creature types:

sliverpw asked: There were no slivers on Dominaria (understood why), but now there appears to be no slivers in M19, the best place you could put them. Are slivers players going to have to wait for M20 as the next possible set for them because they take up too much design space in regular expansion sets? #Makesliversappearagain

Mark: I announced at Blogatog Live, that we have Slivers planned for a product in our pipeline (which goes out to about 2023).


lvl1cubone asked: What is up with the recent lack of slivers? They got shafted in Dominaria and not even so much as a mention in the M19 spoilers thus far. Are they ever going to get some spotlight?

Mark: In my “Blogatog Live” panel, I said an upcoming set (something in the next seven years - as we know about it) will feature Slivers.


So it seems like nobody listened to the podcast lol. Well, as a consolation prize Mark revealed some juicy details about Sliver past, present, and future in his drive to work series (sources for android and for apple here) the discussion in question is Episode #502, which debuted on January 19, 2018. (Direct link here, and link from his Blog here)

Given the recentness of his talk, this gives me at least some faint hope that I won't have to wait 5 to 7 years to see more Slivers. On a final note I just want to say thank you to Mark Rosewater and the father of Slivers, Mike Elliott.

p.s. If any of this was at least interesting to you, leave a comment or a like.

DarkSteelDemon says... #1

How do you protect against board wipe and i am guessing if something like merciless eviction happens its gg?

April 29, 2018 1:08 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #2

Hey DarkSteelDemon, thanks for commenting on the page. You reminded me to actually keep this thing updated. So if a boardwipe even were to occur, I have both counterspells and Sliver Hivelord. Giving me a grand total of 7 individual cards that can help me out in that regard. Now, if a simple boardwipe were to go through, then I have 3 recursion options built in, specifically: Patriarch's Bidding, Yawgmoth's Will, and Volrath's Stronghold. BUT, what if someone were to play Merciless Eviction naming creatures? The only option in the deck is to not let it happen by using the counterspells in the deck. That would limit me to just 6 individual cards.

Now that Dominaria is out, what options do you think would be good for this deck?

April 29, 2018 10:28 a.m.

_Delta_ says... #3

Im not sure I see anything you would want for this deck with Dominaria LVL_666. Theres Helm of the Host but thats a lot of mana to cast and equip to anything, besides that theres Gilded Lotus, Blackblade Reforged which could make Sliver Overlord even stronger I guess but Im not sure if thats worth an inclusion here just for that one reason. Then the only other thing I see is Damping Sphere? Im not fully sure of what sees play in your meta but this could be useful perhaps?

If only Shalai, Voice of Plenty was a sliver though :(

April 29, 2018 10:40 a.m.

_Delta_ says... #4

However it should be noted Damping Sphere could however maybe affect your deck too if you were to try anything that included Paradox Engine, along with your commander, Gemhide Sliver/Manaweft Sliver to Tutor and repeatedly search up and play more Slivers?

April 29, 2018 10:43 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #5

"If only Shalai, Voice of Plenty was a sliver though :("

Indeed, Delta-117. Indeed. Despite what you listed I did see some potential in Dominaria for interesting inclusions. I do have some thoughts on what Dominaria may hold for this deck, and have been meaning to make a post about it, expect to see something shortly.

April 29, 2018 1:23 p.m.

_Delta_ says... #6

After looking at the whole set this time rather than just off memory, the only other cards I thought of were Primevals' Glorious Rebirth (only viable targets though are sliver queen and legion though?), Fall of the Thran, and Phyrexian Scriptures.

April 29, 2018 2:06 p.m.

DarkSteelDemon says... #7

One good suggestion i have from Dominaria would be Song of Freyalise

April 29, 2018 3:41 p.m.

bryanedds says... #8


Just letting you know that I'm making a cheaper version of this deck here, The Queen's Egg, Cheaper!.

I have about 5 cards I'm wanting to find cheaper alternatives to, so please stop by if you'd like to help out!

May 13, 2018 12:45 a.m.

Slayroth says... #9

Yo greetings! Your deck is totally awesome and I used it a lot as a reference for my own Sliverdeck. Keep up the work on the page!

But there is something that I just noticed, in your synergies section:

"Sliver Overlord/Necrotic Sliver/Homing Sliver + Training Grounds: Cheaper Abilities. You can tutor/target and destroy permanents/or tutor again for only , respectively."

As far as i konw, and i doublecheked it on serveral forums and pages, Training Grounds only works on creatures in play, because a creature in your hand is a creaturecard and not a creature, so you can't cycle for 1 can't you? Or am I missing something / missinterpret that part of your text?

May 25, 2018 7:47 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #10

Howdy Slayroth, thank you for commenting on the page and thank you again for the compliments. In reference to:

"Sliver Overlord/Necrotic Sliver/Homing Sliver + Training Grounds: Cheaper Abilities. You can tutor/target and destroy permanents/or tutor again for only , respectively."

You're right. I am misinterpreting Training Grounds's use. It cannot affect permanents that are still in my hand that well...aren't creatures. Therefore, Slivercycling can't be made any cheaper. I'll go ahead and remove that entry from the list. T

May 25, 2018 10:17 p.m.

OP_Sigma says... #11

Hey LVL_666, still totaly in love with your decklist. Just wanted to know how do you manage to survive vs top tier generals with early infinite combo wins?

Man I'm getting wrecked by those, I want my swarm to be #1. Plus I'm thinking about using the Queen as my general to be more combo. What is your opinion about that?

Ps: I'll shortly add my own decklist. Thanks for being an inspiration.

June 14, 2018 11:58 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #12

Hey OP_Sigma,

"How do you manage to survive vs top tier generals with early infinite combo wins?"

Good question. Short answer? I don't. At least, I didn't. The changes in the decklist are in response to constantly being in situations where I didn't have an answer to a T1 general (typically it'd be Thrasios) going off. Additionally, I submitted my decklist to a reddit thread and was given some great advice by some, and talked down to by others (seriously, there are some really condescending jerks on the internet. Go figure, huh?). I'll admit, I have some hubris when it comes to this decklist, as every card posted I physically own and use. So, you kind of messes with your judgement a little when you drop about $1,000 in cards on one turn. Regardless, I was schooled in what I was doing wrong.

So some changes (probably more to come) was to swap out almost all Sorcery speed removal as it was simply way too slow/inefficient. It felt good to have a masterwork Oblivion Stone but that too was slow. I swapped in Deluge in it's place, and am still experimenting with Engineered Explosives. I figured having targeted mass removal for low cmc commanders might prove to be useful. Only time will tell. I also picked up Mox Diamond and Fellwar Stone as I needed to remove both Coalition Relic and Darksteel Ingot as they were both not very competitive (their cmcs were too high).

I invite you to look over my reasoning in the General Strategy section of the accordion under The Hivestone. I've adjusted my thinking as I learned alot from my reddit thread, and I also learned a bit from all those many games of cEDH where I got crushed by the proper tier 1 decks. (I feel your pain!)

Now in regards to: "Plus I'm thinking about using the Queen as my general to be more combo. What is your opinion about that?"

Honestly, Sliver Queen is the best choice you could make for a competitive deck that so happened to have a Sliver, or a few Slivers in it. And that's the thing - you wouldn't be running Sliver Tribal or have a Midrange deck (at least I think you wouldn't), instead you would likely be running a Fast Combo deck. I think it would be more efficient than my build, at least it would have more potential...but you would lose out on some versatility. Additionally, you'd lose flavor...but that's not what cEDH is about. My deck is attempting to have it's cake and eat it too. Probably not the most optimal approach, but I try my darndest. This deck is probably the farthest I can take Slivers Tribal. I wonder what your deck will look like? Please share when you're ready, i'm really curious to see what solutions and idea you came up with.

June 14, 2018 7:58 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #13

Hey OP_Sigma,

I thought more on your question of "How do you manage to survive vs top tier generals with early infinite combo wins?"

And I think I can give you a better answer than "I don't." So, the best thing you can do is to have plenty of instant speed interaction options at your disposal be it in the form of a Sliver, or a simple counterspell. Again, what I learned from posting my deck on reddit was that I didn't have enough interaction so someone sent me a a list discussing viable counterspell options in cEDH. That helped me immensely as well. I have to keep playing the deck however, as now that I have assembled all the cards for this build, I have no idea how i'm going to do. Realistically, I will still probably win only 25% of the time against the "proper" competitive decks. Only time will tell though.

June 16, 2018 3:07 p.m.

OP_Sigma says... #14

Hey LVL_666, sorry for the slow answer I've been very busy lately.

I would like to thank you for every info, tricks and suggestions that you wrote here. I've read your whole reddit post (man in took me like 1 hour). I've indeed used it to upgrade my deck as I could for the instant speed removal ideas.

I changed my deck and even upgraded a little with some mana ramp, unfortunately I got beaten at my last four games. Narset, Brago and Talrand gave me a hard time.

I'm pretty sure that even with the Queen I could'nt achieve to build it as a cEDH deck. So I'll stick to the fun, the flavour and the tribal theme.

Thank you again for your time and be sure that you'll be the first to know when I'll add my decklist here.

Have a good day!


June 18, 2018 8:58 p.m.

EKEZ950 says... #15

Im thinking about making a commander sliver deck do you have any ideas of cheaper alternatives for mana sources instead of the badlands, bayou, etc.

August 3, 2018 1:48 p.m.