Is combat damage still dealt to a player that has left the game?

Asked by Yesterday 4 years ago

I was playing MTGO versus a Zurgo Helmsmasher Voltron deck. The Zurgo opponent had a Sword of Feast and Famine equipped to their commander and an Aggravated Assault , and was tapped out and swinging into me. Both I and the third player had no blockers.

'Strategically surrendering' is dumb and I hate it, but usually in my playgroups we have a caveat for an in-game way to kill yourself if you can. I had a Necropotence in play and paid all of my life into it to attempt to give the other remaining player a turn to come up with an answer. I lost the game before Zurgo could connect with me.

And then Zurgo connected with me anyway, and even though I was removed from the game my Commander damage total went up, and the Zurgo opponent's Sword triggered to untap their lands and they went on to win that turn.

Is this an intended part of the rules? If so, does this also occur for effects like Lifelink? Does this still happen if the player in my position spite-scoops?

Caerwyn says... Accepted answer #1

Combat damage is not assigned if the defending player has lost the game:

Rule 800.4e If combat damage would be assigned to a player who has left the game, that damage isn’t assigned.

August 1, 2019 6:59 p.m.

Yesterday says... #2

Right. Guess it's just another MTGO issue then. Cheers.

August 1, 2019 7:01 p.m.

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