Jodah, the Unifier

This is my Jodah, the Unifier legendary matters deck. Suggestions are most welco...

Commander / EDH x1AlphaWolf36

Can an Adventure be cast from anywhere other than your hand?

Asked by RicketyEng 4 years ago

Are there any cases where it is possible to cast an Adventure spell from anywhere other than your hand? I haven't been able to look at the comprehensive rules yet, but the release notes and Mark Rosewater so far lead me to believe the answer is no. The only time the card has the characteristics of the Adventure spell is while it is on the stack after being cast as an Adventure.

A situation for example: if Beanstalk Giant is exiled as part of an impulsive draw effect, its owner should only be able to cast it as a creature, correct?

Caerwyn says... Accepted answer #1

You can choose to cast either half, provided the effect allows you to cast the half you wish to cast. For example, with an impulse draw allowing you to cast any type of card, you could cast either the Adventure or the creature. If you exiled it with Vivien, Champion of the Wilds , you could only cast the Beanstalk Giant , since Vivien only allows you to cast creatures.

The rule on point is:

715.3. As a player casts an adventurer card, the player chooses whether they cast the card normally or as an Adventure.

But that's not really helpful. Here's some more useful citations:

If you cast an adventurer card as an Adventure, use only its alternative characteristics to determine whether it's legal to cast that spell. For example, if Giant Killer is exiled with the last ability of Vivien, Champion of the Wilds, you can't cast it as Chop Down.

Throne of Eldraine Release Notes

You can cast an Adventure with Kess. To determine if it's legal to cast, start off by considering only the characteristics you're casting and go from there.

Eli Shiffrin's (Magic Rules Manager) Twitter

October 3, 2019 7:05 p.m. Edited.

RicketyEng says... #2

So that boils down to being able to cast an adventure from any zone whenever you are able to cast an instant or sorcery from that zone?

October 5, 2019 12:36 p.m.

Caerwyn says... #3

That is correct.

October 5, 2019 12:41 p.m.

Pedrodamus says... #4

Caerwyn just came across this interaction while goldfishing....i exiled Decadent Dragon off of an Atsushi, the Blazing Sky trigger. I remember there being a weird interaction with Adventures going into exile by any effect other than the Adventure resolving and that you couldn't cast either half so I did some searching and I came across this on the Adventure wiki:

If an adventurer card ends up in exile for any other reason than by exiling itself while resolving, it won't give you permission to cast it as a creature spell.

Am I able to cast either the Adventure or creature or is the card just lost to exile ?

October 2, 2023 9:46 p.m.

Caerwyn says... #5

Pedrodamus - Atsushi, the Blazing Sky creates an impulse draw effect--you "draw" the cards into exile and can only use them for a limited time. Because you are allowed to cast the card, you can choose which side to cast.

The exert from the wiki you sited is poorly written. It is referring to situations like, say, the card being exiled due to Rest in Peace or any other exile effect which does not allow you to cast the card. It properly should say "If an adventure card ends up in exile in a manner which does not permit you to cast the card, you cannot cast it as a creature."

October 3, 2023 12:53 a.m.

This whole interaction is part of why Grolnok, the Omnivore has that high a density of adventures in its list.

October 3, 2023 9:08 a.m.

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