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Zombie Super Budget Madness!!!




A Sweet madness deck for less then $50. I don't think madness can be super competitive, but I think this deck comes about as close as it can (of course the mana base could be beefed up but I'd like to keep it under $50)

Here's the lineup


Faithless Looting: likely the best madness engine ever. only to drive the deck and draw 2 cards... oh and it has flash back for the long game.

Lightning Axe: depending on the matchup this one is KILLER! instant speed removal for AND flash out a madness card. I like to leave myself open for an attack and then cast lighting axe and flash out a Gorgon Recluse for a double kill!

Tormenting Voice: the makes it not as good as looting but it is a bit better then looting later game just for the card advantage.

Zombie Infestation: it has staying power, and has no mana cost to activate it. it generates blockers at instant speed and will help Gravecrawler come back over and over again.

The Madness:

Fiery Temper a lighting bolt that works in the deck to generate card advantage.

Nightshade Assassin : this little guy in the early game can be a mean removal spell especially if I can flash him out when I'm attacked.

Gorgon Recluse : lands hits and blocks like a boss. I love flashing this onto the field for a killer block.

Grave Scrabbler: Can really help in a deck that discards so much and has small creatures that like to die a lot. Also the zonbieness helps with Gravecrawler

Brain Gorgers , a 4/2 for , Nice. with Grave Scrabbler even if they sac a creature to I can get him back if I want him. they also have the zonbieness for Gravecrawler return.

The grave lovers:

Gravecrawler this guys just loves to be in the yard... well for a little while. he'll be on the field soon enough. over and over and over!

Squee, Goblin Nabob : this guy hates being in the yard, so much that he keeps sneaking back to my hand. he really drives all of the discard with no penalty.

Vengeful Pharaoh: put this guy 6 feet under and he'll buy you some turns. He also keeps coming back over and over again. To punish anyone who hits you

Lasty: Temple of Malice with nothing going on turn 1 in this deck and with it being such a synergistic deck with few lands hand sculpting is important.

Let me know what you think. give me suggestions and +1 if you like it. thanks.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

12 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.62
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Decks, RB
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