
Creature (1)


WoTC has given us a Sundial of the Infinite on a body, and we're looking to abuse it.

The goal is to cheat as much as possible. Does a card do something really awesome but have a downside like: Sacrifice at end of turn, or lose the game? Not anymore, because we'll just end the turn before that downside can effect us.

This deck runs heavily on the the features of cards like Sneak Attack and Sundial of the Infinite.

The main lines of play here are to either assemble the Isochron Scepter + Final Fortune + Obeka, Brute Chronologist combo to take over the game with infinite turns, or to use Ilharg, the Raze-Boar/Sneak Attack/Feldon of the Third Path/Whip of Erebos to cheat something big and dangerous into play and then end the turn before it gets sacrificed or returned to hand.

Discard outlets and grave tutors such as Zombie Infestation, Insidious Dreams, and Buried Alive are here to help stack the graveyard with value to be exploited. Insidious Dreams has the double bonus of allowing us to stack the top of our library as well.

Cards like Agent of Treachery, Hostage Taker, Identity Thief, and Zara, Renegade Recruiter help provide value by stealing from your opponents.

So depending on what types of tools you start with in your hand, or the type of game you are looking to play, you can focus on tutoring up relevant pieces.

Isochron Scepter + Final Fortune + Obeka, Brute Chronologist = Infinite Turns

Isochron Scepter + Narset's Reversal + Last Chance + Obeka, Brute Chronologist = Infinite Turns

Ilharg, the Raze-Boar/Sneak Attack + Phage the Untouchable (in hand) + Obeka, Brute Chronologist/Sundial of the Infinite = Cheat in Phage without dying

Ilharg, the Raze-Boar/Sneak Attack + Obeka, Brute Chronologist/Sundial of the Infinite = Cheat in any creature without having to return it to hand or sacrifice.

Sneak Attack + Obeka, Brute Chronologist/Sundial of the Infinite = Cheat in any creature without having to sacrifice it.

Whip of Erebos + Obeka, Brute Chronologist = No mandatory sacrifice

Deadeye Navigator + Agent of Treachery = Flicker to steal permanents

Infinite turn loop until you can lethal the table

Phage the Untouchable opponents to the face


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91% Casual


Top Ranked
Date added 3 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

45 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.05
Tokens Copy Clone, Myr 1/1 C, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Flavor Town, EDH, Favorites
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