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UW Flying, Ixalan





Cast Out = Ixalan's BindingCrook = Sentinel Totem

A flying-based aggro deck for the upcoming Ixalan standard. As of right now, the biggest flaw I find in this deck are the mainboarded reactive cards Cast Out and Dreamcaller Siren. The biggest flaw with these is that, as the format is completely unknown, it's very difficult to predict which reactive cards best fit the new standard.

The base of the deck is to produce a plethora of flying threats and take advantage of Favorable Winds to overwhelm the opponent. The best cards in the deck are the aforementioned enchantment, newcomer Stormtamer Siren and the sleeper hit Nimble Obstructionist, a must-answer threat in the late game.

The deck is prepared specifically to have a favorable match up against higher curve decks, such as the upcoming Dinosaur Menace, relying on a faster clock, evasion and flexible (though relatively expensive) removal, as well as the fact that most people don't seem too keen on running answers for enchantments. Other favorable mainboard match ups are UW Approach of the Second sun as well as the Scarab God iterations of Temur Energy. However, it struggles against Ramunap Red and Vehicle decks, as well as GB Constrictor.

Suggestions welcome.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

20 - 6 Rares

25 - 3 Uncommons

4 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.47
Folders uw fly
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