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I got inspired by the "Pummeler"-Deck, a friend of mine plays. I had a typical ramp deck with dinosaurs before "Rivals of Ixalan" came out and as soon as i saw Ghalta, Primal Hunger i was in love. So i started brewing a deck that could play Ghalta, Primal Hunger as soon as possible. My only concern was, that Ghalta, Primal Hunger would not survive a turn to really do something and that's when i got inspired by the deck of my friend. I thought: It doesn't matter if someone plays a removal spell to get rid of Ghalta, because i can just play Fling and deal 12 dmg to them. In the following i will explain each card and why i use them and i will also explain the synergies. I hope you enjoy reading this and have fun with the deck.

Drover of the Mighty

This creature is one of our ramping tools. It provides an extra mana and even sometimes color-fixing. Also it's a 2 mana 3/3 as soon as we have a dinosaur on our side of the field. That makes it good even in the later stage of the game. It can block and even reduces the cost of your Ghalta, Primal Hunger by 3. We want to have it on the battlefield on turn 2.

Ranging Raptors

This is our second ramping creature. These raptors defend us and ramp for us. They are great early against faster decks, because they can block small creatures and provide us with additional lands, which at the same time increases our chances to draw our big dinosaurs by thinning our deck. Even in the worst case it gives us at least one land and eats a removal spell like Abrade or Lightning Strike . With this on the field our opponents will think twice about attacking us.

Rhonas the Indomitable

It's very fitting, that the god we play, is a reptile. He is so strong. A 3 mana 5/5 with indestructible and deathtouch, which can also give our other creatures +2/+0 and trample for 3 mana? I take it. This creature enables us to play Ghalta, Primal Hunger as soon as turn 4. We can even use his activated ability to buff one of our other creatures and we don't really lose all the mana to play Ghalta, Primal Hunger because the buff reduces the cost by 2. So effectively we lose only one mana. The downside isn't that big of a disadvantage because we get a creature with power 4 a turn later most of the time or one is already on the field.

Ripjaw Raptor

I love this card. 4 mana 4/5 with dinosaur type is nice as is, but his enrage ability pushes him to the top. Like Ranging Raptors this card makes our enemy think more than once about attacking. A activated Fatal Push is really all there is, that can threaten our Raptors. Sure they can play Cast Out or Ixalan's Binding , but even that will cost them most of their turn, and to be honest, we have greater threats for which they need their removal. And every time we block or our Raptor gets blocked, we draw a card. Really an amazing card

Regisaur Alpha

This is kind of the lord of this tribal deck. It doesn't buff our creatures power, but it does something far better. All our dinosaurs get haste. And since we play Ghalta, Primal Hunger , haste just destroys them. To top it off we even get a 3/3 token with trample. So this card alone reduces the cost of Ghalta, Primal Hunger by 7.

Carnage Tyrant

Our "f**k you control" dinosaurs. I don't think i need to explain, why this card is busted. Well, but i do it anyway. A 6 mana 7/6 with trample is fine by itself. It can't be countered? That makes the card really good. It has also hexproof? That makes it busted against control. There are just two cards in standard right now i can think of, that can deal with this tyrant and these are Fumigate and Settle the Wreckage . Even Hour of Devastation does not deal with him. It's really usually the correct maneuver to deploy the giant, implacable death lizard.

Ghalta, Primal Hunger

The star of this deck. The key figure. Most of the time this is a 2 mana 12/12 with trample and maybe even haste. It gets cheaper with every point of power on our side of the battlefield and this whole deck sets up to play this majestic beast as cheap as possible. This can come down as soon as turn 4 in the perfect setup. there are not to many decks, that can deal with a 12/12, and even if they can, we have a strategy to get our profit no matter what.

Commune with Dinosaurs

This spell is good at every stage of the game. We miss a land or a dinosaur on turn one? No problem we just commune with dinosaurs and get what we want (most of the time). Or maybe we are searching for a big finisher later in the game, then we have the possibility to search for that. It's not even that bad, if we have to put 4 other good cards on the bottom of our deck, because we have a few cards, that allow us to shuffle the deck.

Reckless Rage

This is our only removal spell in this deck, but it's a pretty good one. It does some things, that Abrade or Lightning Strike can not. It can kill a few of the new creatures of the other tribes like Twilight Prophet or Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca and it kills Regisaur Alpha if you happen to fight against another dinosaur deck. The spell has one downside, but in this deck that's an upside or we doesn't care about the two damage. It just fuels the rage of our dinosaurs. The reason i play this over Savage Stomp is because it has instant speed.

Thunderherd Migration

This is our last ramping tool. It's pretty much just a worse Rampant Growth , but it's still great in standard. It's especially great because all ramping tools, the dinosaur tribe had, were creatures, which could be easily removed. Now we can play a little around that. It also thins our deck a little. And most of the times we don't care, if we show our opponent a dinosaur. We will play it the turn after anyways.

This is the card, that inspired this decks name. Our greatest combat trick and finisher. And probably one of the most fun cards ever created. In emergency situations we can use this as removal, but most of the time our goal is to finish off our opponent by throwing one of our mighty dinosaurs at their face.

Forest and Mountain

Nothing to say here. Of course we need basic lands.

Rootbound Crag

Our multicolor land. Enters almost every time untapped the game.

Sheltered Thicket

Counts as forest and mountain, so it helps our Rootbound Crag . We want to play this land either on turn one, if we have nothing else to do or not at all. Drawing it late in the game, we use it's cycling ability to draw a card.

Hashep Oasis

I really like this land. It's ability to buff our creature by +3/+3 is great. Sure it's just sorcery speed, but it can still help us to finish things off. The one life we have to pay for green mana does not matter in most cases, because we tap this land for colorless mana most of the time.

Endless Sands

Another desert to sacrifice for Hashep Oasis . It cann also kind of save our dinosaurs from removals. We can tap it and exile our creature that's the target of a removal, and get it back later in the game. We can do this a few times and then unleash all dinosaurs that were targeted by a removal spell.

Ranging Raptors + Reckless Rage and Reckless Rage + Ripjaw Raptor

This synergy is great. We can remove the creatures of our opponents and even get a land or draw a card. And all that for just one mana. Since its instant speed we can even use it in combat. So if we think one of our both creatures dies no matter what, but can't take the opposing creature with it, we can play this to make sure both creatures die, and enrage triggers twice. First time because of the spell and second time while blocking.

Fling + Rhonas the Indomitable or Fling + Hashep Oasis

This combo is quite simple. We can use the abilities of either Rhonas or the Oasis or both, to buff one of our creatures and then use Fling to deal a lot of dmg to our opponents life.

Fling + Ghalta, Primal Hunger

This is the combo that will win most of our games, if the opponent survives so long. Of course we can use Fling with any of our creatures, but this combo almost always insures, that it'`s only a matter of time until the opponents dies as soon as he hits 12 or maybe even 15 life.



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Revision 8 See all

(5 years ago)

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 6 years ago
Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years
Key combos

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 3 Mythic Rares

18 - 5 Rares

17 - 7 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.65
Tokens Dinosaur 3/3 G, Emblem Chandra, Torch of Defiance
Folders interesting, Standard, Saved Decks, Rix, sweet decks, Interesting Standard Decks, 1, Dinos, Dinos, Dinosaurs
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