Spirits From The Bright Sun to The Dark Ocean

Modern Shadowdarkraity


This deck is pretty much finished, last tips? —Dec. 28, 2017



Ok, this is pretty much the conclusion of the building of this deck. I just wanted to have any more suggestions come in now because I am planning to buy this deck very soon. I am going to go with the cheaper mana base and maybe upgrade it over time. And maybe one day replace Doomed Traveler with Aether Vial when a budget isn't an issue. I can't wait to have this deck so I can actually have a chance at Fnm, and not using the Ajani, Valiant Protector Deck. So any last suggestions would be amazing. Thank you very much

CasualCucumber says... #1

November 26, 2017 4:26 p.m.

CasualCucumber says... #2

Ohh and i forgot, if it's possible for you: Cutting down the deck to 60 cards makes your deck perform more consistently.

November 26, 2017 4:28 p.m.


Thank you for the suggestion, I tried to cut down the deck while keeping essentials. Would you have any idea for a sideboard?

November 26, 2017 6:41 p.m.

xyr0s says... #4

Thief of Hope and Waxmane Baku are probably going to underperfom, since there aren't that many spirit cards to cast (they trigger on cast, not on ETB). I know it's against the spirit-theme of the deck, but consider whether Suture Priest and Blood Artist would be better...

November 26, 2017 6:55 p.m.

CasualCucumber says... #5

For the sideboard maybe Distress / Duress or non budget Thoughtseize for hand disruption. Some cards options i like but less certain on: Erase, Dawn Charm and Bile Blight. But remember the sideboard depends a lot on what types of decks you are facing.

November 27, 2017 7:29 a.m.



So I have a couple questions about some cards. The first one is on Ghostly Prison. If I were to have two on the battle field then would that mean they would need to pay two mana for each card? So instead of paying two mana would they pay 4?

My second question is on Anointed Procession and having more then one on the field at the same time. Lets say I cast a Spiritual Visit onto the field with the 3 Anointed Procession on the field would that token turn into 8 tokens?MATH WARNING:

y=Anointed Procession



4tokens(y)=8 tokens

Or does it work in a way where it is added up. So using each enchantment seperate then adding them up.


There are some other small things I am thinking about but it depends on how these cards work

December 2, 2017 12:07 p.m.

CasualCucumber says... #7

I am pretty sure Ghostly Prison will stack up, for example if you have 2 Ghostly Prisons out, and the opponents attacks with one creature, he has to pay 4 mana instead of 2.

Anointed Procession i am not sure on, but the gatherer says this in the rulings: If you control two Anointed Processions, then the number of tokens created is four times the original number. If you control three, then the number of tokens created is eight times the original number, and so on.

December 2, 2017 12:23 p.m.



Ok, so my deck (from what I can tell) this deck seems to be very close to being done, what I am doing now is after some play testing for a while (now to be fair, my internet is out and I playtest on Cockatrice, so I had to playtest against myself and using the other deck I build and maybe 1 or 2 others) and I have found the top 4 cards that underpreforme the most in my deck

1 Seize the Soul2 Selfless Spirit3 Drogskol Cavalry4 Path to Exile

Now the first card I know I am not getting rid of is Path to Exile, It does come in use but either dosent pop up enough to be useful (Maybe I should add 2 extra) or I already have managed to get 30, 2/2 tokens with flying and vigalance, so it dosent seem to make the biggest difference.

Selfless Spirit does become kinda useless if I get him any other time I am not doing the finisher, sacfificing him to make all of my creatues invincable usually ends in me winning that turn, or the next one. But other then that there is not really any other time he becomes useful.

Now the two others, Drogskol Cavalry, and Seize the Soul are my final two, and are the two I do think can be replaced, or in the form of Drogskol Spirit, add something to it to make it stronger. Seize the Soul just has too high mana cost and dosent really shine. If there is a time i can cast him, there is usially two or three other spells I can cast that would help me more then him, even in the long run

Now some cards I thought could replace Drogskol Cavalry, or Seize the Soul

Dauntless Cathar- Would Replace Seize the Soul

Elgaud Inquisitor- Would Replace Seize the Soul (this one is near the bottom of the list)

Geist-Honored Monk- Would Replace Seize the Soul. He is higher mana cost but could be a goot finisher, maybe replace Selfless Spirit.

Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens- Would Replace Seize the Soul or Drogskol Cavalry (near the bottom of the list)

Crested Sunmare- Would Replace Seize the Soul. I dont know how to feel about him. I know its not a spirit but him and Drogskol Cavalry could be a good match up. (if only Crested Sunmare created Spirit tokens))

Twilight Drover- Would Replace Seize the Soul

Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts- Would Replace Seize the Soul or Drogskol Cavalry. This one is my absolute favorite on the list. She has protection from creatures and vigalance so as long as an ability says other wise, I can attack with her anytime. She also creates tokens when I get damage, so if I had 4 of her (or at least 2 or 3) then I would get 2-4 (with Anointed Procession)

Any Ideas from either the final touches, or the beginning of this deck XD, would be awesome. Thank you

December 4, 2017 11:16 p.m.



okay so I was at Friday Night Magic a couple days ago and I was telling them about this deck. Someone there mentioned that I should switch from black to blue because one I would get more out of it and two I would be able to use Drogskol Captain. so after looking at some different cards I can use, I decided to switch from black to Blue. I wasn't even using blackout much in my deck anyway and like I said earlier I would get a lot more out of it. The deck list that is there right now doesn't include any lands I'm going to be building my Mana base soon. I just wanted feedback on what you think of the cards that I chose and if there's any better way I could go about doing this

December 10, 2017 9:40 p.m.

Nice they helped you!

First i personally would run more than one copy of Drogskol Captain to have a bigger consistency in boosting your spirits. Since you're going with the blue and white route, you should definetly consider Geist of Saint Traft and Spell Queller.

December 11, 2017 7:29 a.m.



Ok, I think I'm getting pretty far. I do have a couple questions. First, how many Geist of Saint Traft should I run? Right now I have 2 of them and that seems pretty good. But I want all the suggestions I can get. Second, do you think that Selfless Spirit is worth it. It doesn't seem to pull its weight. It is a sorry and a flyer for cheap which is why I am so much on the fence about it. But there there are other cards who might work. I was thinking of either running a single Eidolon of Countless Battles, or two coppies of either Sandsteppe Outcast or Daxos of Meletis (preferably Sandsteppe Outcast)

December 12, 2017 11:08 a.m.

It all depends on the competitiveness you are going for. I am not the best helper when it comes to the competitive scene since i am more of a casual player, so i won't be able to help you make it really competitive if that's what you are going for with the build.

If you are a casual player, i would recommend running cards you enjoy and would love to use.

However i will come with my thoughts on the cards :) Depending on your budget i would run 2-3 copies of Geist of Saint Traft (Keep in mind the legend rule when playing). Selfless Spirit i think you are primarily running it for it's sacrifice ability than the body itself.

Eidolon of Countless Battles seems pretty fun as a one of could possibly be a big threat in the late game

Sandsteppe Outcast Seems slow, but i can see the funny and potential combo with Anointed Procession.

For me Daxos of Meletis seems pretty solid to with just the first ability. Think of the combo between Daxos of Meletis and Invocation of Saint Traft or Eidolon of Countless Battles boosting him. Invocation of Saint Traft could be a possible suit for the deck to?

Found some other cards you may like Geist-Honored Monk (just saw you had suggested it, but gonna keep it here xD), Mausoleum Wanderer, Rattlechains and Nebelgast Herald.

December 12, 2017 1:11 p.m.

xyr0s says... #15

2 Geist of Saint Traft sounds just about right.

A few suggestions: Moorland Haunt. With Drogskol Captain that can give you quite an edge in longer games.

Get rid of Cancel. To put it very simple: That is not a modern-card. Add another Drogskol Captain, since it's a lord that gives hexproof (I've played a lot of merfolk, and know how good lords are, and with hexproof... SRSLY?!? I would play 8 of them in any deck). And add a Phantasmal Image - it doesn't have flash, but it can copy the captain, and then they both have hexproof.

Also: The whole pillowfort. It's not really great in this deck - add Spell Pierce, Remand, or Path to Exile instead.

Selfless Spirit is an excellent card, maybe in particular after sideboard, where the nasty stuff like Pyroclasm shows up.

December 12, 2017 4:32 p.m.



Now that I look at it. I do seem to have a "pillow fort". In the form of Ghostly Prison and Dovin Baan. I assume I should lean to a more aggro side. So unless someone says other wise I will take them out. I think I will replace Cancel and Ghostly Prison with Spell Pierce. At least 2 of them but would more be preferred? Going aggro I would think that two would be fine.

Moorland Haunt is like the best thing ever. I'm so happy you told me about that card. Its like everything I need out of a land.

I really like the Phantasmal Image but how many would I put in. I would think around 2 because it shouldn't be the stable of the deck but you still want to have a good chance to get it by turn three or four. I calculated that if I have around 2 of them, getting them by turn 4 would be around 31%. But like I said, that shouldn't be a huge issue because it shouldn't be the "key"(for lack of a better term) of the deck.

So Dreamcatcher seemed really good at first (mostly for its mana cost) but I think that Mausoleum Wanderer , Rattlechains and Nebelgast Herald would be way better (specifically Mausoleum Wanderer) or would Rattlechains be better? Or all three?

Now Invocation of Saint Traft seems really good. At this point though idk where he would fit. I could see it also helping with creatures (if I add it) Eidolon of Countless Battles. I really like Invocation of Saint Traft but if it isn't reasonable then I won't add it.

Now my favorite card in this deck is Anointed Procession. But is it even reasonable to have all 4 of them in? Having Spectral Procession pop out 24 spirits is nice..really nice (that math is correct right? 32=62=12*2=24?) but having 4 isn't exactly budget and I usually (i don't think ever) dont have had all 4 out at once.

Now the last thing I want is some suggested sideboard budget cards that you think I might need just so I have something to work off of when I buy the deck.

Btw I just want to say thank you so much. When I first was getting into magic it seemed kinda intimidating. But building (at least semi competitive decks) is so much fun and I get to learn so much from doing it. I really enjoy the game and I want to thank you for helping me along the way, you have made my magic experience better and SUPER fun. I even got two of my friends into it so now I have more irl propel to play with and not just at fnm.

December 12, 2017 10:43 p.m.

xyr0s says... #17

You're very welcome.

I think Doomed Traveler belongs in the sideboard. It's for the control match-ups, as what it does best is play against sweepers. Replace with Rattlechains, which is almost a counterspell, or Spell Queller (which is also almost a counterspell). Authority of the Consuls and Dissipation Field could also be put in sideboard, as they only shine in some very specific match-ups.

It's optimistic to have 4 Anointed Procession in play at the same time - do you generate enough tokens that it's always worth playing? Think of it this way: It eats all your mana on turn 4 without having any immediate effect on the board-state. So how often do you get something from it in turn 5, and is what you get in turn 5 good enough to cover the lack of action in turn 4. Keep in mind that you likely play a token generator in turn 3 (since that fits the mana). A cheap alternative you might try out: Favorable Winds. Or you could replace with removal like Path to Exile.

December 13, 2017 2:31 a.m.

Happy to help :)

I like the way this deck is progressing and seeing it getting refined all the time.

Found two cards you may like, i don't know if they would work with your deck but here they are.

Spirit Bonds

Essence Flux This card works very well, with "Enters the battlefield" abilities (but you don't have so many creatures with) and it has the +1+1 to a spirit.

December 13, 2017 4:50 p.m.



Ok so I was playtesting with different versions of the decks seeing what each did really good, and what they did that didn't hold its weight. So I did find some things but I decided to ask you about a couple things.

First, I want to make sure that I am keeping within the realm of tokens, which is the main center of this deck, for that reason, I (for now) brought back Doomed Traveler. It can be cast at the beginning of the game and can block for at least 2 turns, if not more. And Late game, because at the point, when it dies and creates the 1/1 spirit, there is going to be something boosting it, making it even better than a copy of itself with flying (basicly). Rattlechains is good but didn't really hold up for my goal of the deck. It would become a 3/2 or better with all of the effects in play, but even then I usually have something better, or A lot of tokens.

Also with the realm of Tokens I also Brought Back Spiritual Visit

Second, I think that my Mana base is better, but I dont know how good it is, I am just having a hard time telling if it is holding up.

Now I am also thinking of cutting down Anointed Procession to about 1-2 copied. One of the reasons is for budget, but the main reason is because it doesn't always come up. I do want it in the deck, with things like Spectral Procession It can really save me if I am in a bad situation, but 3 of them might be overdoing it

I got rid of two Favorable Winds And replaced it with 2 Intangible Virtue

I am planning to replace Path to Exile with 2-4 Remand. Giving them that basic land always comes back to haunt me sooner or later in the game.

Moving Selfless Spirit For the sideboard .

So A question about Phantasmal Image. If I copy Geist of Saint Traft, does that count to the Legend rule? So would it count as having two of the "same" legend, therefore needing to get rid of one of them

And speaking of Geist of Saint Traft I love it. But the fact that it's not flying can really set me back. So I was wondering if there is anything I could do with Invocation of Saint Traft. I don't want to get rid of Geist of Saint Traft but having more creatures with the same effect (noted, slightly worse), really would be amazing, since I could put it on a flying creature.

Thoughts on Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens

And my last thing is how do I know when the deck is complete?

December 17, 2017 12:55 p.m.

Entrei says... #20

Spiritual Visit can go for Beckon Apparition seeing as you don't run any arcanes

December 18, 2017 10:42 p.m.


This deck actually used to be A Black and White deck and used to run Beckon Apparition. But now that this is Azorious I dont know how it would work

December 19, 2017 7:38 a.m.

xyr0s says... #22

I'm often a bit disappointed by Remand. It works well enough against a deck that plays threats on curve, but anything with removal, it does a horrible job against. The reason is that removal is cheap in modern - you get to remand a Lightning Bolt? Great. Opponent pays and plays it again, now having paid 1 extra mana. Same story for Fatal Push and Path to Exile.

speaking of path: The basic land is only really a problem, if you play it in the first couple of turns. Most decks get a lot more from having a creature than having their, say, 5th land.

Beckon Apparition is better than Spiritual Visit. It doesn't work as a turn 1 play, but beyond that it can remove cards from GY like Lingering Souls, Bloodghast, or whatever a Snapcaster Mage might target, and give you a token at the same time. And the token even has flying.

Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens - cute, but no. When you get to play this, you have played everything else on your hand. that means a very lov probability of getting to trigger its ability even once. Also, it only triggers of cards that are spirits, not of spirits entering the battlefield, meaning you have 16 cards besides itself than can trigger it, or about 1/4th of your deck. You play it, it miraculously survives the following turn... and you draw a land (more likely than drawing a spirit). Now you get to swing your 7 cmc 3/6 creature. It just isn't very good.

December 19, 2017 9:40 a.m.


Ok. So for Remand. I could replace it with something like Mana Leak. Or even Path to Exile to use later in the game like you said.

I agree with you about Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens. I was thinking of it today that I would also be able to be closer to 60 cards, to draw what I need to a little earlier.

Beckon Apparition is really good and I do really like the card but its black, And I am running Azorious. Should I maybe Spash some black? If so how would I go about doing this without effecting my mana base to much. Maybe a black and blue duel land? Or black and white like Concealed Courtyard

December 19, 2017 10:48 a.m.

xyr0s says... #24

Beckon Apparition: It's hybrid black/white, which means you can pay with either colour (there's no such thing as doubly coloured mana).

December 19, 2017 11:32 a.m.


Omg I don't know why that didn't hit me sooner

December 19, 2017 10:38 p.m.