

If you want to join us, here are the rules:

You're going to have to be okay with me injuring and possibly maiming you, but hey it's small price to pay for Phyrexia.

You gotta drink the dark inky oil. One taste and you'll be hooked.

You gotta be nice to my friends. They're cool, but they don't like meanies (or the lame-blooded)

You kinda gotta embrace the darkness of Phyrexia with us. and it's... well, let's just say it's not for the faint-hearted.

and also..ha....uh..give me 5 dollars. now.

Oh yeah, i almost forgot. You must do the little monkey boy dance.... like in front of all of us.


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98% Casual


Date added 2 months
Last updated 2 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

18 - 4 Rares

29 - 4 Uncommons

42 - 5 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.09
Tokens 2/2 C Artifact Creature Spawn, Companion Zone, Incubator, Phyrexian 0/0 C, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B, Phyrexian Horror X/X C, Phyrexian Mite 1/1 C, Phyrexian Myr 1/1 C
Folders Commander Decks
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