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Rise of the Eldrazi *Working on Primer*

Commander / EDH Devoid Eldrazi UBRG



Hello friends and welcome to my primer! Well, we aren't really friends since I've never met you... but try not to get caught up on the little things like the first thing the primer says. Haha...

Anyways, this deck is trying something a little different than your typical Eldrazi tribal deck:

It plays a bunch of colored Eldrazi (they're technically colorless, but we'll ignore that for now). To compensate, I'm playing Morophon, the Boundless, which works with the colored Eldrazi.

This EDH deck is trying to differ from the typical Eldrazi deck by playing "colored" Eldrazi, and not using the boring old Kozilek, the Great Distortion as the general.

And is still using only cards that are colorless by technicality AKA cards with colorless identities and cards with devoid.

The gameplan of this eldrazi deck is simple

  • Put a bunch of mana rocks into play and ramp into big Eldrazi.
  • Play smaller, devoid Eldrazi for value.
  • Win with a big swing of Eldrazi-influenced combat damage.

Getting Morophon into play is also helpful. Not only does it increase our clock by pumping, it increases our clock by ramping quicker into devoid Eldrazi.

  • Blast Zone: One of the many utility lands in this deck. It taps for colorless, and is great for using unspent mana to wipe some things out. Since we run mostly expensive creatures, this really isn't a big deal for the deck.
  • Buried Ruin: You may be wondering "Why this in an Eldrazi tribal deck?" Well, the answer is we run many artifacts, both utility and mana rocks. This can return Dreamstone Hedron, Unstable Obelisk, and many of our utility artifacts efficiently.
  • Corrupted Crossroads: Since we run many devoid Eldrazi, as well as some devoid spells, this helps us mana fix. This deck greatly needs mana fixing since we only run devoid cards and cards with colorless identities (this includes lands).
  • Eldrazi Temple: A no-brainer here. It ramps us into our big Eldrazi fairly quickly when combined with other colorless lands like Ancient Tomb and Crystal Vein.
  • Emergence Zone: A funny card. Can flash in our Eldrazi and make for some pretty funny plays.
  • Exotic Orchard; City of Brass;; Grand Coliseum; "Rainbow lands": The deck runs most decent rainbow lands (lands that produce mana of any color) because with only cards with colorless identities or devoid, we need all the colored mana we can get. We need to be able to cast devoid Eldrazi after all. We even run the bad mana fixing lands like Shimmering Grotto.
  • Eye of Ugin: Two words. Busted ramping. Eye both ramps us and finds whatever Eldrazi we need. We can choose from our plethora of Eldrazi for the one we need for our situation. Plus the Eldrazi we find will be cheaper.
  • Field of the Dead: We aren't a land deck, so we can't ramp lands into play. So why run this? All of our lands have different names (other than 3 wastes but that's barely relevant probably). We just need to have six lands on the field, then every land we play gives us a 2/2 Zombie. That's great value compared to most decks, since they run basics.
  • Mirrorpool: It clones any of our Eldrazi in play. Also, our two artifact creatures, but who cares about them when we got Eldrazi.
  • Sanctum of Ugin: Not the flashiest land, but it gets the job down. Searching out any of our creatures for free when we cast a bigger Eldrazi is nothing to scoff at. Sometimes, it even wins you the game by searching out that Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre after playing another big Eldrazi.
  • Wastes: Played so we don't whiff when something like a Path to Exile or Ghost Quarter is cast on us.
  • Sol Ring; Mana Crypt; Mana Vault: The best mana ramp cards in the format. I don't really care if I play broken cards in a deck like this where the deck has major restrictions (in this case only colorless cards).
  • Arcane Signet: Included because its colored mana ramp and can cast our colored Eldrazi.
  • Worn Powerstone: Strictly worse than Sol Ring, but is still highly efficient colorless ramp.
  • Most of the other mana ramp is just your average good mana rocks.

    • Ugin, the Ineffable: Great piece of ramp. Since the deck is all colorless, it makes every card in the deck cost less.

    • Karn Liberated: A good planeswalker to ramp into. Ultimating him is always hilarious and probably make your friends-er, ex-friends hate you.

    • Ugin, the Spirit Dragon: The best planeswalker to ramp into, his -X is the reason he's in here. Basically wraths most nonland permanents your opponents' control while keeping yours. His -7 is insane, but only if you can get to it without someone killing it.

  • Kozilek's Return: A Pyroclasm for more mana with the added bonuses of being instant speed and wrathing for 5 damage when we cast one of our big Eldrazi.

  • All Is Dust: One of the best cards in the deck. It's a one-sided board wipe for , which we can ramp into pretty quickly.
  • Not of This World: A great protection spell for our bigger Eldrazi.
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    94% Casual


    Date added 1 year
    Last updated 1 year

    This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

    Rarity (main - side)

    19 - 0 Mythic Rares

    35 - 0 Rares

    34 - 0 Uncommons

    10 - 0 Commons

    Cards 100
    Avg. CMC 4.62
    Tokens Copy Clone, Eldrazi 10/10 C, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Spirit 2/2 C, Zombie 2/2 B
    Ignored suggestions
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