
This is an Izzet Ensoul Artifact list that tries not to rely on going wide so much with Gleeful Demolition/Bushwhacker and instead focuses more on artifact synergy and evasion to punch through the extra points of damage. The real goal of this deck is just to get your opponent down to 5 life and then shrapnel blast them for the win. This is pretty much always a viable path to victory as well since so many of our cards help dig through our deck to make sure we find a Shrapnel Blast eventually. I've elected to take Jegantha out of the sideboard since this deck never runs out of things to do with its mana, and also presenting Jegantha at the beginning of the game telegraphs to our opponent that we are on an aggressive red or green strategy which can impact their mulligan decision.

Beating Aggro:

Our plan here is pretty simple - just out-race them! Luckily we have tons of great chump blockers and our deck can already pretty reliably kill people on turn four, so all we have to do is bring in Torch the Tower, Anger of the Gods, and Brotherhood's End to slow them down a bit. If they are a convoke deck spitting out loads of creatures, then Rampaging Ferocidon can come in on the play to hurt them for doing so, but it is most likely too slow on the draw since their hand will already be on the field by the time we can cast it.

Beating Midrange:

Our plan here is to deal as much early damage as humanly possible so we can put them into burn range before they can mount a solid defense. Evasive threats are our friend here as well to peck in steady points of damage so that a shrapnel blast can finish them off later. The sideboard plan is really just whatever you think might be good in the matchup since most Midrange decks in the format also run off of some powerful engine that you could potentially disrupt. Stubborn Denial is also probably always coming in as well just to deal with their answers that they'll board in.

Beating Control:

Our plan here is largely the same as for Midrange, just pummel them early until they are within burn range and then bait out all of their counterspells before Blasting their face. Legion Extruder allows us to grind a little harder against sweepers thankfully with the ability to turn all of our random artifact tokens into 3/3's at instant speed. The sideboard plan is also pretty much the same with picking your disruption of choice, but Pithing Needle for Planeswalkers helps and Stubborn Denial is a must in order to stop their early answers so that we can quickly close out the game before they take... control of it.

Beating Combo:

This could be a pretty difficult matchup since our deck is pretty linear with not too much in the way of interaction. We'll just have to focus on our plan A and kill them before they can combo-off while being cognizant of which pieces are most important to them. Sideboarding gives us Damping Sphere for Lotus Field/Nykthos/Pheonix, Rampaging Ferocidon for Amalia/Cat-Oven, Unlicensed Hearse for Phoenix/Greasefang/Self Mill, Ashiok for Field/Bring to Light/Enigmatic Incarnation, and any of the other disruptive spells that are important for the matchup. So take note of how the opponent is trying to win in game one and sideboard wisely!


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100% Competitive

Date added 1 month
Last updated 6 days

This deck is Pioneer legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 9 Rares

23 - 5 Uncommons

11 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.58
Tokens Blood, Clue, Goblin 1/1 R, Golem 3/3 C, Map, Phyrexian Mite 1/1 C, Treasure
Folders Pioneer Decks
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