[[Primer v3.6]] - OM_RATH!!! (2021 Update!!!)

Commander / EDH VexenX

SCORE: 1229 | 1346 COMMENTS | 195709 VIEWS | IN 425 FOLDERS

66 VOTES! Primer v1.3, Upgrades! —Oct. 29, 2015

29 October 2015

CoconutsMigrate and play testing helped me realize that I don't really need to many duel-lands in this deck to get the colors I need. These spots are better filled by fetchlands. I had the Zendikar fetchs in some of my other decks, so I moved them into this one!

I don't know why it took me so long to realize that Primal Beyond was coming in tapped almost every time...

Same as above.

Same as above

I am sick of the blue player in my play group countering Omnath, Locus of Rage! This fixes just that!

I needed more reliable early game ramp. Budoka Gardener  Flip has not been doing very much.

Same story as adding Rampant Growth. I think adding more early game stuff will make this deck much more competitive. Plus there is still value late game!


Please tell me what you think about these changes!!!

I added Spellbreaker Behemoth for the same reason I added Cavern of Souls, those dange counterspells!

I have been wanting to playtest Shared Animosity for a while now! I am excited to see how it plays out!!! I took out Skullclamp because it has not been preforming, but I think I'll try it out again later.

I think this is a pretty self explanatory change. I think this is overall a good trade-off.

THIS IS SO AMAZING!!! 66 votes and over 6100 views!!! How great is that?! I am extreamly greatful for all of the support and feedback! This is the 7th Commander deck that I have build, but it is by far the most fun and powerful!

When we get to 75 votes I will come out with "Primer v2.0!" This will include (but not be limited to):

  • Omissions

  • Possible Additions

  • Possible Cuts

  • Budget Build (plus maybe some alternate build ideas)

For this Primer v2.0 to be successful I will need all of your support! Please give me any feedback that you might have on what I should include, or other suggestions that you might have.

Thank you all again for the support!!!

Massive_Banana says... #1

Thanks for the words VexenX, I'm highly considering on picking up a copy of Crucible of Worlds now, as you said how powerful it can be, man this deck is gonna be one of the biggest EDH commitments for me ever. Don't worry I upvoted, actually wishing I could upvote multiple times haha. Do you think you could take a look at my list whenever you're done with your own personal list? And keep up the amazing work, really digging the overall list and the primer too

October 21, 2015 12:43 a.m.

VexenX says... #2

griffstick: I just added a Ashnod's Altar so I am not far off! I will keep my eye out for a copy of Elemental Mastery.. some of you are so sure of the card that I have to play test it now! lol

Massive_Banana: I am SO glad that there are viewers like you that are committed to the Primer! Things have sadly started to plateau out a bit when it comes to people up-voting, but people like you make all the work I am putting into this worth it!

OM_RATH is an AMAZING Commander! I am honestly thinking about making multiple versions of him! Tribal, heavy red/burn, green/tokens. My list is a top of the line Primer version of Omnath, Locus of Rage but it is not the only way you can play him as your commander! There are some cards that just fit in any tip of deck he would be in though, like Crucible of Worlds and Greater Good, but if you are on a budget, there are still other routes you can go!

October 21, 2015 1:23 a.m.

griffstick says... #3

just playtested it and wow!!! works great exspecially with ashnods altar i put a bunch of 4/4 elementals and sacked them to make 2 mana then used all that mana for animist awakening for another 5 tokens. i was impressed

October 21, 2015 4:09 a.m.

VexenX says... #4

griffstick: This deck is pretty nuts! But best of all it is a ton of fun! There are so many different ways that you can win. I'm really glad you are enjoying it?

October 21, 2015 3:53 p.m.

VexenX says... #5

OK, I am going to share my dream/speculation for an upcoming Planeswalkers in Oath of the Gatewatch.

I am guessing that Nissa will get reprinted as a elemental Planeswalker. Maybe it is just dreaming, but I think the flavor would tie in very well.

I think the second Planeswalker should be Nahnri. Ob Nixilis is already on the playing field, so it would only make since to add his rival into the mix. This could also lead to a Ob Nixilis vs. Nahnri Duel deck in the future!

This makes since to me, but how about you guys? It would give love to each color in this set, while also giving some sweet lore. (white would get a little exrea love, but who cares).

I just think Jace and Chandra have been printed way to many times... All the Chandras have been disappointing, while Jace has been dominating in every format. I just want some verity!

October 22, 2015 1:59 p.m. Edited.

skimask38 says... #6

I love this rendition of the deck and I would run most of this stuff if I had more money to acquire things like Doubling Season and Crucible of Worlds #recentcollegegradproblems. The only area where I think you might run into trouble is keeping your card draw up. I know that even in my deck Omnath, Locus of Rage - Damage on Arrival, I still need more fuel for the fire. With this deck lineup, you might not have the problem. +1 Omnath Brothers For Life!

October 22, 2015 3:57 p.m.

VexenX says... #7

skimask38: Thank you for the support! Doubling Season is a card that is great in the deck, but I would go with budget options first, like Parallel Lives. However, Crucible of Worlds is worth every penny! I first bought one for my Daretti, Scrap Savant deck, but not it is in this deck (and proxied in the other deck, tell I want to buy another one...)

How have your games been going with your deck? I am currently 11-0! All of these games have ranged from 3-5 players, but I think this deck would be a complete tank 1v1! Have you found any cards that have been All-Stars? I would love to hear how things are going from a fellow Omnath Brother!

October 23, 2015 12:27 a.m.

skimask38 says... #8

VexenX - so far only 2 games with my deck and I am 1 - 1. I lost to ... another Omnath deck!!!!!!!! We both got targeted so hard in the game that we defended each other. I ended up going Kamikaze to help insure an Omnath victory. Zendikar's Roil and Song of the Dryads have been the MVP's in my games due to doubling elemental tokens that are already getting doubled, and locking down the enemy commander. Sadly now my playgroup is heavily tooling against the wrath of the Omnath due to 3 of the 8 people who have made a variation of the deck. 1v1 this deck is dumb, they need to have every answer or run a cheap combo deck to have a chance against it.

October 23, 2015 2:21 a.m.

VexenX says... #9

skimask38: I actually just took Zendikar's Roil out of the deck. I was kind of lackluster every time I drew it. If it made 3/3s or bigger then it might be a different story. It would interact better with cards like Elemental Bond. It would even be sweet if it made 1/1s so that Skullclamp would work. It is a fun card, that is a great budget option.

Song of the Dryads is definitely good as a second Beast Within. Ill have to think about if it is worth including.

I am so glad to hear that things are going so well! I played a 5 way OM_RATH match-up last week! My deck was the most stacked, so it didn't take to long for me to blowup the board. I think I killed all 4 of them by turn 7 or 8. Warstorm Surge on turn 4 is just nuts... lol.

October 23, 2015 3:04 p.m.

irongills says... #10

An Enormous Green Red Rage Monster Playtest

Commander / EDH irongills


Mind taking a look at my version of this deck?

October 23, 2015 4:04 p.m.

Atrent3 says... #11

Hey I love the deck feels close to my build I like it. How do you find it runs in your play group?

October 24, 2015 12:50 p.m.

VexenX says... #12

Atrent3 : My deck has been dominating! It does an AMAZING job of killing 3 players out of nowhere. To be honest most games I knock out the two biggest threats in one turn, then take out the weakest link the following turn. 3 way games seem to be ideal.

October 24, 2015 2:07 p.m.

Atrent3 says... #13

Acts the same as my deck although since I've built him its more archenemy that edh. Hahaha

October 24, 2015 2:57 p.m.

TehPudding says... #14

I'd like to suggest Asceticism. It always sounds like a great addition for creature-based decks. :D

October 25, 2015 8:17 p.m.

TehPudding says... #15

Oops! I'd also like to know what your thoughts on Far Wanderings and Recross the Paths for ramping, and Courser of Kruphix as a second Oracle of Mul Daya.

October 25, 2015 8:26 p.m.

Atrent3 says... #16

Courser of kruphx is amazing in this deck.

October 25, 2015 8:53 p.m.

VexenX says... #17

TehPudding: Asceticism is something that I have been thinking about. I just don't know what I would take out for it. But giving all your stuff Hexproof and Regenerate seemed pretty good! The only reason it is not in there now is because I would rather get two land and two 5/5s for , as strange as that might sound, lol

Far Wanderings seems fine. I would not be against adding it, but I would add Nissa's Pilgrimage first.

I think Recross the Paths would miss to often because of all of the lands in my deck. My average cmc is 3.7 (more like 1.7 with all the land).

I agree with Atrent3 that Courser of Kruphix is great in this deck. I cut it from my list because I needed the slot. In a slightly more budget deck he will always be in, and he might just find his way back into my list someday.

October 25, 2015 9:21 p.m.

What about adding Mountain Valley as another fetch?

October 26, 2015 2:44 a.m.

VexenX says... #19

CoconutsMigrate: First of all, thank you so much for you +1! The support means a lot!

Mountain Valley is another great alternative to fetchlands! My only problem is that I can't really afford to take out another basic land. Do u think it is better then Jund Panorama?

October 28, 2015 1:28 a.m.