Commander / EDH Suns_Champion

SCORE: 675 | 218 COMMENTS | 65539 VIEWS | IN 228 FOLDERS

200 Upvotes! 2 Changes! Got me a cold pop! —July 4, 2018

I want to thank everyone who has Upvoted and Commented and helped make this the deck it is today. I've put a lot of work into Neheb so I'm glad it's getting all this love. This is my first 200+ deck. Thank you!

IN: Jaya Ballard and Khorvath's Fury

OUT: Chandra, Flamecaller and Reforge the Soul

I've been looking to replace Chandra for a while now, and the new Jaya seems like a cheaper, better version of her with selective draw, flexibility with two +1s, the ability to fly under the radar, and a more useful ultimate. Replacing reforge the soul is a suprise, but K-Fury is almost the perfect card in this deck, able to deal damage and draw me cards, meaning I could gain loads of mana and dump a bad hand into game winning gas, all with just one card. I'm hoping these changes will help me out.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading!

TrueLycan says... #1

how about Helm of the Host and Jaya Ballard ?

Both of those have done wonders for my own Neheb build, With Helm giving an even more absurd amount of mana because suddently we have 2 neheb triggers. And it's high cast/equip cost really isn't a problem with the amount of mana Neheb makes.

Jaya replaced Chandra, Flamecaller in my deck. Since Flamecaller was primeraly used for its 0 ability. Jaya just seemed to do that job, but stricktly better, and the ramp for spells was nice as well.

May 19, 2018 10:49 a.m.

Suns_Champion says... #2

TrueLycan Thanks for the comment! Not a fan of the Helm but I'll take a serious look at Jaya. She does seem like a much better Chandra, Flamecaller... has the same draw power and some late game recursion which I need. Thanks!

May 20, 2018 10:35 a.m.

dresmith says... #3

If building all red, I like to throw in Magus of the Moon

June 11, 2018 11:26 a.m.

thijmnesoy says... #4

Garmads I wouldn't take out Aggravated Assault because it's way too fun for that. Kaboom! is definitely a must have because it's so much fun and it adds the randomness that red can give you. Dualcaster Mage, Fire Servant, Tunneling Geopede, Sunbird's Invocation, Stolen Strategy, Thieves' Auction and Bonus Round are also really fun.

for a more budget and casual version. maybe take a look at my deck: Neheb, The Fireflinger (MRB-Ramp)

June 11, 2018 12:01 p.m.