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Melek, Izzet Paragon - The True 1%er

Commander / EDH Creatureless Storm UR (Izzet)



Sorcery (1)

Enchantment (1)

Artifact (1)


This deck is heavily inspired by this one, though there are several differences.

There are a number of combos here, but the most important one is Melek, Izzet Paragon + Proteus Staff . Melek is the only creature in this deck, meaning that I can use the staff to stack my entire library. As soon as I am able to do this I can pull out pretty much any of the win-cons I desire.

Most of these are going to be ramping mana with spells like Pyretic Ritual , Jeska's Will , High Tide , Mana Geyser , etc. (probably preceeded by Bonus Round ), and then just fill the x up on a Comet Storm . I could also just use that mana to cast spell after spell and as long as I have something like Sentinel Tower out, it'll just ping them away - though that's definitely exhausting. However, having Aetherflux Reservoir out would make the process go a lot quicker.

Another element in this deck is Possibility Storm . This card is a personal favorite so even if the deck might be able to function better without it, I've decided to run it. With that said, it does have some added benefits. First, it doubles storm counts because you cast the first spell, and then dig for a different spell. So every time you cast out of hand, you're casting 2 spells. So if I'm going the storm burn route with Sentinel Tower or pumping up my life with Aetherflux Reservoir , it gets there faster. Second, it limits how intentional my opponents can be with interaction since they don't know if they actually will have an answer for me. While they will generally be a little handicapped, I am still able to play what I want so long as its from my library, or my graveyard (with spells like Mizzix's Mastery . Even beyond that, if I have something like Thousand-Year Storm out, I can still get the effect from card I cast an instant or sorcery from hand via the copy AND I get the doubling casting triggers and the possibility of another helpful spell. And, TBH, I just think it adds a really fun flare to the game.

Tibalt's Trickery is a new and welcome addition to the deck and, combined with the Proteus Staff Combo, can be game-winning. By stacking the deck with something like Pyretic Ritual on top and Tibalt's Trickery underneath (with possibly another copy facilitator like Twincast or Bonus Round , I can essentially get everything I need to when the game. For example: Pyretic Ritual -> Tibalt's Trickery -> Twincast -> 3 lands... So long as Melek is out, I get 4 copies of Tibalt. I can counter the copy of Pyretic ritual, then proceed to cheat out literally any pieces I need, so long as their separated by 3 lands. For example, Aetherflux Reservior -> (3 lands) -> Eye of the Storm -> (3 lands) -> Sphinx-Bone Wand (3 lands) -> Mana Geyser -> Reiterate . Infinite combo till you fill the reservoir/get enough damage on the wand. There are a ton of different ways that this could work, but Tibalt's Trickery makes it possible to get any pieces you need out as well as essentially paying for the spells.



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96% Competitive

Date added 4 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

34 - 3 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

20 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.58
Tokens Treasure
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