
My take on a Pyromancer's Goggles deck. Highlight to read descriptions.

This deck is a port from this deck here UR Goggles. It really surprised me that BFZ didn't contain a replacement for Lightning Strike. I was always eyeing some of the Mardu builds for Crackling Doom and finally got the spur to make the change.

Basic Premise: At it's heart this is a Control deck using removal, burn and draw to stay ahead of your opponent. The real fun comes when you hit 5 mana. Pyromancer's Goggles does some silly stupid things with this deck. Finishers are Master the Way, Soulfire Grand Master, Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and good old-fashioned face burning.

Card Discussions (Alphabetically):


Alhammarret's Archive -

This serves kinds like a second goggles (skating the legend rule). Makes Insight, Voice significantly better overwhelming the opponent with card advantage. Also doubling the life-gain of our Grandmasters and lands isn't irrelevant in some match-ups.

- A sad loss to rotation, the reason the deck went Mardu+u :(

Crackling Doom -

The reason this deck went into black and white. Works with Radiant Flames to keep us alive and control creatures. The incidental damage add up as well.

Exquisite Firecraft -

Kills creatures then goes for eight when Goggles is online. Often uncounterable excellent versus control.

Fiery Impulse -

Excellent early game interaction and can kill most creatures post- goggles. We have Spell Mastery when it matters almost always.

Lightning Strike -

Sadly missed.

Kolaghan's Command -

Another reason to go black. A maindeck way to destroy Orbs of Warding. The utility is excellent. Sadly, you can't change modes when copied but by that point in the game double discard, double burn is usually good.

Magmatic Insight -

This card goes from decent to insane when goggles enabled. One mana, discard a land, DRAW FOUR also lets us turn extra CIPT lands into gas. Only running three because I found it awkward to cast early and frustrating to draw with out the land to discard.

Master the Way

When Goggles is online this can easily do 3-17+ Damage (0-7 cards in hand while cast respectively) while drawing cards; that sounds like a mana-efficient Claw's that draws us cards.

Pyromancer's Goggles -

Not much more to be said other than it's not back breaking if this gets countered or destroyed but runs away with games if it stays in play.

Radiant Flames -

With a 4-color manabase this serves as an acceptable replacement for Anger. The exile clause will be sorely missed vs Hangerback.

Soulfire Grand Master -

Saw a few of the Mardu builds running this so I thought I'd try it out. With all the burn the life-gain seems significant and the ability to buyback a spell to close out the game pushes over the edge to include. Also has synergy with Kolaghan's Command.

Tormenting Voice -

See Magmatic Insight, except this lets us filter anything out of our hand.

Treasure Cruise -

This deck puts A LOT of cards in the graveyard why not play with a Ancestral Recall impersonator. Early when we only have 4-5 cards in the yard as a 3 mana draw three it's still good.

Ugin, the Spirit Dragon -

Another finisher and catch-all. Gives us some additional end-game inevitability along side grandmaster.

Feel free to post suggestions. Please +1 if you like the deck.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 3 Mythic Rares

22 - 6 Rares

10 - 2 Uncommons

11 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.36
Tokens Warrior 1/1 W
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