The original concept behind this deck revolves around trying to place multiple eon counters on a copy of Magosi, the Waterveil with proliferate effects and then using those extra eon counters to take multiple turns from there. HOWEVER, THIS DOES NOT WORK DUE TO MAGOSI HAVING TO RETURN TO HAND ON ACTIVATION.

The "If it worked game plan"

  1. Establish early development with Sakura-Tribe Scout.

  2. Bounce opponents boards with Boomerang and Eye of Nowhere buying us time to set up.

  3. Put a copy of magosi into play and start putting counters on it.

  4. Use said counters to take extra turns which we can use to start attacking our opponent. Thrummingbird was looking amazing as a way to keep recurring eon counters and take extra turns. (It felt splinter twin like to me.)

That's basically the idea in a nutshell. Any ideas on how to make this work? I'd love to hear some feedback even if it's just "neat idea".

AFTERNOTE: Things I've considered. Amulet of Vigor to speed up the magosi activations.


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100% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

19 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

20 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.41
Tokens Citizen 2/2 WUBRG
Folders Random idea decks
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