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Leave me the F*ck Alone!!

Commander / EDH*


"Leave me the F*ck Alone!" He heard as he saw the shape disappear into the forest. He couldn't believe his luck, his first day as spotter and he found the monster within the first few hours! They spent the next few heading deeper and deeper into places he had only seen marked "don't go" on maps. He whistled back to his scout crew and heard the whistle run down the line through the trees. They were in deep bog, a mix of forest and swamp that made traveling in a group difficult.

Then he heard the whistle coming back, but it didn't make sense. Three sharp staccato notes meant "GET OUT NOW!" Then as he heard the whistle cut out with a scream and a gurgle. He tried to decide whether to move ahead or head back towards the screams and felt a chill down his spine, then a hand on his shoulder.. as he turned around he felt the hand slip off, and then heard it "thud" as it hit the ground. Looking behind him he came face to face with the maw of....

  1. Intro:

The Gitrog has great colors and apparently the dredge mechanic is a thing. After kicking it off once it seems pretttty broken, and not in the good way. I don't mind HAVING the dredge mechanic, but I do not think it's the only land mechanic that synergizes well with the gitrog.

To that end, I tried to make the deck a fairly balanced mid-game cruiser. It has some, but not a TON of removal right now, and my card choices are some pretty vanilla "landfall" triggers. Although fun, EDH allows for some really wonky non-linear wins.

The last few sets (Innistrad/Amonkhet) really boosted the cycling/discard mechanic so I want to come up with a wonky set of interactive combo cards and outlets that give me a bonus (madness?) and since lands are becoming more and more recurrable from the graveyard I'll have to rely on Crucible of the Worlds less.

  1. Card Choices


There's enough sweet enchantments to make people's lives difficult and fodder for their burn cards as I'll always be drawing threats.

land speed is cheap with enchantments like Exploration and Burgeoning, but can be a problem if there is not enough card draw to fuel the land dumps. As much as I love Bitterblossom for flavor and the cheap flyers, I almost wonder if it lacks synergy and should be dumped for a mana ramp spell considering the issues I've been having. Bitterblossom doesn't win me games outright but not having land in hand suuuucks.

Other enchantments are all about making attacking me or killing my creatures a problem for them too. Pestilence, Grave Pact, and No Mercy are the heavy hitters here. Mind Slash is super fun too, but I don't have a TON of token generation so it's more of a red herring for opponents than anything.

Might take out Retreat to Kazandu as it is fairly vanilla compared to the other engines I can put into place.


Green and black have good ETB and other effects, but I have not quite dialed down my mix of synergy and board stability. In my experience a deck has to 1) do what it does well, and 2) stop others from doing what they do in order to succeed. I don't want to combo out but I do want to make people "leave me the f*ck alone" in the true spirit of the swamp.


Short list, all utility. Couple equipments to protect my commander (cuz duh), Crucible of Worlds of course, and a gorgeous Sol Ring masterpiece.


These are all fun tutors, land ramp, mass removal, and some end game cards like Genesis Wave, Praetor's Counsel, and Overrun.


Removal and some lightning answer tutors. Sorry but there are some real threats and I need to take them out quick on the board. Considering putting in Beast Within even if it gives them a token.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 98
Avg. CMC 3.57
Tokens Assassin 1/1 B w/ Player Killer, Beast 3/3 B, Beast 4/4 G, Clue, Elf Druid 1/1 G, Emblem Garruk, Apex Predator, Emblem Nissa, Vital Force, Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, Insect 1/1 G w/ Flying, Deathtouch, Plant 0/1 G, Saproling 1/1 G
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